
A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology

by José Ángel García Landa

(University of Zaragoza, Spain)






Bolton, Edmund. Nero Caesar, or Monarchie Depraved. 1624.

Bushnell, R. W. Tragedies of Tyrants: Political Thought and Theater in the English Renaissance. Ithaca: Cornell UP, 1990.

Bushnell, Rebecca. "Tyranny and Effeminacy in Early Modern England." In Reconsidering the Renaissance. Ed. Mario A. Di Cesare. Binghampton (NY): Medieval and Renaissance Texts and Studies, 1992. 339-54.

Fischer, Sandra K. "Elizabeth Cary and Tyranny, Domestic and Religious." In Silent but for the Word: Tudor Women as patrons, Translators, and Writers of Religious Works. Ed. Margaret P. Hannay. Kent (OH): Kent State UP, 1985. 225-37.

García Landa, José Angel. (Bush y las pretensiones de los tiranos). In García Landa, Blog de notas 21 Jan. 2005.


_____."Genios, mediocres y tiranos." In García Landa, Vanity Fea 9 Dec. 2007.


_____. "Grave solución de continuidad." In García Landa, Vanity Fea 18 May 2009.*


Hegel, G. W. F. "Absolute Freedom and Terror." In From Modernism to Postmodernism: An Anthology. Ed. Lawrence E. Cahoone. Oxford: Blackwell, 1996. 83-90.*

La Boétie, Etienne de. Discours de la servitude volontaire. Written 1546-1555. Pub 1574, 1576.

_____. Le discours de la servitude volontaire. Paris: Payot, 1976.

_____. Discours de la servitude volontaire


_____. Discours de la servitude volontaire. In Wikisource.


_____. Discurso de la servidumbre voluntaria o el Contra uno. Madrid: Tecnos, 1986.

_____. Sobre la servidumbre voluntaria.


_____. Oeuvres complètes d'Estienne de La Boétie. Geneva: Slatkine Reprints, 1967

Levin, Mark R. Liberty and Tyranny: A Conservative Manifesto.


Pina Polo, Fco. "The Tyrant Must Die: Preventive Tyrannicide in Roman Political Thought." In Repúblicas y ciudadanos: Modelos de participación cívica en el mundo antiguuo. By Fco. Marco, Fco. Pina and J. Femesal. Barcelona, 2006. 71-102.

Spengler, Oswald. "El Estado." In Spengler, La decadencia de Occidente II. Barcelona: RBA, 2005. 501-718.* (I. El problema de las clases: nobleza y clase sacerdotal. II. El Estado y la Historia. III. Filosofía de la política). (Government, constitutions, absolutism, parties, bourgeoise, tyranny…).

Strauss, Leo. On Tyranny. 1948. (On Xenophon, Hiero of Syracuse or On Tyranny).

_____. On Tyranny, Including the Strauss-Kojève Correspondence. Ed. Victor Gourevitch and Michael S. Roth. New York: Free Press, 1991. 1993.

_____. Sobre la tiranía. 1948. Ediciones Encuentro, 2005. (Includes Kojève's commentary on Leo Strauss).

Voltaire. "Tiranía." From Diccionario Filosófico. In Voltaire, Cartas filosóficas. Diccionario filosófico. Memorias para servir a la vida de Voltaire escritas por él mismo. Prologue by Fernando Savater. Introd. Martí Domínguez. (Grandes Pensadores Gredos; Voltaire, I). Madrid: Gredos, 2010. Rpt. Barcelona: RBA, 2014. 290.*


The Duchess of Malfi. Dir. James MacTaggart. Based on John Webster's play. Cast: Eileen Atkins - The Duchess; Michael Bryant - Daniel de Bosola; Charles Kay - Ferdinand, Duke of Calabria; T.P. McKenna - The Cardinal; Gary Bond - Antonio Bologna; Jean Gilpin - Julia; Jerome Willis - Delio; Sheila Ballantine - Cariola; Tim Curry - a madman. BBC TV, 10 Oct. 1972. Online at YouTube (Lothriel) 15 May 2010.*


Macbeth. By William Shakespeare. Dir. Rupert Goold. Cast: Sir Patrick Stewart, Kate Fleetwood. Theatre set and costume des. Anthony Ward. Ed. Trevor Waite. Composer sound, Adam Cork. Photog. Sam McCurdy. Exec prod. BBC, Mark Bell. Exec prod., David Horn. Based on the Chichester Festival Theatre prod. of Macbeth. UK: Thirteen / Illuminations / BBC / DVD. UK: WNET.ORG, 2010.*


Barthelme, Donald. "The Emperor." Story. New Yorker. Rpt. in Sixty Stories. (Chinese tyranny).

_____. "The Emperor." Story. In Barthelme, Sixty Stories. New York: Penguin, 1993. 429-32.*

La Boétie, Etienne de. Discours de la servitude volontaire. Written 1546-1555. Pub 1574, 1576.

_____. Le discours de la servitude volontaire. Paris: Payot, 1976.

_____. Discours de la servitude volontaire


_____. Discours de la servitude volontaire. In Wikisource.


_____. Le Discours sur la servitude volontaire. Suivi de Les Paradoxes de la servitude volontaire. Ed. Olivier Remaud et al. Paris: Vrin, 2002.

_____. Discurso de la servidumbre voluntaria o el Contra uno. Madrid: Tecnos, 1986.

_____. Sobre la servidumbre voluntaria.


_____. "Discurso sobre la servidumbre voluntaria." Scribd (luisdo)


Moore, Alan, and David Lloyd. V for Vendetta. Vols. 1-10. DC Comics, 1988, 1989.

_____. V de Vendetta. Comic book. Barcelona: Planeta-DeAgostini, 2006.*

_____. The Absolute V for Vendetta. DC Comics, 2009.

_____. Edición Absolute V de Vendetta. Barcelona: Planeta DeAgostini, 2010.*

Shakespeare, William. Richard III. many editions

_____. Julius Caesar. many editions

_____. Macbeth. many editions

Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr. The Gulag Archipelago.

_____. Archipiélago Gulag (1918-1956). (Andanzas, 326). Barcelona: Tusquets.

_____. (Alexandre Soljénitsyne). L’Archipel du Goulag. Paris: Seuil, 1974.

_____. El primer círculo. Trans. Josep María Güell. Barcelona: Tusquets, 1992.

_____. Entre el autoritarismo y la explotación, seguido de Una candela bajo el viento. Ediciones de Bolsillo.

Webster, John. The Duchess of Malfi. many editions


Gilbert, W. S., and Arthur Sullivan. The "Mikado"; or, The Town of Titipu. Richard van Allan (Poo-Bah), Richard Angas (The Mikado of Japan), Bonaventura Bottone (Nanki-Poo), Susan Bullock (Peep-Bo); Lesley Garrett (Yum-Yum), Eric Idle (Ko-Ko), Felicity Palmer (Katisha), Mark Richardson (Pish-Tush), Ethna Robinson (Pitti-Sing). Orchestra and Chorus of the English National Opera (at the London Coliseum) / Peter Robinson. TV film dir. John Michael Phillips. Prod. Jonathan Miller. Thames TV, 1987. YouTube (Jim Manson) 6 Nov. 2014.*


See also Monarchy; Absolutism; Dictatorship; Despotism; Fascism; Totalitarianism; State terrorism.


"El caso Stauffenberg: Un análisis ético del atentado del 20 de julio de 1944." Filosofía práctica y liberalismo



Shakespeare. Julius Caesar. many editions

See also Stauffenberg, Claus von; Shakespeare (Julius Caesar).


Buchanan, George. The Tyrannous Reign of Mary Stewart, George Buchanan's Account. Ed. and trans. W. A. Gatherer. Edinburgh: Edinburgh UP, 1958.


The Last King of Scotland. Dir. Kevin Macdonald. Written by Peter Morgan and Jeremy Brock, based on the novel by Giles Foden. Cast: Forest Whitaker, James McAvoy, Kerry Washington, Simon McBurney, Gillian Anderson. Music by Alex Heffes. Ed. Justine Wright. Prod. des. Michael Carlin. Photog. Anthony Dod Mantle. Prod. Andrea Calderwood, Lisa Bryer and Charles Steel. UK / USA: Fox Searchlight Pictures / Una Films / Filmfour / UK Film Council / Scottish Screen / Cowboy Films / Slate Films, 2007. Spanish DVD: El último rey de Escocia. Madrid: Twentieth Century Fox, 2007.*


Nabokov, Vladimir. Tyrants destroyed.

_____. Bend Sinister.

Shelley, P. B. "Ozymandias." Poem. 1817, pub. 1818. In Shelley's Poetry and Prose. Ed. Donald H. Reiman and Sharon B. Powers. (Norton Critical Edition). New York: Norton, 1977. 103.*

_____. "Ozymandias." In The Arnold Anthology of British and Irish Literature in English. Ed. Robert Clark and Thomas Healy. London: Arnold, 1997. 752.*

_____. "Ozymandias." In The Norton Anthology of English Literature. Gen. ed. M. H. Abrams with Stephen Greenblatt. Vol. 2. New York: Norton, 1999. 75-27.*

_____. "Ozymandias." Spanish trans. by Leopoldo Panero. In Poetas románticos ingleses: Antología. [Ed. José María Valverde. Trans. José María Valverde and Leopoldo Panero.] (Historia de la Literatura). Barcelona: RBA, 2002. 143.*

_____. "Ozymandias." In Perrine's Literature: Structure, Sound, and Sense. By Thomas R. Arp and Greg Johnson. 8th ed. Boston (MA): Thomson Learning-Heinle & Heinle, 2002. 838-39.*

_____. "Ozymandias." Poem of the Week #46.*