The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Foundation’s 2014 Summer Youth Initiative was created to provide support for high quality summer programs that blend academic learning with enriching activities to increase positive social behavior and academic achievement. Of specific interest are summer programs that promote STEM, prepare children for kindergarten, improve student literacy and math proficiency, build character, reduce summer learning loss, and have an evaluation component.

The Summer Youth Initiative is specifically designed to support programs that address one or more of the following goals:

  • Decrease summer academic learning loss
  • Promote literacy and reading competencies
  • Increase STEM competency
  • Provide meaningful summer employment/internship opportunities
  • Prepare children to be successful in kindergarten
  • Improve life skills(communications, leadership, self-empowerment, communication, problem solving/decision making, conflict resolution and teamwork)
  • Include, serve and meet the needs of children with disabilities
  • Provide access to healthy food

Eligibility Requirements

  • Applicant must be a nonprofit organization with 501(c) (3) status, and in operation for a minimum of three years.
  • Must primarily serve low-income youth who are Baltimore City residents.
  • The program must serve youth (ages 0-18) over the summer months.
  • Applicants must:
  • have paid staff who are responsible for administration, implementation, and finances;
  • strive to accelerate academic achievement and promote healthy development as a central goal of the program; and,
  • demonstrate a strong commitment to providing high quality summer learning in low-income communities.
  • Preference will be given to programs that offer a minimum of 80 hours of programming for each youth and are enrollment-based.
  • Preference will be given to programs serving the following communities: Rosemont, Cherry Hill, Westport, O’Donnell Heights, Perkins Homes, Old Town, Gay Street, Carrolton Ridge, Upton, McElderry Park, Madison East End, Montford, Four By Four and Orchard Ridge.

Only programs that serve low-income Baltimore City youth will be considered for grant support.Grants awards will not exceed $50,000.

Applications are due on or before Wednesday, March 12, 2014.


Organization Information

Name of Organization:


Contact Person and Title:

Telephone Number:

Annual Operating Budget:

Number of Staff: Full time Part Time

Age of organization:

Organization Mission:

Program, Goals and Outcomes

Funding Amount Requested:

Program Target Area (Please list communities served):

Number of children/youth to be served:

Goal for average daily attendance: %

Ages of children/youth to be served: HS MS ELPre-K

Confirm with data that your program will serve low-income/vulnerable youth:

Program Site Location(s): Provider Site School Name Other

Address of Program Site(s):

Program Start Date:

Program End Date:

Total number of program hours for each participating youth:

How long has your organization been offering summer programming?

What age range of youth have you served in the last two years?

2013 HS MS EL Pre-K

2012 HS MS EL Pre-K

For each of the last two years, what was the total enrollment of your program?



For each of the last two years, what was the average daily attendance of your program?

2013 %

2012 %

What will be your recruitment strategies for reaching your programs enrollment target?

What is the focus area of your summer program? (Check all that apply)

Decrease summer academic learning loss

Promote literacy and reading competency

Increase STEM competency

Provide meaningful summer employment/internship opportunities

Prepare children to be successful in kindergarten

Improve life skills (communications, leadership, self-empowerment, communication, problem solving/decision making skills, conflict resolution and teamwork)

Include, serve and meet the needs of children with disabilities

Provide access to healthy food and activities

Describe your summer program: (limit to one paragraph)

Measuring success

State your youth outcome goals for your summer program:

Goal 1:

I will measure this goal by:

Goal 2:

I will measure this goal by:

Goal 3:

I will measure this goal by:

What data will your summer program collect?

Will you administer pre and post program assessments?


Describe your plans for ensuring youth transportation to your program and returning home.


Describe your plans for ensuring that youth have access to healthy meals during the summer.


Please complete the attachment showing a typical daily or weekly schedule for participants in your program.

Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday

Summer Staffing

Total number of summer programming staff:

Total number of certified teachers on your programming staff:

Student to instructor ratio:

What training do you offer staff, and how is training delivered?

Partnerships and Collaboration

Describe any planned partnerships you feel will benefit youth in your summer program.


Please provide the following:

  • A copy of your organization’s Internal Revenue Service exemption letter or proof of 501(c) 3 status.
  • A complete itemized program budget indicating the amount being requested and other funding sources (Use attached budget form).
  • A copy of your organization’s most recent audited financial statement, outside financial review or IRS forms 990.
  • A list of the Board of Directors.


DETAILED PROJECT BUDGET: Please provide a list of all relevant expenses that you are requesting that THJWF fund. This includes a brief description for each line item.

Project Expense
Line Items / Description / Total Program Budget / Funds Requested
Salary/ Personnel
Fringe/ Benefits
Materials/ Supplies
Other Expenses
Other Expenses
Other Expenses

FUNDING SOURCES: Please list the top funding sources for this project/program. Only list a funding source if you are requesting or have secured funding.

FUNDING SOURCE / Name / Amount Requested / Amount Secured
Funder 1
Funder 2
Funder 3
Funder 4
Funder 5
(Fundraising Gap)

Please submit the completed form along with any supporting documents to .