AlliancePrimary School, Sheung Shui


A Collection of

Students’ Writing


Congratulations to our students!

Their enthusiasm for writing gave birth to this heartfelt collection. We can’t help but show our appreciation of them. We hope that you enjoy reading it and share a great sense of achievement with our lovely and energetic students. Last but by no means least, there’s no doubt that;

Alliance’s writers are

Progressive in different aspects,

Sincere at heart,

Sensible in thought, and

Sunny in character.

It’s time for us to turn the page and say


English Panel


1.In The Park……………………………………….………………………….….………P.1

2.In The Park……………………………………………..……………………….………P.1

3.To Town………………………………..…………….…...……….………………..….. P.2

4.To Town…………………………………..………….………………….………………P.2

5.With My Body...... P.3

6.With My Body...... P.3

7.My Lovely Dog...... P.4

8. A Lion...... P.4

9.Weather Report...... P.5

10.Weather Report...... P.5

11.There is a Giraffe in the Forest...... P.6

12.The Earth...... P.6

13.Celebrating Mother’s Day...... P.7

14.Celebrating Mother’s Day...... P.7

15.Celebrating Mother’s Day...... P.8

16.Celebrating Mother’s Day...... P.8

17. My Best Friend...... P.9

18. Favourite Food in HK...... P.10

19. Report on Joe’s Living Habits...... P.11

20. Report on Joe’s Living Habits...... P12

21. My Two-Day tour...... P.13

22. My Two-Day tour...... P.14

23. A Relaxing Day...... P.15

24. I Can Play Well Too...... P.16

25. Travelling Tips...... P.17

26. Travelling Tips...... P.18

27. Travelling Tips...... P.19

28. Travelling Tips...... P.20

29. Travelling Tips...... P.21

30. Travelling Tips...... P.22

31. My Cousin’s Visit...... P.23

32. My Cousin’s Visit……………………………...... …………….....P.24

33. Endangered Animals...... P.25

34. My Joyful Experience...... P.26

35. Endangered Animals...... P27

36. Endangered Animals...... P.28

1A Trixie

In The Park

I am in the park.

I can see some flowers with my eyes.

I can hear some bees with my ears.

I can smell some grass with my nose.

I can touch some birds with my hands.

I can walk on the grass with my legs.

I feel great.

1A LoLo

In The Park

I am in the park.

I can see some flowers with my eyes.

I can hear some birds sing with my ears.

I can smell some flowers with my nose.

I can play on a slide with my legs.

I can hear the wind with my ears.

I feel great!

1B Sunn

To Town

I go to Fanling by minibus.

I go to Sheung Shui by bus.

I go to Tai Po by train.

I go to Shatin by car.

I go to Tai Wai by taxi.

I go to Tsim Sha Tsui by MTR.

I go to CausewayBay by tram.

I feel great!

1B Joelon

To Town

I go to Japan by plane.

I go to Sham Shui Po by train.

I go home by car.

I go to Australia by plane.

I go to school by car.

I go to the farm by motorbike.

I feel happy!

1C Roy Chin

With My Body

I am in the house.

With my hands, I can touch the desk.

With my eyes, I can watch TV.

With my mouth, I can have the breakfast.

With my nose, I can smell the bread.

With my ears, I can hear the music.

I feel glad!

1C Eric Yu

With My Body

I am in the house.

With my hands, I can touch my desk.

With my eyes, I can watch TV.

With my ears, I can hear the music.

With my arms, I can hug my father and mother.

With my legs, I can jump and walk.

I feel great!


My Lovely Dog

There is a dog eating in the living room. The little dog is eating in the living room. It is small. It is brown and white. It has short ears and four short legs. It has blue eyes. It likes eating dog food. It is lovely and cute. I love my dog.

2A Terence

A Lion

There is a lion running in the forest. It is big and strong. It has a long tail and a big mouth. It likes running in the forest. The forest is home to a lion. Let’s take care of the forest.

2B Daniel

Weather Report

Yesterday, the weather was foggy. I went to the RailwayMuseum with my teacher and classmates. I saw some trains. I visited the railway and the trains. I feel happy.

The weather is fine today. In the morning, I had an acupuncture treatment in CausewayBay. I feel happy because I am brave.

It will be sunny tomorrow. I will go to church with my dad and mum. I will meet my best friend, Justin.

2B Nathan

Weather Report

Yesterday was a sunny day. I felt hot. I went hiking with my friend Adam. We had a good time together.

Today is a rainy day. It is wet and foggy. I played with my toys at home all the day.

Tomorrow will be a cloudy day. I will go shopping with my mum in Shatin. I hope she will buy a new toy for me there.

2C Zoe

There is a Giraffe in the Forest

There is a giraffe in the forest. This hard-working giraffe is running happily among the trees. It is yellow and orange. It is big. There are some spots on its body. It has a pair of big eyes. It has a short tail and four long legs. It likes eating next to the trees. It is pretty.

2C Kenny

The Earth

Dear Ryan,

Do you like animals? Animals need their homes. Let’s help the animals!

Let’s take care of the Earth. The rainforest is home to jaguars and parrots. Don’t cut down the trees. Don’t litter. Don’t make a fire.

Let’s take care of the desert. The desert is home to snakes and rabbits. Don’t throw rubbish in the desert. Don’t make the desert dirty.

Yours sincerely,


3A Joey

Celebrating Mother’s Day

Last Sunday, it was Mother’s Day. I went shopping in Tsim Sha Tsui with my mother in the morning. In the afternoon, my family and I had a party in a Chinese restaurant. I bought her a bunch of flowers and drew her a card. In the evening, we saw the night view in Central. She felt cheerful.

3A Ken

Celebrating Mother’s Day

Last Sunday, it was Mother’s Day. The weather was hot. I went to Tsim Sha Tsui with my mother and sister in the morning. It was great. My sister and I bought her a beautiful dress and a bunch of flowers.

In the afternoon, we felt very hungry. We went to a restaurant. We ate a lot. After that, we went to ride bicycles in the country park.

In the evening, we had a party. I gave her a card and my sister gave her a purse. We went to eat a lot. I baked a cake for her and my sister and I said, ‘Happy Mother’s Day’ to her. She felt cheerful.

3B Penny Fok

Celebrating Mother’s Day

Last Sunday, it was Mother’s Day. I went to Yeun Long to have lunch with my parents. My Grandma, Grandpa, Uncles and Aunties joined together. We ate a lot of dim sum. I didn’t only kiss Mum’s face but also kissed Grandma’s face. I bought them some flowers. Mum and Grandma were very happy.

3B Jeremy So

Celebrating Mother’s Day

Last Sunday, it was Mother’s Day. Mum took a rest the whole day. How did we celebrate Monday’s Day? We gave Mum a ‘Big Rest Day’. She was very happy.

In the morning, we went to church. In the afternoon, we had lunch at McDonald’s. We met Sam. We were happy.

After lunch, we took a nap with Mum. Mum was tired. She slept for two hours. My brother gave her a massage. Mum felt great. Dad and I bought her some egg tarts. They were tasty.

Mum was glad to have a ‘Big Rest Day’.
3C Aggie

My Best Friend

Yuki is my best friend. She is kind because she always listens to me. She is my classmate. She sits behind me and next to Mary. She lives in Fanling.

She does not shout at me or laugh at me. She plays with me and talks to me. She likes dancing.

What does she like? Can you guess?

3C Justin

Favourite Food in HK

Dear Uncle David,

How are you? I miss you very much. I am writing to tell you more about the Hong Kong food.

My friend, Tom, likes cocktail buns. I like cocktail buns too. We eat them in Tsui Wah Restaurant. We like eating them for breakfast. We like them because they are sweet and yummy. Why don’t you try them?

Tom does like roast geese. I like roast geese too. We eat them in Sham Tseng. They taste crispy and yummy. We feel well when we eat them.

Please write back soon.



4A Vanessa

Report on Joe’s Living Habits

This report is to help Joe to improve his bad habits.

Joe has bad living habits. He seldom washes his face. He washes his face twice a week. He ought to clean his face every day. He brushes his teeth only on Saturdays. He seldom brushes his teeth. He brushes his teeth once a week. He must brush his teeth twice a day. He seldom drinks water. He drinks water only on his birthday. He can also drink juice and soup. He needs to drink water every day. He often washes his hair. He washes his hair twice a month. He should wash his hair three times a week. He seldom does exercise. He does exercise twice a year. He can do exercise every day. He seldom eats vegetables. He eats vegetables once a month. He must eat vegetables every day.

Joe has bad living habits. I hope he will follow my advice to improve himself.

4A Karen

Report on Joe’s Living Habits

This report is to help Joe to improve his bad habits.

Joe has bad living habits. He seldom washes his face. He washes his face twice a week. He ought to clean his face every day. He brushes his teeth only on Saturdays. He ought to brush his teeth twice a day. Joe sometimes washes his hair. He washes his hair twice a month. He ought to wash his hair every two days. Also, Joe doesn’t eat vegetables very often. He eats vegetables once a month only. He ought to eat vegetables three times a week. Lastly, Joe cuts his fingernails once a year. He ought to cut his fingernails once a week.

Joe should follow the advice if he wants to stay healthy and have lots of friends.

4B Minnie

My Two-Day Tour

Last Saturday, I went to Disneyland with my family. The weather was fine. We went to Disneyland to celebrate my brother’s birthday. My father drove the car and brought us to the place. We played all the games and watched the fireworks at night. We stayed in the Disneyland hotel for a night. We had a buffet breakfast in the hotel on Sunday morning. The food was yummy and we took pictures with Mickey and Pooh. I felt very happy on this two-day tour.

4B Jennifer Pang

My Two-Day Tour

Yesterday I went to Kwai Fong because I took part in the Kwai Tsing District dance contest . I went to Kwai Fong by MTR with Yoki’s mum. I had a ballet competition there. I felt happy because I got the silver award. Today I had a party at the ballet school. Miss Kwok gave me the present. She gave me some glasses and I felt very happy.
4C Yoyo Li

A Relaxing Day

Last Sunday, I went to Tai Po WaterfrontPark with my family. We went there by bus. First, we flew a kite. My kite flew higher than my sister’s. Next, we went to the Insect House. I saw a lot of fierce insects. They were horrible. After that, we walked along the path. On the way, we took a lot of photos. Finally, we went home by bus. I was very tired so I slept on the sofa. It was a very relaxing day.

4C Heidi Tsang

I Can Play Well Too

Last weekend, my mum, brother and I went to the skateboard playground. It was newly opened and it was near my home. I really wanted to ride a skateboard but I only had a pair of roller-skates. Luckily the staff let us skate. The skateboard playground was deep and slanted, like a big bowl. I was very scared at the beginning. After some practice, I could skate well inside the pool. I felt excellent!

5A Charlotte

Travelling Tips

Dear Ada,

How are you?

You will come to Japan next month. I am excited you coming soon!

In Japan, of course you need to go to hot springs. You can do it in Kurokawa or Beppu. It is important to take a towel to dry your body afterwards. If you don’t like hot springs, you can also watch the beautiful cherry blossoms.

In Japan, there are many famous places. The following places are my favourite. They are MenoPark, Kiyomizu and Shibuya. In MenoPark, you can watch the cherry blossoms. It is important to grip your mum’s hand because there will be a lot of people. KigomizuTemple is the oldest monastry in Kyoto. Shibuya is located in Tokyo. There are a lot of shops and it is convenient for people to go there. Therefore it becomes a shopping paradise. It is important to bring enough money! Ha ha!

After you have read my introduction, do you feel excited about coming to Japan? However, do you know the means of transport to take? Let me tell you! I think we should take a train because we can see the view from the train!



5A Moon

Travelling Tips

Dear Kelly,

How are you? I am excited that you are coming soon.

You can go to Tokyo. You can also go to ShizokaPrefecture. In Tokyo, you can go to TokyoDisneyland. You can go there by train. You can also go on the exciting rides. In ShizokaPrefecture, you can go to Mount Fuji. You can also go to soka dip. You can even buy some fruit. The view is very beautiful too. Do you like it?

If there is an earthquake, you should stay under the table and be alert for falling objects. It is important to stay calm! If there is a snowstorm, you should stay indoors and take more warm clothes. If there is a thunderstorm, you should stay indoors. It is important not to stand under the trees. If you get lost, you should call me or the police immediately and should not panic.

See you later!


5B Kenneth

Travelling Tips

Dear Tom,

How are you? I am so excited to know that you will go to Japan next week. Let me givel you some travel tips.

You can eat Ramen. It is very famous in Japan. You can also go skiing when it snows. It is very awesome! You can even have a spa in the hotel!

The weather in Japan changes all the time. It is important to stay indoors and hide under the table when there is an earthquake. If there is a tsunami, you should not stay on the floor. You should go to the roof or go up to the mountains. If there is a snowstorm, you should stay indoors and wear warm clothes. You should also listen to the radio to get the latest information.

I hope you will have a wonderful holiday in Japan!

Write soon!



5B Jocelyn

Travelling Tips

Dear Elim,

How are you? I haven’t seen you since February. I am glad to know that you are going to Canada next week.

I have been there twice, so I want to give you some travel advice. You can play with snow. You can also go to the strawberry farm. You can even go to the zoo and feed the animals!

Remember to bring a thick coat because it is very cold in Canada. You should also bring an umbrella in case it snows!

If there is a snowstorm in Canada, you should stay indoors until it has stopped. If you lose anything, you should also call the police. If you get lost, you should call the police. Hope you have a great time in Canada with your family. Write soon!

Best wishes,

5C Isabel Chu

Travelling Tips

Dear Katy,

How are you? I know you will go to England next month. Have you planned your journey? I want to tell you something about that.

England is in Europe. The capital is London. In England, there are many places to go. I think you can go to the LondonTowerBridge. The view is very attractive! You can also go to the BritishMuseum, there are many precious exhibits, you will be very surprised about that! You can even go to theLondon Eye and BuckinghamPalace, You can ride on the ferris wheel in London Eye and see the soldier changing ceremony atBuckinghamPalace.

In England, if there’s a pick-pocket you should call 911. When there is a heat-wave, you need to drink a lot of water and eat small meals. You should go to the lowest floor if there is a typhoon.

I wish you can have a great trip. It is important to buy me some souvenirs too!

Best wishes,

5C Anson Mok

Travelling Tips

Dear Janet Lam,

How are you? I have been to Japan last month. I want to tell you something about my journey.

We can eat sushi with wasabi. We can also eat salmon. We can even eat Japanese noodles. We can go skiing near Mt.Fuji because there’s a gorgeous view. We can also visit Hokkaido. We can even visit Tokyo.

If there’s an earthquake, you should stay under the table. If there’s a snowstorm, you should put on warm clothes. If there’s a tsunami, you should run up a hill.

I hope you will have a nice holiday in Japan.

Best wishes,

Anson Mok
6A Ronnie

My Cousin’s Visit

Aunt Sally and my cousin, little Mickey, visited us last Sunday.

Aunt Sally and Mum talked about shopping together on the sofa. They looked excited! Little Mickey and I sat on the ground and played with a toy car happily.

Around eleven o’clock, Aunt Sally and Mum prepared lunch for us. It smelt yummy!

We had lunch at half past twelve. We ate a lot of delicious food! The most special dish was tempura. Little Mickey and I seldom eat fried food. We were so excited about eating tempura!

‘Beep – Beep –’ the water was boiling. Little Mickey was curious and touched the kettle. ‘Oh –’ Aunt Sally, Mum and I shouted at the same time because the kettle was very hot!

Finally, little Mickey was sent to hospital.