The meeting was opened by the Co-Convener Karin Kausch in the absence of Conchita Poncini, the Convener, unfortunately in hospital.

She welcomed Schawida Mohamed a colleague of Rudolf Schneider who explained that she worked in coaching, counseling and human rights training.

Members Present: Karin Kausch (CO-convener), V.Birchelmeier¸S.Mohamed;R.Schneider; H.Perraudin: N. Darbellay; E.Pradervand; A.Beutler; U.Barter-Hemmerich (Secretary)

1. Adoption of the Agenda

The Agenda was adopted.

2. Apologies: E.Wiliamson, H.Sackstein, C.Starey. C.Handschin, Simone Ovart, V.Bernard.

3 . Adoption of the minutes of 8 December (the agenda mistakenly had the date of 12 October – the secretary apologized!)

The Minutes, drafted by Elizabeth Williamson (now with INPEA) who at present was in Australia were adopted without any change.

  1. Issues arising from the minutes

These issues were indicated in the agenda as follow-up of previous discussions.

5. Plans for the “Forum on Women’s Entrepreneurship” planned for November 2011

Elizabeth Williamson sent a paper on the Australian approach to microfinance and enterprise development.

Enquiries were made as to room availabilities in the CICG and the answer was that the Centre was fully booked. The building opposite would be free but required payment of Frs 1000 (the CICG is not totally free either as service charges had to be paid). The matter to be discussed with Conchita Poncini, the Convener.

As it was important to find out what previous research had been carried out, the folwing members volunteered: ILO/ Karin Kausch, UNECE/ Valerie Birchelmeier, UNCTAD/ Elly Pradervand.

The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe prepared a report on “The image of women in advertising” and adopted a Resolution also calling for the preparation of a European code of good conduct and the introduction of a European prize for advertising which breaks most effectively with sexist stereotypes. It was considered of interest in the context of women entrepreneurship as women consistently suffer from their representation in advertising. (The report will be annexed to the minutes for information).

An interesting discussion was held on ethical issues of advertising and the image women themselves wanted to offer. Such ethical discussions should be organized in schools already; Shawida Mohamed offered some interesting information.


It was suggested that a small group be set to help Conchita organize the Forum. The members could be the coordinators on individual issues. It would be discussed with Conchita and Carolyn Handschin as Secretary of the NGO/CSW who could perhaps send out a note on the subject.

There were many examples of excellent entrepreneurship in developing and developed countries, but unfortunately the attitude of lenders was often negative and even with micro-credit the interest rates were at times exorbitant so that women never got out of debt.

In this context a new book written by YunusMuhammad was mentioned and Afton Beutler announced that she was in touch with someone who knew Yunus personally and would probably be able to come and speak to the Committee. She promised to get in touch with the person.

Every one agreed that micro-credit, especially for illiterate women, could only be successful if training on literacy, entrepreneurship and accounting principles were included to help women understand and use the system. The importance of social entrepreneurship was underlined.

  1. Possible side-event at the Labour Conference on “Domestic Work”

Some members were wondering whether such a side event should be organized before or during the Labour Conference as ILO would not give rooms for NGO events. Ursula Barter will enquire whether the UN/NGO Liaison Service could provide a room.

The CICG was also mentioned although people would not like to leave the Palais or the ILO building during the Conference.

As 2011 was the second year Domestic Work was on the ILO agenda for a Convention or a recommendation it was to be hoped that the discussion would be finalisedthis year.

Unfortunately opinions were very divided as regulations were considered to be an intrusion into the home. June Kane a n ILO consultant and member of Professional and Business Women, had given a briefing to Karin and Ursula (see earlier minutes).

See report ILO Conference Provisional Record 99th session No 12

4th item on the Agenda. Decent work for Domestic Workers (outcome for 2010).

  1. continuation of research on unpaid work

(a) Valerie Birchelmeier presented her document based on her own research (It had been sent to the whole Group).

Valerie’s efforts were directed at including satellite accounts into GDP.

She explained that time use studies were necessary which unfortunately were not available for all countries, but Europe was in a good position.

Conchita Poncini had wanted studies on all regions. Valerie had taken responsibility for Europe and Africa.

Valerie concluded in saying that her study required more detailed analysis, and hoped also to present the main results possibly on a single sheet. From her work it would seem that 20-30 % of the work was unpaid. She planned to proceed with her research.


It was important to determine the time men spent looking after their children. The situation of Scandinavian countries could be of interest.

In today’s economic situation where both husband and wife had to work, it was also a matter of educating men to share responsibilities.

(b)In 2007 an intern working with Afton Beutler, Carl Brinton, had written a paper “MacroevoHomeics – how Household Satellite Accounts can put the Home back into Economics”, which he had prepared for CSW. Ursula read it and found very interesting as her knowledge had been insufficient on the matter. It will be sent out to the Group with the minutes. Conchita Poncini had been Carls mentor. Conchita thought it was still topical in so far as it showed the asymmetry between paid and unpaid work

Carl had worked with Valerie Hudson, a researcher who set up her own database on women as she felt frustrated over lack of appropriate statistics. Her website was even used by UN Agencies.

The question was asked: what wasthe aim pursued (To be discussed with Conchita Poncini).


Reminder of the meeting on the following day. Need to see Constitution and Bye Laws.

The question was asked if members who had not paid their membership fee should go to the meeting.

  1. International Women’s Day 8 March

It was confirmed that a meeting room had already been secured.

Some members of the Committee were worried about the date coinciding with the HRC and other events.

Patricia Schultz the New Swiss Member to CEDAW (previously for many years Madame Egalité at Swiss Federal level) had agreed to speak at the event. Carolyn Handschin was in touch with other speakers (Carolyn sent information to all members of the Committee).

Elly Pradervand insisted on the importance of a 5th World Conference on Women because the world had changed so much since 1995.

10 CSW NY Higher Education for Girls

Side events were planned in New York by IFUW Advancing Girl’s Secondary Education: Obstacles and Opportunities with the participation of the Director General of UNESCO, Irina Bokova., by WWSF and by BPW. It was also noted that an e-discussion will be held from 1 Feb to 4 March 2011 organised by UNDESA, UNESCO, UNICEF and MDG_Net Forum.

11. No time left for discussion of the item

12.Any other business: nothing.

  1. Date of the next meeting: MONDAY March 28 2011 NGO RESOURCE


The meeting was adjourned at 3 pm.

Minutes drafted by Ursula Barter-Hemmerich


Ursula (Secretary) saw the Convener Conchita Poncini and here are the answersto some of the questions raised during the meeting:

November Forum: Conchita already discussed with the Secretary of NGO/CSW Carolyn Handschin that a meeting of all the Conveners will be called this February to set up a preparatory group.

8 March International Women’s Day event organised by NGO/CSW The Swiss Representative to CEDAW Former Madame Egalité at Swiss Federal level has accepted to speak, as also the Deputy High Commissioner for Human Rights. The Representative of UNESCO in Geneva is hoping to bring the Gender Focal Point to Geneva (a gentleman) and B.Diop of FAS will try and invite the Ambassador of Rwuanda who is keen to cooperate with the Committee.

Marion Hasslegrave (President of IFUW) will report on CSW in New York.

ILO’s 8 March Celebration; to be held on 7 March 2011 (commemorating 1911-2011) 12.30-14.30 pm in Governing Board Room “Making the crisis recovery work for women”.

ILO side event of our Committee; Given the difficulty in getting rooms during the Labour Conference (1-17 June with Preparatory meetings on 31 , it would be best to organise it the very end of May. The title could be: “The Human Rights of Domestic Workers”. Ursula will ask Carolyn Handschin, Secretary of the NGO/CSW Committee to book a room with the CS Unit of the HR Council..


Please note that after every CONGO Assembly new elections have to be held. This also applies to our Committee. So please start thinking. You will soon receive a separate note for you to present candidates for (1 )Convener, (2) Co convener, (3) Secretary and (4)Treasurer. When nominating anyone you must make sure that the candidate accepts.