2015 Team Cape Cod - Player Agreement Form (PAF)

Congratulations on being selected to Team Cape Cod for the summer of 2015. We are excited to have you be part of this program and we look forward to assisting you in becoming a better player and prepare you for future lacrosse opportunities. In order for this program to be successful, we need to have a mutual understanding on a few items. This agreement needs to be signed by both player and parent and returned your coaches prior to your first practice.

Code of Conduct

All players on TCC teams are expected to act or behave in a positive manner at all times. We will be respectful to all parties associated with our lacrosse program including teammates, officials, coaches, parent’s, opposing teams and tournament hosts. We encourage our coaching staff to lead by example and expect our players and parents to follow their example. The purpose of this program is to provide our players a positive learning experience and to be evaluated and recruited by college coaches. Negative reactions and behavior by coaches, players or parents will have an effect on the entire program’s reputation and ability to be recruited. We will do all we can to avoid this, but if we feel that a player or parent’s behavior is detrimental to the program, Cape Cod Lacrosse reserves the right to remove the player from the program with no refund. This extends through the use of social media outlets such as Facebook, Twitter and Insta-Gram.

Commitment to the Team

We expect that you attend all practices and games as well as be on time, unless you have made prior arrangements with the coach of your team. Our roster size of approximately 22 is ideal to give everyone plenty of playing time during tournaments and just the right amount to provide a quality practice for all. Arriving late to practice will affect not only you and your ability to become a better player, but also the rest of your team’s time spent preparing for upcoming tournaments.

Financial Commitment

We have created a payment plan for each team. You can take advantage of this or simply make one single payment. All participants are expected to be paid in full by the Friday before your team’s final event.

Media Release

I give Cape Cod Lacrosse permission to use photographs, videos or press releases of me or my likeness to be used on the Cape Cod Lacrosse website, their social media networks (facebook, twitter and Insta- Gram) and all other promotional materials.

Player’s NamePlayers SignatureDate

Parent’s NameParent’s SignatureDate