Water sampling plan
Important – make sure you speak to a teacher or supervisor before you begin.
Job brief
Outline the main reason/reasons for undertaking the sampling and testing. What evidence is there to justify the project?
Types of samples
Will you be taking grab or composite samples? How many containers will you need?
Location and access
Where is the sampling taking place? Will you need:
· a 4WD vehicle
· maps and/or a GPS
· keys to gates
· permission to enter property
· licences?
Sampling equipment
List all the equipment you will need in order to successfully sample the water. Remember – preparation is essential! You don’t want to have to drive back to pick up equipment you have forgotten.
Transport needs
How will you get the samples back for analysis safely without breakage?
Remember – the samples must remain at or below 4 °C.
Types of tests
List the types of things you will be testing for. Think about what you are able to test for on site (such as a workplace) and what must be sent to a laboratory for testing.
Testing equipment
List the equipment you will need in order to do the tests you outlined above.
Ask your teacher or supervisor to help you complete the requirements.