Community Garden Network - 2017 New Garden Application
Garden Details
1) Proposed Name of Garden:
2) Specific Location of Garden Site
3) Do you have the permission of the landowner to propose a Community Garden on this site?
Yes (if so please provide written confirmation)
In progress
4) Is the proposed garden on City of Ottawa land?
Best practice on City of Ottawa land:
On City of Ottawa land it is best practice to communicate with the CGN Coordinator as much as possible.
1) Please ensure that your City of Ottawa owned site has been deemed viable by connecting with the CGN Coordinator at
2) Ensure that you have received feedback on your site plan before submission
3) You have adequately chronicled neighbourhood consultation by a) gathering support from community organizations in the area, b) Recorded any social media outreach done (Facebook, twitter, Community Association Newsletter, etc.), and c) set up posters on or near the site.
5) Landowner contact information/permission letter included?
* Please fax or email letters. Contact info listed at bottom of page.
6) Contact Information
Contact information of 3 core group members:
Email Address:
Phone Number:
Email Address:
Phone Number:
Email Address:
Phone Number:
7) Has one or more members of the core team attended a Just Food How to Start a Community Garden Workshop?
Which date?
8) Please select a name for the funding dispersement recipient, should you be accepted for funding
This could be an individual, or an organization, etc.
9) Please provide a mailing address the funding dispersement
This is for in the event the funding cannot be dispersed in person
Community Support
10) Is there demonstrated community support for this project?
Yes (I.E. written letters of support, or emails indicating support)
11) Letters of support included?
* Please fax or email
Project Details
12) How will the garden be developed?
Please include details on all of the following: bed construction, topsoil delivery, compost, mulch, pathways material, what will be done to ensure property owners' assets are not damaged.
13) How will water be accessed?
Please describe your water plan. Please include details on: where the water source is, whether it is confirmed, how that water will get to the garden space. How long the hose is that will be required to fill the vessels, and what vessels are used to store water in the garden.
14) Site Plans
Applications must include a site plan if applicable) that outlines where the plots, compost bins, water source/vessels, shed any other notable features in the garden will be. Please indicate accessible plots on your site plan and label the accessible pathway if applicable.
It is very helpful to also include a contextualization site plan that shows where the site is in relation to the larger property.
Lastly, for gardens on City Land, if you are building a shed, perigola, arbour, or anything else please submit the specifications for the feature. On this diagram please provide dimensions, footing, materials, design, installation details, and anything else that may be relevant– the more details the better.
15) How will the garden make decisions?
How will it be structured? What positions or committees exist? How can other interested gardeners or volunteers access positions or be included in decision-making?
16) What are the expectations of each garden members?
I.E. volunteer hours, communal tasks, etc...
17) What are the expectations of the garden coordinators?
I.E. expected hours for set up and steering volunteers, accountability, expected responsibilities.
18) How will the garden operate?
Please include details on how the site will be accessed by gardeners, where tools will be stored, parking, how public access to the garden will be managed, how you will manage your garden's compost.
19) How will the aesthetics of the site be managed?
Please include details on: On-going site maintenance, pathway maintenance, end of year garden closure, dealing with abandoned plots mid-season and anything else you think is important for this garden.
Proposed Budget
20) Proposed Budget for this project. Please include a detailed itemized list of items you will purchase for this project.
21) How much is being applied for through the Community Garden Development Fund?
22) Please list all other funding or in-kind resources.
Resource #1
What is this source?
How much and what have they pledged?
Is the resource confirmed?
Resource #2
What is this source?
How much and what have they pledged?
Is the resource confirmed?
Resource #3
What is this source?
How much and what have they pledged?
Is the resource confirmed?
Resource #4
What is this source?
How much and what have they pledged?
Is the resource confirmed?
Resource #5
What is this source?
How much and what have they pledged?
Is the resource confirmed?
Resource #6
What is this source?
How much and what have they pledged?
Is the resource confirmed?
Resource #7
What is this source?
How much and what have they pledged?
Is the resource confirmed?