Pastor Holter’s Message
Faith 5
Every night in every home
This past Saturday at Grace Lutheran in Hermantown, five members here at Kenwood attended a seminar called “Faith 5”. Essentially it was meant to provide a framework for introducing a new (yet old) way of thinking about Christian education. At the heart of this approach is the time honored method of teaching our children and grandchildren how to learn and live their faith.
The presenter for this seminar was Dr. Rich Melheim, who is the founder and initiating force behind Faith Inkubators, a Christian education think tank. Faith Inkubators has long been a creative force in getting families to reconnect with their children and model Christian living right there in our homes. What Dr. Melheim has done is to give practical and sound biblical reasons for bringing Christian education back to its roots.
One of the statements that I heard really that had an impact on me was that parents are in the right place at the right time to help their children learn. It is right before their children go to sleep. It is statistically significant that as children and adults go to sleep that they will during the night replay the last things that their brain was actively thinking about. What Dr. Melheim suggests is that this is the target time for parents to be introducing the Faith 5 practices in their homes.
The Faith 5 practices are:
- SHARE: highs and lows. We want to raise our children with an awareness that we are interested in their lives and give them access to ours.
- READ: a bible verse or story. We want our children to know the stories that are at the foundation of their faith.
- TALK: Talk about how the Bible reading might relate to your highs and lows.
- PRAY: Pray for one another’s highs and lows. It is overwhelming to witness our children both receiving our prayers for them, and praying for us and for our needs.
- BLESS: A blessing can take many forms; a kiss, a hug, tracing a cross each other’s foreheads. I shared that my granddaughter Bella has her own unique way of blessing. When everyone else is saying goodbye and dishing out kisses, Bella comes up and licks your face. Strange but effective in letting you know that she loves you.
In closing let me encourage you to try some of these practices in your families. Make them a part of your family traditions and let me know how it goes.
Peace and have a blessed Thanksgiving.
Pastor Jeff
Note to all youth: If you would like to read scripture during advent please let Pastor Jeff know!
Thank you!
We really appreciate you hosting our visiting churches for our event Carelessly Passionate! We had 250 kids learning about God’s deep love for them. Thank you for partnering with us!
Duluth Vineyard Student Ministry
Jack Collins, Isaiah and Levi Lambus
Benjamin Senich, Connor Rasch,
Michael Rasch, Celeste Reich, Sonya Skar
and Treston Stokes all received their Bibles from the Duane Witt Bible Memorial Fund.
Airiana Lambus was baptized on October 4th.
Her sponsors are Joy Michalicek and Timothy Barron. We welcome Airiana into the community of believers here at Kenwood Lutheran Church.
Confirmation Sunday
The following students were confirmed on October 25th: Vinny Bergman, Ella Greenwalt,
Jacob Johnson, Sam Michalicek and Lauren Skar. Congratulations!
Turkey Bingo
November 19th from 6-9 p.m.
Lots of turkeys and prizes for Bingo.Hot dogs and dessert will be available to purchase.
Everyone is welcome. Must be at least 18 to win. Kids can play but an adult must be there to collect a prize.Please come and bring your family,
neighbors and friends to this fun evening!
Communion Instruction
If you have a child who would like to begin receiving communion, please bring them to this short instruction after the second service on November 22nd.
Thanksgiving Service
This year we will join Concordia Lutheran Church for a Thanksgiving Service on Tuesday, November 24 at 7:00 p.m.
Christmas Bazaar
December 5 from 9 a.m. - 2 p.m..
Drop off dates will be Wednesday, Thursday evenings and on Friday, December 4 from 10:00 a.m. until 3 p.m.
We are again be asking for cookies, crafts, baked goods and books.
We will again be serving lunch and selling lefse and treats.Sign-ups to help will be in the Messiah Room.
Give to the Max on November 15th!
GiveMN is Minnesota’s front door for charitable giving.Come on in and we’ll make giving simple, rewarding and fun – for you and the organizations and schools that need your help.
Check out!
Approved September 10Council Meeting Minutes
Members Present: Scott Goutermont, Joy Michalicek, Frank Stokes, Kristy Stokes, Pastor Jeff Holter, Jim Caesar, Lynn Hegrenes, Carol Kolari, Roger Mattson, Brad Kamphenkel, Nadine Moeller, and Diane Irving
1. The meeting was called to order by President Jim Caesar at 7:30 p.m. with devotions and prayer led by Kristy Stokes.
2. Minutes from the meeting held on August 13, 2015, were approved as submitted.
3. Scott Goutermont presented the treasurer’s report indicating a $600 negative balance in the checkbook at the end of August, 2015. There is a positive balance of $822 to date.
4. Action Items:None.
5. Discussion Items:
- Concordia Lutheran – update; planning a time in October to meet with their Council President Robin Roeser and their Council members.
- Re-finance of church mortgage – approval received from Thrivent. After congregation meeting on September 20, information needs to be submitted by October 1, to Thrivent with the new monthly payment to begin in November. Details of the re-financing were presented to Council members.
- Capital Campaign – distributed a Capital Improvement list of items for 2016-2018 as goals of the Campaign based on building improvements.
- Blood Drive – October 9 (Red Cross Blood Mobile) Requesting permission to have this at KLC. A motion was made by Pastor Holter and seconded to have the drive at KLC. Motion carried. Tim Stiebner has volunteered to coordinate this event.
6. Boards, Ministry Teams, Standing Committees:
a. Asset Management Board
- Re-finance status was discussed at the Board meeting.
- Spaghetti Dinner Planning – October 15, 2015; 5:30-7:00 p.m.; tickets will cost $8.00 for adults and $5 for kids under 10; free will offering for food purchases will be welcomed a couple weeks prior to the event. About $200 is needed.
- Window Purchases – three have been ordered to arrive in September for installation in October. To date there is $4,000 in the window fund. Intend to spend 50% this year and the remaining next year.
- Coat racks will be re-installed in the Messiah Room.
b. Mutual Ministry and Stewardship Board
- Ordered materials for this year’s campaign; incorporating the Capital Campaign in the program, September 27 – begin date for the drive (4 weeks long); Commitment Sunday on November 1, 2015; theme for this year will be “Because of God’s Great Mercy.” (Activity Service – be able to sign up out in the Messiah Room for activities for the next year.)
c. Personnel Support BoardNo new report.
d. Christian Education Ministry TeamNo new report.
e. Community Ministry Team
- Donated $121 to CHUM from “Change for CHUM” coin offerings collected from January through June, 2015.
- Provided two gallons of potato salad for the CHUM Neighborhood Night Out picnic.
- Cold Weather clothing drive to be conducted in October.
- Salvation Army Toyland Express – accepting toy donations starting November 22 through December 13, 2015.
- Monthly coin offerings will now be donated to Lutheran Social Services; “Change for Changing Lives – LSS.”
- Thrivent Action Fund of $250.00 has been used for school kits, quilt supplies, and personal care kits.
- Personal hygiene items were donated to Union Gospel Mission.
f. Fellowship Ministry Team
- Helping with Pot Luck on Sunday, September 20, 2015.
- Helping with Spaghetti dinner on Thursday, October 15, 2015.
- Work on Wednesday evenings starting on October 7 at 6:30 p.m. to begin getting ready for Bazaar.
- November – lefse preparation meeting for Bazaar (Saturday).
- Bazaar – Saturday, December 5, 2015.
g. Worship Ministry Team
- Coming home Sunday and Blessing of Backpacks – September 13, 2015.
- September 20, 2015 - living our faith Sunday (shortened service).
- October 4 Bible Sunday – for kids.
- Confirmation and Reformation Sunday – October 25; confirmands will be making banners.
- Continue with current liturgy setting thru October 18, 2015.
h. Youth Ministry TeamNo new report.
7. Pastor’s Report:
- Theological conference to be held at end of September at Sugar Lake Lodge.
- Wedding at Our Saviors in Cloquet led by Pastor Jeff.
- Begin Bible Study in October (Monday evenings) Sign-up sheet in Messiah Room for purchasing books/CDs for the Study; eight weeks long.
- New member orientation – November.
- Second Sunday - November 15 – on vacation.
- Two commitments from Education Committee for the Melheim Event (five to date & table is for six) October 23-24, 2015, at Grace Lutheran Church.
8. Meeting closed with recitation of the Lord’s Prayer and was adjourned at 8:15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Lynn Hegrenes, Secretary
November Worship Responsibilities at the 9:00 a.m. Service
Altar Guild: Karla Payne
Date / Welcome Attendants / Communion Servers / Hospitality / Acolyte / Scripture Readers / Ushers1 / Lori Robison / Carol Kolari / Stewardship / Isaiah Lambus / Dennis Kolari / Scott & Sherry Goutermont
8 / Kathy Erholtz / Pat Kleimola / CARE / Colby Kimball / Barb Teske / Kristy Stokes,
Marcia Lunde,
Nadine Moeller
15 / Sandi Skafte / Barb Lucia / Youth/Confirmation / Levi Lambus / Lynn Hegrenes / Lori Robison, Mark Irving
22 / Deb & Sid Jarvis / Dawn Erickson / Fellowship team / Matthew Erickson / Reid Bevis / Dennis & Carol Kolari
29 / Nadine Moeller / Peggy Pruden / Altar Guild / Jacob Reed / Sue Fleming / Brad Kamphenkel, Pat Kleimola
Thank you to all who volunteer to make our services run smoothly!
Sunday / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday1
9:00AM Worship
9:30AM Sunday School
10:00AM Hospitality
10:30AM United in Praise (UP!)
1:00 – 3:00 Open House for Stan Hammer 90th bday! / 2
9:00AM Tai Chi
6:30PM Bible Study / 3
7:00PM Harbormasters / 4
11:45AM Senior Luncheon
5:30PM A.A.
5:30 PM Bells
6:00PM Confirmation
6:30 PM Bazaar Work Night / 5
9:00AM Quilters
9:00AM Tai Chi
4:30 PM Kantele Choir
6:30 PM UP Rehearsal / 6 / 7
9:00AM Worship
9:30AM Sunday School
10:00AM Hospitality
10:30AM United in Praise (UP!) / 9
9:00AM Tai Chi
5:30PM Ladies of Kaleva
6:30PM Bible Study / 10
7:00PM Harbormasters / 11
5:30PM A.A.
5:30 PM Bells
6:00PM Youth Cluster at Concordia
6:30 PM Bazaar Work Night / 12
9:00AM Quilters
9:00AM Tai Chi
4:30 PM Kantele Choir
6:30PM Boards and Teams
7:30PM Council Meeting / 13 / 14
Newsletter Deadline
9:00AM Worship
9:30AM Sunday School
10:00AM Hospitality
10:30AM United in Praise (UP!) / 16
9:00AM Tai Chi
6:30PM Bible Study
7:00 PMPraise & Worship Rehearsal / 17
7:00PM Harbormasters / 18
5:30PM A.A.
5:30 PM Bells
6:00PM Confirmation
6:30 PM Bazaar Work Night / 19
9:00AM Quilters
9:00AM Tai Chi
4:30 PM Kantele Choir
6:00 – 9:00 PMTurkey Bingo!
6:30 PM UP Rehearsal / 20 / 21
9:00AM Praise & Worship
9:30AM Sunday School
10:00AM Hospitality
10:30AM United in Praise (UP!)
11:30 AM First Communion Instruction / 23
9:00AM Tai Chi
1:30PM Finnish Book Study
6:30PM Bible Study / 24
7:00PM Harbormasters
7:00 PM Thanksgiving Service at Concordia / 25
5:30PM A.A. / 26
Happy Thanksgiving! / 27 / 28
9:00AM Worship
9:30AM Sunday School
10:00AM Hospitality
10:30AM United in Praise (UP!) / 30
9:00AM Tai Chi / 1
7:00PM Harbormasters / 2
Drop off items for Bazaar!
11:45AM Senior Luncheon
5:30PM A.A.
5:30 Bells
6:00PM Confirmation / 3
Drop off items for Bazaar!
9:00AM Quilters
9:00AM Tai Chi
4:30 PM Kantele Choir
5:00PM Finnish Choir / 4
Drop off for Christmas Bazaar items
10am -3pm! / 5
Christmas Bazaar 9-2