Sentinel V2 Module Testing
Week 3: Statistical Change History, Member Searches, Sojourner Search, Data Offloading
This week’s test cases revolve around a few secondary functions. These functions, while secondary in their importance to other features, are critical and need tested to find errors, bugs and oversights.
Test Task Summary:
Statistical Change History: A read-only view of your valley’s statistical change history including the request’s status.
Member Searches: Ad-hoc searching for members. Member search is where groups of members matching certain criteria are found.
Sojourner Search: This feature should work identically to what is in Sentinel V1.
Data Offloading: Same results as what you get in Sentinel V1 (an Access data file you can download), but the approach to how the file is created is completely re-written to run as a background task.
Make certain you are using a browser other than Internet Explorer as it is being phased out by Microsoft. Acceptable browsers to test with are:
- Google Chrome
- Microsoft Edge
- Firefox
- Safari
- Kindle Silk
- Anything other than Internet Explorer.
Please provide your test notes and results back to Tammy Fannin by the close of business on Monday, January 18th. Attach this
Task 1: Statistical Change History
Under the “Member” menu, locate the option for statistical change history. Here, we have provided a way to see membership statistical change request your valley has previously submitted in Sentinel V2.
You can looks at your pending changes, completed changes or “All”. Make a few statistical change requests for members in your valley and then come back here to view those change requests.
The purpose of this feature is to give valleys a window into the statistical change process. Over time, this area of the system will build change history allowing you to go back and find previous changes submitted in case question ever come up as to when a change was submitted, and by whom.
Note if you consider this feature useful or not. Additional ideas to make this area of Sentinel V2 more useful are welcome, as this is a completely new feature.
Task 1 Result:
Date and time you tested / Difficulty completing test. Rate 1-10 with 10 being most difficult / Did you encounter any errors? If so, please describe the error you received. / Areas or sections that can be improved or changed to work better.Task 2: Member Searches
Use the black menu bar at the top of the Sentinel window to locate the option to “Search Members”. This menu option is located as a sub menu option under the Members menu.
Using the “New Ad-Hoc Search” menu option, find a group of members matching criteria you specify. The search language options are the same as used in Sentinel V1. So, searches can contain wildcards, greater than, less than, etc.
Explore and test searching using the various search fields provided. Try some searches with large expected search result sets. Also, try searches with more narrow expected result sets.
Specifically, try using the radius zip search function to see if it performs expectedly.
To review, search options for fields in any ad-hoc search field in Sentinel V2 are:
Text Field Searches:
“Is Null”Matches anything where the field is blank.
“Is Not Null”Matches anything where the field is not blank. (Functions the same as wildcard "*")
“*” Asterisk Matches any characters
“Martin*”Matches anything beginning with "Martin"
Would match Martin, Martinez, Martinize, Martini
“Mar*”Matches anything beginning with "Mar"
Would match Marlin, Martin, Martini
“*tin*”Matches anything containing "tin"
Would match Tin, Tines, Augustine, Abtin
“*”Matches anything
“_” Underscore Matches any single character
“Mar_in”Matches items with anything in the fourth position
Would match Martin, Marlin, Markin
“-“Hyphen Allows range searches
“A-B”Find anything beginning with the letters A or B
Would match Adams, Anderson, Benic, Brown
Note: If you want to look up something that has a
hyphen and shouldn't be treated as a range search,
enter a ~ (tilde) before the hyphen and it will
treat the hyphen as a literal search character.
You can not use other wildcard characters when
searching with the tilde for a literal hyphen.
“>” Greater than Matches values alphabetically after the criteria
“> M”Matches anything beginning with an M and everything
in the alphabet coming after the letter M.
Would match Max, Maxine, Nancy, Paul
“<” Less than Matches values alphabetically after the criteria
“< M”Matches anything beginning with letters before the
letter M in the alphabet.
Would match Adam, Bill, John
Would not match Mark.
Date Field Searches:
“Is Null”Matches anything without a date.
“Is Not Null”Matches anything with a date (functions the same as wildcard "*").
“*” Asterisk Matches any dates
“*”Matches any date.
“>” Greater than matches dates after the criteria date
“> 01/01/2002”Finds anything after 1/1/2002
Would match 4/1/2002, 1/1/2003, etc.
Would not match 1/1/2002 or before.
Note: the space between the greater than sign and
the date is optional.
“>=” Greater than or equal to matches dates on or after the criteria date
“>= 01/01/2002”Finds anything on or after 1/1/2002
Would match 1/1/2002, 4/1/2002, 1/1/2003, etc.
Would not match 12/31/2001 or before.
Note: the space between the equal sign and
the date is optional.
“<” Less than matches dates before the criteria date
“< 01/01/2002”Finds anything before 1/1/2002
Would match 1/1/1980, 12/31/2001, etc.
Would not match 1/1/2002 or after.
Note: the space between the less than sign and
the date is optional.
“<=” Less than or equal to matches dates on or before the criteria date
“<= 01/01/2002”
Finds anything on or before 1/1/2002
Would match 1/1/2002, 1/1/1980, 4/1/2001, etc.
Would not match 1/2/2002 or after.
Note: the space between the equal sign and
the date is optional.
“-“ Hyphen Allows date range searches. These searches are inclusive.
Finds anything on or after 1/1/2001 and on or before
4/1/2001. i.e., 1/1/2001, 2/5/2001, 4/1/2001.
Would not match 12/31/2000 or 4/2/2001
Numeric Field Searches (including money):
“Is Null”Matches anything without a numeric value.
“Is Not Null”Matches anything with a numeric value (functions the sameas wildcard "*").
“*”Asterisk Searches are Not Supported for numeric fields. Instead use ">0" or "Is Not Null" when looking for anything with a numeric value.
“>” Greater than matches values more than the criteria amount
> 50Finds anything greater than 50
Would match 50.01, 51, 60, etc.
Would not match 49.99, 50 or less.
>49.99Would match 50, 51, 49.9999 (this usually is not a number seen
in Patriot, however).
Would not match 49.99, 35, 49.98
Note: the space between the greater than sign and
the criteria is optional.
“>=” Greater than or equal to matches values equal to or more than the criteria amount.
>= 50Finds anything equal to or more than 50
Would match 50, 50.00, 51, 60, etc.
Would not match 49.99 or before.
Note: the space between the equal sign and
the criteria is optional.
“<” Less than matches values less than the criteria amount
< 50Finds anything less than 50
Would match 49.99, 0, 25, -15, etc.
Would not match 50, 50.00 or more.
Note: the space between the less than sign and
the criteria amount is optional.
“<=” Less than or equal to matches numbers equal to or less than the criteria amount.
<= 50Finds less than or equal to 50
Would match 50, 50.00, 35, etc.
Would not match 50.01 or more.
Note: the space between the equal sign and
the number is optional.
“-“ Hyphen Allows numeric range searches. These searches are inclusive.
50-60Finds anything equal to or more than 50 and equal to or less
than 60.
Would match 50, 50.01, 55, 59.99, 60.00, etc.
Would not match 49.99, 60.01
Task 2 Result:
Date and time you tested / Difficulty completing test. Rate 1-10 with 10 being most difficult / Did you encounter any errors? If so, please describe the error you received. / Areas or sections that can be improved or changed to work better.Task 3: Member Canned (Pre-Defined) Searches
Use the black menu bar at the top of the Sentinel window to locate the option to “Search Members” under the “Members” menu. This menu contains certain pre-defined searches in Sentinel V2.
Pre-defined searches are searches where standard criteria for frequently searched members are already defined for you.
The available pre-defined searches are 33rd degree members, deceased members, 50 year members and KCCH members. Review the search results returned from these searches (bearing in mind that the database is a test dataset) and confirm the people you see returned in the results are appropriate.
Also, what other pre-defined searches might be useful?
Task 3 Result:
Date and time you tested / Difficulty completing test. Rate 1-10 with 10 being most difficult / Did you encounter any errors? If so, please describe the error you received. / Areas or sections that can be improved or changed to work better.Task 4: Sojourner Search
Use the black menu bar at the top of the Sentinel window to locate the option to perform a sojourner search. .
A sojourner is someone that is not a member of your valley, but lives in the area searched.
To create a sojourner search in Sentinel V2, simply provide the 5 digit base zip code and the radius distance, in miles, that you want to search.
Note the time it takes to return results so we can gauge real-world performance of this feature.
Task 4 Result:
Date and time you tested / Difficulty completing test. Rate 1-10 with 10 being most difficult / Did you encounter any errors? If so, please describe the error you received. / Areas or sections that can be improved or changed to work better.Task 5: Data Offloading
Data offloading is a function that allows a valley to retrieve a complete dataset of all members in the valley and download it as an Access database.
Using the black menu bar in Sentinel V2, find the option for “Data Offloading”.
Data offloading works in a significantly different way in V2 versus V1. In V2, the Access database file creation takes place completely in the background. So, upon clicking the “Create Access Database File to Download” button in Sentinel V2, the system begins working on that task in the background. You can continue using Sentinel normally and the system will inform you via notification when your file has been created and is available for download.
When you receive notification you file is ready, it can be downloaded from the “Sentinel Archived Reports” menu option located under the people menu.
Task 4 Result:
Date and time you tested / Difficulty completing test. Rate 1-10 with 10 being most difficult / Did you encounter any errors? If so, please describe the error you received. / Areas or sections that can be improved or changed to work better.THANKS AND DON’T FORGET TO SEND YOUR AMENDED VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT WITH TESTING NOTES BACK TO TAMMY!