Shared Laboratory Equipment
June 2016
Flow Cytometry Core FacilityFlow cytometry (abbreviated: FCM) is a technique for counting and examining microscopic particles, such as cells and chromosomes, by suspending them in a stream of fluid and passing them by an electronic detection apparatus. It allows simultaneous multiparametric analysis of the physical and/or chemical characteristics of up to thousands of particles per second. Flow cytometry is routinely used in the diagnosis of health disorders, especially blood cancers, but has many other applications in both research and clinical practice. A common variation is to physically sort particles based on their properties, so as to purify populations of interest. 8-Color FCM is located in 251; 32-Color FCM is located in W211.
Usage: 36hrs (research) /750hours (total use) = 5% of cytometer use is for Research
Histopathology, 3rd Floor, Lab B345 (must have badge access)
Olympus AX70 research microscope with DP70 digital camera (for bright-field, dark-field, epifluorescence, DIC, and phase), Image-Pro image analysis station, Leica Cryocut CM 1800 cryostat for frozen sections, Leica RM, 2125 Rotary microtome, dark room.
Usage: Equipment is available 25% of the time for outside researchers. Can only be used with permission and appointment from the Nephrology team leader, Dr. Barnes (Office C300) - users must be trained.
Centrifuges, Lab T206
Sorvall Super T21 (refrigerated), purchased 1996; (EE 44829);
Optima LE-80K Ultra-Centrifuge (refrigerated)
Ultra-Low Freezers, T202
There are shelves available in some of our common use freezers. This is for temporary storage until you have available funding to purchase your own freezers. Temporary storage means short-term storage to defrost your freezer or storage for a few weeks until you find more permanent storage.
Sterilizer in the Common Utility Room, V203
Available for sterilizing glassware, liquids, cages and surgical instrumentation.
DI Water/Ultra-Pure water Barnstead Nanopure Units, V203 and T206
DI water is available for all facility wet labs.
Washer/Dryer, Room V203
NOTE: Soap is not provided by Research Administration
Applied Biosystems 7900 HT Fast Real-Time PCR System, S202
This equipment is used for nucleic acid quantification and detection.
Spectrophotometer, Ultrospec 2100 Pro UV/Visible, Room B334.1
Must have badge access to use this equipment.
Polarization-Sensitive OCT system, UT Room 5.586U
The system will be useful for researchers who are interested in polarization-sensitive optical coherence tomography images (typically this would be for atherosclerosis, dental, or ocular imaging).
Usage: Cost breakdowns and hours of operation would really be dependent on the researcher interested in using the system. Options: collaboration with us on a project or just use the system. NOTE: users other than Dr. Feldman’s group will have to be trained on the use of the system.
System usage charge is a standard rate of $75/hour.
Xenogen IVIS-200 Optical In-Vivo Imaging System, Veterinary Medical Unit (VMU) R221
Description & website
• Quantify tumor burden in the whole mouse
• Detect micrometastases with high sensitivity
• Visualize metastases spontaneously generated from a primary tumor
• Follow responses to therapeutic treatments non-invasively in longitudinal studies
Leica Bond Max, Lab T206; purchased 2010; (EE 104442)
NucliSens easyMag, T206; purchased 2011; (EE 132864)
Description & Website
ViiA7 – Analyzer, T206; purchased 2011; (EE 110018)
Description: qPCR; measuring the effect of changes in microRNA (miRNA) activity on downstream protein expression in cells.
Modulus II Microplate Reader, T206; purchased 2009; (EE 100772)
Description & website : Microplate multi-mode reader
Luminoskan Ascent Microplate Luminometer, T206; purchased 2002; (EE 65071)
Description & website
Luminex SD Analyzer, T206; purchased 2011; (EE 109636)
Description & website
Protein Simple WES Electrophoresis, T206; purchased 2014; (EE 129927)
Description & website
LiCOR Odyssey CLX Blot Detection, T206; purchased 2014; (EE 130145)
Description & website
NanoString, T206
Description & website
Center for Personalized/Genomics Medicine, W211
Technologies available include iScan (Goldengate, DASL, direct hybridization and infinium HD) and Hiseq (Exome enrichment, RNAseq, CHIPseq, Nanostring, whole genome methylation). Please contact Dr. Sunil Ahuja for further information.
Radiological C-ARM, U215 in VMU
Description & website
Olympus Confocal Microscope, Lab U205
Is an optical imaging technique for increasing optical resolution and contrast of a micrograph by means of adding a spatial pinhole placed at the confocal plane of the lens to eliminate out-of-focus light.[1] It enables the reconstruction of three-dimensional structures from the obtained images by collecting sets of images at different depths (a process known as optical sectioning) within a thick object. This technique has gained popularity in the scientific and industrial communities and typical applications are in life sciences, semiconductor inspection and materials science.
Perkin Elmer 2480 Gamma Counter Wizard 2, Room S202 (EE 133307)
Perkin Elmer Liquid Scintillation Analyzer Tri-Carb 2910 TR, Room S202, (EE 133309)