The Lottery Rose
Table Discussion Questions
Ch. 1
1. What do we know about Georgie? (library books he likes too!)
2. Why do you think he finds flowers and gardens so appealing?
3. Predict what you think will happen to him.
Ch. 2
1. Explain the relationship between Georgie's Mom and Steve? Georgie and Steve?
2. Why does the rosebush mean so much to Georgie? What do you think it represents?
Ch. 3
1. What happens to Georgie in Chapter three? How do you think he is feeling?
2. Why do you think Georgie did not do well at his old school?
Ch. 4
1. Describe Mr. Collier.
Writing Day #1-Questions for Ch. 1-4On a separate sheet of paper write your response to one of the following. Write about one paragraph (turn in)
1. Suppose Georgie was still living with his mother and attending his old
school. What advice would you give him to help him survive in such a
difficult and dangerous environment?
2. Explain why Georgie did not do well at his old school.
3. Describe what Mrs. Harper’s thoughts and feelings might be when she
finds Georgie’s rose bush planted in her yard.
Table Discussion Questions
Ch. 5
1. In what ways were both Mrs. Harper and Georgie unreasonable? (give examples)
2. What thoughts are going through Mrs. Harper’s mind the first time she sees Georgie’s back when he falls in front of her in the garden? (p. 69)
Ch. 6
1. What were the causes ofGeorgie's illness and delirium?
2. How does Georgie learn to trust Sister Mary Angela? What do you think she meant when she said, "I think we are not yet attuned to Thy Presence."
Ch. 7
1. Why do you think Georgie thought he was dumb?
2. How did Georgie respond to Mr. Collier’s story reading and how do you think he learned to read so quickly?
Ch. 8
1. Why did Paul have to be very careful with Robin?
2. What was important and dangerous about Robin finding a way to get out of his bed?
Writing Day #2-Questions for Ch. 5-9On a separate sheet of paper write your response to one of the following. Write about one paragraph (turn in)
1. Friendships are similar to roses in that each needs to be properly
cared for in order to grow. Sun, water, fertilizer, and good soil are key
ingredients that help a rose grow. Suppose you are caring for, or
nurturing, a new friendship. What are the “key ingredients” that will help
your friendship grow? Describe what you would do to make a friendship
strong and long-lasting.
2. Describe how Georgie’s relationship with another character (Sister
Mary Angela, Timothy, Mr. Collier, or Robin) has helped him grow as a
person and recover from the bad things that happened in the past.
3. One of the chapters in this week’s reading was from Robin’s
perspective and tried to capture his understanding of the world around
him as he wakes up one morning. Choose another secondary character
from the story (Sister Mary Angela, Hugh Collier, Mrs. Harper, or
Timothy) and write a short account of a “morning-in-the-life” of that
person from his or her point of view.
Table Discussion Questions
Ch. 9
1. Describe how Georgie has changed. Which character trait is still giving him trouble?
2. Explain his situation with Richie, Timothy and his shirt.
Ch. 10
1. How did Georgie begin helping Old Eddie in the garden?
2. Why did Georgie want to believe that Mrs. Harper was not really Robin’s mother?
3. What did Georgie learn from Old Eddie about Mrs. Harper?
Ch. 11
4. Why do you think Mrs. Harper decided to listen to the boys sing and then later to work with them on the plays?
5. What are some signs that Georgie might begin to change his feelings about Mrs. Harper?
Ch. 12
1. Why do you think Georgie went to the play practices?
2. What incidents happened that made it possible for Georgie to be in the play?
3. Tell about Georgie’s conversation with his rosebush.
Ch. 13 & 14
1. Whose fault was it that Robin got away? Explain.
2. Describe what happened when Robin went down to the pond.
3. What do you think Georgie was thinking when he moved his rosebush?
4. Explain this quote “I didn’t ‘born’ you but you’re mine-no matter where I go or what I do-.”
Writing Day #3-Questions for Ch. 10-14On a separate sheet of paper write your response to one of the following. Write about one paragraph (turn in)
1. Pretend that Georgie is writing a handbook for boys from “mean”
homes who are new to the Boys’ School. What would the handbook say?
Include advice on overcoming anger, building friendships, and trying new
2. Describe how Georgie and Mrs. Harper’s relationship changes over the
course of the book and explain how the two helped each other. Support
your general statements by referring to events in the book.
3. As the book ends, Georgie and Mrs. Harper are driving off together,
after bidding goodbye to Robin and giving him the gift of the rose bush.
Imagine that you are writing a second book that comes after The Lottery
Rose. What will happen to Georgie and Mrs. Harper next?
All-Add to JournalWhat do you think would have happened to Georgie if his rose had been lost after his final beating? (What would Georgie’s life have been like without the rosebush?) Describe what would have happened to his mental state after the beating and his ability to connect with others, something the rose helped him do?
All-vocabulary quiz/Lottery Rose Test
Choose One
1. Write a newspaper article about Georgie’s beatings or Robin’s death. Include the 5 W’s: Who, What, Where, When, Why.
2. Make a notebook of 5-10 articles on child abuse.
3. Create another ending for the book. (minimum of 1 page)
4. Pretend that Georgie is writing a handbook for boys from “mean” homes who are new to the boy’s school. What would the handbook say? Include advice on overcoming anger, building friendships, and trying new things. (minimum 1 page)
5. Do a character Silhouette of Georgie. Have 10 items or more. Write a complete sentence to describe each picture.
6. Make a vocabulary booklet using any 12 of the vocabulary words: include for each word: synonym, antonym, sentence, definition and picture.
30-27 / 26-24 / 23-21 / 20-18 / 17 or lesssuperior, neat, correct / nice, had minor errors / average work, prepared quickly, few errors, little effort / average work thrown together, errors, lacking effort / sloppy, errors, poor effort