Candidate Number…………….

Candidate Assessment Summary Form

Level 3 Award / Certificate in the Safe Use of Fumigants for the Management of Invertebrate Pests

Unit 8: Carry out procedures for the safe fumigation of specialist ‘fumigation bubbles’

Learning Outcome/Assessment Criteria / Evidence for Achievement1 / Assessor Decision2
Be able to carry out procedures prior to fumigation of specialist ‘fumigationbubbles
Conduct a site survey to determine the need for and suitability of fumigation ofspecialist ‘fumigation bubbles
Carry out health and safety, COSHH and environmental risk assessments forfumigation of specialist ‘fumigation bubbles’.
Select and put on appropriate PPE and RPE
Be able to carry out fumigation of specialist ‘fumigation bubbles’for managing invertebrate pests
Prepare the site for application of fumigants
Prepare fumigants for use
Apply appropriate dosages of fumigants to manage invertebrate pests
Monitor the concentration of fumigants during operations
Carry out safe ventilation and clearance of specialist ‘fumigation bubbles’
Be able to carry out post-operational procedures following fumigation ofspecialist ‘fumigation bubbles
Clean, transport and store equipment used for fumigation
Dispose of fumigant residues safely
Be able to explain procedures for safe fumigation of specialist ‘fumigationbubbles
Explain the reasons for pre-treatment procedures when carrying outfumigation of specialist ‘fumigation bubbles
Explain the actions required when fumigating specialist ‘fumigation bubbles
Explain the reasons for post-operational procedures following fumigation ofspecialist ‘fumigationbubbles’.
Be able to explain procedures for safe fumigation of specialist ‘fumigation bubbles’
Explain the reasons for pre-treatment procedures when carrying out fumigation of specialist ‘fumigation bubbles’.
Explain the actions required when fumigating specialist ‘fumigation bubbles
Explain the reasons for post-operational procedures following fumigation of specialist ‘fumigation bubbles’.

Award of unit / qualificationrecommended:

YES / NO / Name / Signature / Date
Internal Verifier

1. Use this column to signpost the relevant evidence in the portfolio.

2. The assessor should tick this box if he/she believes the assessment criterion / learning outcome has been met.

(C) RSPH 2016 Version 1 Feb 2016