801 Country Place Drive, #109, Houston, TX 77079

Phone: 281-556-1709


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Service: Japanese to English translation, specializing in patents and technology



Language pair: Japanese into English (12 years experience)

Membership: American Translators Association, Japan Association of Translators (both about 12 years), American Intellectual Property Law Association, Japan Translation Federation.Registered with the U.S. Patent Office as US Patent Agent No. 63,097.

Certification: Japanese-to-English patent translation, April of 2011, Japan Translation Federation (registration no. 6259).


Patents, engineering, chemistry-plastics, physics-electronics, software, and business. Japanese document review for litigation.


M.S., California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California, 1980

Major: Env. Engineering. Concentration: Chemical Engineering

Jessie Smith Noyes Foundation Fellowship

M.S., Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, 1976

Major: Chemical Engineering

Enzyme process development thesis. Taught computer programming.

B.S., Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, 1973

Major: Chemical Physics

Alumni Fund Academic Scholarship. I.H. Gotlieb Memorial Scholarship. Sigma Pi Sigma (Physics Honor Society)


Japanese-English Technical Translator & Technical Writer: 1994 - Present

JTech Translations (owner, translator, writer), Houston, Texas

Translation of Japanese patents and technical journal articles into English for the semiconductor, chemical, plastics, and other industries. Translation for both filing and information. Japanese document review. Patent searching and screening, including the Japanese PATOLIS system. Translation of numerous JPO office action documents. Also general technical writing and patent searching, particularly in-house for the local petrochemical industry for 8 years, including 3 years in the intellectual property dept. One publication. Certified as a Japanese-to-English patent translator by the Japan Translation Federation.

Product Development Engineer: 1994 - 1997

Tredegar Films Corporation, Terre Haute, Indiana

Develop plastic film products with US, European, and Japanese clients. Development of films for disposable consumer products and medical devices.

Process Development Engineer: 1980 - 1994

Ethyl Corporation, Houston, Texas (1989 - 1994)

Developed silicon semiconductor crystal growth processes for the semiconductor and silicon photovoltaic industries. Japanese customer technical service. Japanese-English technical translation. Japanese patent searching. Several patents. One publication.

Ethyl Corporation, Baton Rouge, Louisiana (1980 - 1989)

Designed, built, and operated pilot plants. Bench-scale process development. Three patents. One publication.

Research Associate: 1976 - 1978

Center for Wetland Resources, Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Developed trace chemical analytical methods and equipment. Study of chemistry of trace contaminants in sediments.


(1) Johnston, S. W., “Construction of a 12.5” Tri-Shiefspiegler,” Telescope Making Magazine, Fall of 1986, pp. 44 - 51. (applied optics, accompanied by presentation at 1987 TSP conference)

(2) Marlett, E. M., Fey, F. W., Johnston, S. W., & Kaesz, H. D., “Stabilization of Amine Alanes,” US Patent No. 4,730,070 (1988).

(3) Marlett, E. M., Fey, F. W., Johnston, S. W., & Kaesz, H. D., “Stabilization of Amine Alanes," US Patent No. 4,782,171 (1988).

(4) Marlett, E. M., Fey, F. W., Johnston, S. W., & Kaesz, H. D., “Stabilization of Amine Alanes,” US Patent No. 4,866,191 (1988).

(5) Johnston, S. W. & Kurz, J. D., “Multiple Czochralski Crystal Growth Using Polysilicon Granules,” (16p-ZK-4) Oyobutsurigakukai Koenkai Yokoshu, pub. of The Japan Society of Applied Physics, vol. 53, no.1 (19920916) p. 213. (semiconductor crystal growth, accompanied by presentation at The Japan Society of Applied Physics Fall 1992 Meeting)

(6) Johnston, S. W. & Wikman, A. O., “Particulate Matter Feeding Apparatus,” Japanese Unexamined Laid-open Patent Application No. H06-205960A (1994).

(7) Johnston, S. W., “Using Japanese Online Patent Information,” Fourth Annual NTIS/JICST Conference: Japanese Scientific & Technical Information, Boston, Massachusetts, 14 & 15 July 1994, pub. by U.S. National Technical Information Service (searching and using Japanese language technical literature, accompanied by presentation at JSTI conference in Boston).

(8) Johnston, S. W. & Wikman, A. O., “Apparatus for Recharging a Heated Receptacle with Particulate Matter at a Controlled Velocity,” US Patent No. 5,419,462 (1995).