Awesome Communication for Couples and Families

Part of the 2015-16Couple & Relationship Therapy Practice Workshop Series

Saturday, November 14, 2015 9:30-11:30 a.m.

Buffalo, New York

Effective and clear communication is key to Keeping the Bliss Goingin any relationship. The question is whether the communication is happening effectively. This workshop will focus on core couple and family communication skills and tools that you can use to ensure that communication is open, honest, and constructive with the inevitable challenges in all family relationships. Join us for this interactive workshop that will provide you, your partner, and family with a Communication Toolkit of tips, resources, and tools for improving your ability to both listen and articulate your needs.

Tips will be provided:

  • Helping you, your partner, and/or family develop healthy and helpful communication skills;
  • Navigating common communication pitfalls for couples and families, including blended families;
  • Developing listening techniques and cue words and phrases;
  • Understanding when your partner or children want to vent versus looking for advice;
  • Building your knowledge of communication styles, processes, and strategies for ensuring y process.

Our lead facilitator, Melanie Rickets,a Marriage and Family Therapist, has provided support to individuals, couples, and families for over eight years. Improving communications for couples and for parents is one of her core focus areas.

Our co-facilitator, Rene Jones, LMFT, ABD, is the Director of Couple & Relationship Therapy Practice, with over 15 years of experience as a licensed marriage and family therapist and certified sex therapist. She is the program director for Medaille’s Marriage and Family Therapy (MFT) program.


  • $45 per individual, $70 per couple

Registration and Payment Options:

  • You can register using the registration form on page 2. Email completed form to If paying by check, make payable to: “Couple and Relationship Therapy Practice” and send to: Rene Jones, Couple and Relationship Therapy Practice, 4511 Harlem Road, Suite 8, Amherst, NY 14226, along with completed registration form.
  • If paying by Credit Card or PayPal, please pay online at:

Note: Once your registration and payment are received, a confirmation email receipt will be sent to you that includes additional workshop details and location.

***Additional Questions about the Workshop? Please call…716-331-7343***

Registration Form

Awesome Communication for Couples and Families

Part of the 2015-16Couple & Relationship Therapy Practice Workshop Series

Saturday, November 14, 2015 9:30-11:30 a.m.

Buffalo, New York

  1. Your First and Last Name


  1. Partner’s First and Last Name (if applicable)


  1. Mailing address


  1. City, State, and Zip Code


  1. Email Address (email confirmation sent here)


  1. Do you want to receive additional emails about future workshops? (Yes or No)
  2. Payment Method: Check or PayPal (circle one)
  3. How did you hear about the workshop?
  • Buffalo Bridal Expo
  • Buffalo News Bridal Guide
  • Flyer
  • Referral
  • Friend
  • Website
  • Other ______