Health and Social Care Committee
Tuesday 29 August 2006 at 3.10 pm
Present: Councillors Forbes, Fyfe, Hill, Hunter, McKenzie, Nimmo, Roach, Robertson and Snoddy.
Chair: Councillor Nimmo presided.
In attendance: Mr F Jarvie (for Solicitor to the Council), Mr J Aird (for Chief Financial Officer), Head of Community Care and Strategy, Head of Social Work Services, Head of Social Work Resources and Head of Property Services.
With the exception of the decision marked “C”, which is open for confirmation or otherwise, the following paragraphs are submitted for information only having been dealt with under the powers delegated to the Committee.
542 / Revenue Budget 2006/07 - Period 3 / 542
There was submitted a report by the Chief Financial Officer on (1) the Revenue Budget 2005/06 outturn and (2) the position of the Revenue Budget 2006/07 as at Period 3 (30 June 2006) which showed a projected overspend of £184,000.
(1)that the outturn for 2005/06 and the current projected overspend of £184,000 for 2006/07, as at 30 June 2006 be noted; and
(2)that it be noted that the Head of Social Work Services, in consultation with the Chief Financial Officer, will review the overall budget and report to the next meeting of the Committee either showing that the expenditure can be contained or making recommendations as to how this can be achieved.
543 / Social Work Capital and CFCR Projects - Technical Progress / 543
There was submitted a report by the Head of Social Work Resources on the progress of the Social Work Capital and CFCR projects in the current financial year.
(1) that the current position of the Social Work Capital and CFCR projects be noted; and
(2) that approval be given to additional funding of £30,000 required for Phase 2 of the Inverclyde Centre development to be met from the 2006/2007 Taskforce Grant.
544 / Annual Maintenance Rates / 544
There was submitted a report by the Head of Social Work Resources setting out maintenance rates which reflect the current weekly cost per person for permanent residents in registered residential establishments located both within and outwith Inverclyde.
Decided: that the Committee note the rates approved for establishments located both within and outwith Inverclyde as set out in Appendices 1, 2 and 3 of the report.
545 / Care and Support at Home Charging Policy / 545
There was submitted a report by the Head of Social Work Resources recommending amendments to the Council’s Care and Support at Home Charging Policy.
Following discussion, Councillor Nimmo moved (1) that the changes recommended by COSLA in their 2006 Charging Guidance be noted and (2) that approval be given to the introduction of the changes set out in paragraphs 2.2 and 2.3 of the report. As an amendment, Councillor McKenzie moved that a further report be submitted to the next meeting of the Committee on the implications of the proposed changes for those currently paying the charge.
On a vote, 3 Members voted for the amendment and 6 for the motion which was declared carried. Those Members who had voted in favour of the amendment then requested in terms of the relevant Standing Order that the matter be referred to The Inverclyde Council for decision in terms of the amendment.
C / Decided:
(1) that the changes recommended by COSLA in their 2006 Charging Guidance be noted; and / C
(2) that approval be given to the introduction of the changes set out in paragraphs 2.2 and 2.3 of the report.
546 / Inverclyde Joint Community Care Statement of Intent 2006/07, including Supporting People Annual Review / 546
There was submitted a report by the Head of Community Care and Strategy seeking approval of the Inverclyde Joint Community Care Statement of Intent 2006/07, including the Supporting People Annual Review.
Decided: that approval be given to the Inverclyde Joint Community Care Statement of Intent 2006/07, including the Supporting People Annual Review as detailed in the appendix to the report.
547 / Social Work Services Complaints Procedures - Annual Report / 547
There was submitted a report by the Head of Community Care and Strategy on the annual performance of Social Work Services in relation to the statutory complaints procedures as determined by the Scottish Executive Guidance and Directions on the Operation of Complaints Procedures in respect of Social Work Functions (SWSG5/1996).
(1) that the Committee note the 2005/06 performance of Social Work Services relative to the statutory complaints procedures; and
(2) that in future, the report be submitted in a more simplified, tabular format.
548 / Further Local Implementation of “Choose Life” Strategy / 548
There was submitted a report by the Head of Community Care and Strategy providing an update on current and future developments in connection with the implementation of “Choose Life”, the Scottish Executive’s National Strategy and Action Plan for Preventing Suicide in Scotland.
Decided: that the approach adopted by Inverclyde Council relative to the National Suicide Prevention Strategy as detailed in the report be endorsed and support be given to its continued development to March 2008.
549 / Social Work Services Authorised Providers List - Annual Report / 549
There was submitted a report by the Head of Community Care and Strategy on amendments made to the Social Work Services Authorised Providers List in accordance with Rule 3 of the Rules of Procedure for the Procurement of Social Care Services.
Decided: that the amendments to the Authorised Providers List detailed in the report be noted.
550 / Health and Social Care Appeals Sub-Committee - Use of Powers Delegated to the Chief Executive / 550
There was submitted a report by the Solicitor to the Council advising of the use of the powers delegated to the Chief Executive to approve the establishment of a Sub-Committee by the Health and Social Care Committee to consider appeals by existing service providers arising from the service review process for Housing Support Services.
(1) that the use of the powers delegated to the Chief Executive be noted;
(2) that the membership of the Sub-Committee comprise Councillors Forbes, Fyfe (Convener), Hill, McKenzie, Nimmo, Roach and Snoddy; and
(3) that it be noted that the Solicitor to the Council, in consultation with the Convener and the Corporate Director - Education and Social Care, will make arrangements for a hearing as requested from time to time.
551 / Child Protection Committee Annual Report and Business Plan / 551
There was submitted a report by the Head of Social Work Services providing a summary of the content of the Child Protection Committee Annual Report and Business Plan, copies of which had been circulated separately to all Members.
Decided: that the content of the Child Protection Committee Annual Report and Business Plan be noted.
552 / Inverclyde Joint Care Board - Minutes of Meetings of 23 March and 23 May 2006 / 552
There were submitted minutes of the meetings of the Inverclyde Joint Care Board of 23 March and 23 May 2006.
It was agreed in terms of Section 50(A)(4) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 as amended, that the public and press be excluded from the meeting for the following items on the grounds that the business involved the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 3 of Part I of Schedule 7(A) of the Act.
553 / Individual Call-Off Contract / 553
There was submitted a report by the Head of Community Care and Strategy seeking approval to enter into an individual call-off contract for the care and support of an individual with complex assessed needs.
Decided: that approval be given to enter into a contract with the Richmond Fellowship on the basis set out in the report.
554 / Contracts for Six Individuals Using Rule 4 of the Procedures for the Procurement of Social Care Services / 554
There was submitted a report by the Head of Community Care and Strategy seeking approval to enter into contracts for the procurement of Social Care Services for six individuals with learning disabilities using Rule 4 of the Procedures for Procurement of Social Care Services.
Decided: that approval be given to entering into contracts for the provision of care for the six individuals on the basis detailed in the report.
