Table1. Socio-demographic characteristic of deceased adults in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 2006 – 2009
Socio-demographic characteristics / Females No (%) / Males No (%)Age
15-24 / 123 (3.3) / 94 (2.5)
25-34 / 270 (7.3) / 261 (7.0)
35-44 / 241 (6.5) / 286 (7.7)
45-54 / 237 (6.4) / 250 (6.7)
55-64 / 234 (6.3) / 229 (6.2)
65-74 / 262 (7.1) / 337 (9.1)
75-84 / 221 (6.0) / 248 (6.7)
85+ / 257 (6.9) / 159 (4.3)
Orthodox / 1629(43.9) / 1629 (44.5)
Muslim / 166 (4.5) / 170 (4.6)
Others / 50(1.3) / 50 (1.2)
Amhara / 1001(27.0) / 933(25.2)
Oromo / 453(12.2) / 456 (12.3)
Guraghe / 212(5.7) / 248 (6.7)
Others / 179(4.8) / 227 (6.1)
Education Status
No education / 971 (26.2) / 484(13.0)
Elementary School / 405 (10.9) / 486(13.1)
Secondary School / 276 (7.4) / 465 (12.5)
College/University / 74 (2.0) / 222 (6.0)
Others (church education) / 119 (3.2) / 207 (5.6)
Professional/Technical/Managerial / Sales and services / 209(5.6) / 663(17.9)
Skilled/unskilled Manual Labor / 216 (5.8) / 319 (8.6)
Housewives / 1090 (29.4) / 8 (0.2)
Retired / 79 (2.1) / 465 (12.5)
Others (unemployed, students, farmers) / 251(6.8) / 409 (11.0)
Marital Status
Single / 289(7.8) / 515(13.9)
Married / 446(12.0) / 1032(27.8)
Separated / 133(3.6) / 48(1.3)
divorce / 139(3.7) / 58(1.6)
Widowed / 838(22.6) / 211(5.7)
Table2. Tobacco, Alcohol and Khat consumption pattern by gender in Addis Ababa, 2006-2009
Health Risk Behaviors / Response / Male (N=1864) / Female (N=1845) / Total (N=3701)n (%) / n (%) / n (%)
Ever drink alcohol / Yes / 869 (46.6)* / 188 (10.2)* / 1055(28.5)*
How often S/he drink alcohol / Frequently per week / 411 (22)* / 43 (2.3)* / 454(12.2)*
Occasionally / 424(22.7)* / 131(7.1)* / 555(15.0)*
Male (n=467) / Female (n=49) / Total (n=516)
How often get drunk / Daily / 195(41.8) / 19 (38.8) / 214(41.5)
Weekly / 52 (11.1) / 3 (6.1) / 55(10.7)
Occasionally / 186 (39.8) / 21 (42.9) / 208(40.1)
Male (N=1864) / Female (N=1845) / Total (N=3701)
Smoke Tobacco / Yes / 337 (18.2)* / 15 (0.8)* / 352(9.5)*
How often did s/he smoke (n=311) / At least once per day / 244(13.1)* / 8(0.4) / 252(6.8)*
Occasionally / 29 (1.6)* / 0 / 29(0.8)
How long had s/he been smoking (n=347) / 5years / 29(1.6)* / 0 / 29(0.8)
5-10 years / 26 (1.4)* / 2(0.1) / 28(0.8)
11 years / 228 (12.2)* / 9 (0.5) / 237(6.1)*
Male (n=329) / Female (n=13) / Total (n=342)
Smoking till became sick (n=342) / Yes / 217 (66.0) / 10 (76.9) / 227(66.4)
Stopped before being sick / 100 (30.4) / 2 (15.4) / 102(29.8)
Male (N=1864) / Female (N=1845) / Total (N=3701)
Did the deceased chew khat? / Yes / 238 (12.8)* / 39 (2.1)* / 277(7.5)*
How frequent did s/he chews khat?(n=272) / Frequently in a week / 145 (7.8)* / 14(0.2)* / 159(4.3)*
Occasionally / 76 (4.1)* / 19 (1.0)* / 95(2.6)*
* Significant P<0.05, chi-square test
Table3. Cause of death by health risk behaviors in Addis Ababa, 2006-2009.
Cause of Death / Number / Alcohol Users / Smoking Cigarette / Khat Chewing(n=3709) / n (%) / n (%) / n(%)
- Communicable and maternal conditions
HIV/AIDS / 707 / 111(15.7)* / 69(9.8)* / 47(6.6)*
Tuberculosis / 460 / 82(17.8)* / 57 (12.4)* / 24 (5.2)*
Respiratory Tract Infections / 102 / 10(9.8) / 1(1.0) / 1
Diarrheal Disease / 115 / 15(13.)* / 6(5.2) / 4 (3.5)
Meningitis / 47 / 2(4.3) / 2(4.3) / 0
- Non Communicable Disease
- Malignant neoplasm
Stomach Cancer / 73 / 6(8.2) / 4(5.5) / 1(1.4)
Breast Cancer / 43 / 1(2.3) / 0 / 0
Uterine Cancer / 47 / 1(2.1) / 0 / 0
Liver Cancer / 37 / 4(10.8) / 1(2.7) / 0
Cancer of cervix / 19 / 1(5.3) / 0 / 0
Colon and rectal cancer / 27 / 2(7.4) / 2(7.4) / 1(3.7)
Other neoplasm / 145 / 12(8.5) / 8 (5.5) / 1
- Diabetes Mellitus
- Neuropsychiatry conditions
- Cardiovascular diseases
Hypertensive heart disease / 426 / 35(8.2)* / 17(4.0)* / 6(1.4)*
Cerebrovascular disease / 404 / 40(9.9) / 18(4.5)* / 6(1.5)
Congestive Heart Failure / 239 / 17(7.1)* / 13(5.4) / 6(2.5)
Myocardial infarction / 84 / 8(9.5) / 10 (11.9) / 3(3.6)
- Respiratory diseases
Asthma / 73 / 7(9.6) / 0 / 1(1.4)
- Digestive Diseases
Chronic Liver Disease / 165 / 45(27.3)* / 17(10.3) / 8(4.8)
Peptic Ulcer Disease / 31 / 2 (6.5) / 1(3.2) / 0
- Genitourinary Disease
Chronic Renal Failure / 112 / 10(8.9) / 5(4.5) / 3 (2.7)
- Injuries
- Unintentional
Road traffic accidents / 83 / 3(3.6)* / 4(4.8) / 1
- Intentional (Suicide...)
Poisoning / 28 / 12(42.9)* / 10(35.7)* / 2(7.1)
Undetermined / 254 / 22(8.7) / 7(2.8)* / 0
Note: *P < 0.05; P- values obtained by Chi square test
Table 4.Association between communicable diseases and socioeconomic factors in Addis Ababa, 2006-2009
Communicable DiseasesSocioeconomic factors
Gender / No (%) / Crude OR ( 95% CI) / Sig. / Adjusted OR
( 95% CI) / Sig.
M / 751 (20) / 0.853 (0.748-0.972) / 0.017 / 0.829 (0.723-0.950) / 0.007
F / 815 (22) / Ref. / Ref.
15-54 / 974 (26) / 2.310 (1.849-2.886) / 0.000 / 2.576 (2.030-3.268) / 0.000
55-84 / 447(12) / 0.771 (0.612-0.970) / 0.026 / 0.798 (0.633-1.005) / 0.056
85+ / 145(4) / Ref. / Ref.
< High School / 1081(29) / 0.773 (0.669-0.893) / 0.000 / 1.127 (0.957-1.328) / 0.151
Secondary School / 485(13) / Ref. / Ref.
Professional Sales/Services / 396 (11) / 0.962 (0.786-1.179) / 0.711 / 1.001 (0.813-1.233) / 0.994
Manual Labor
( Skilled/ Unskilled) / 299(8) / 1.466 (1.165-1.843) / 0.001 / 1.367 (1.079-1.731) / 0.010
House Wives / 400(11) / 0.663 (0.545-0.807 / 0.000 / 0.708 (0.555-0.904) / 0.006
Retired / 165(4) / 0.504 (0.397-0.639) / 0.000 / 0.837 (0.645-1.087) / 0.183
Other students... / 306(8) / Ref. / Ref.
Table5.Association between non communicable diseases and socioeconomic variables in Addis Ababa, 2006-2009
Non Communicable diseasesSocioeconomic variables / No (%) / Crude OR
( 95% CI) / Sig. / Adjusted OR
( 95% CI) / Sig.
Male / 941(25) / 0.912
(0.801-1.037) / 0.160 / 0.950
(0.829-1.09) / 0.461
Females / 974(26) / Ref. / Ref.
15-54 / 612(16.5) / 0.461 (0.371-0.572) / 0.000 / 0.434 (0.344-0.548) / 0.000
55-84 / 1080(29) / 2.073 (1.660-2.587) / 0.000 / 2.100 (1.679-2.627) / 0.000
85+ / 223(6) / Ref. / Ref.
Education S
< High School / 1465(40) / 1.583 (1.370-1.829) / 0.000 / 0.997 (0.846-1.175) / 0.972
Secondary School / 450 (12) / Ref. / Ref.
Professional/Sales/Services / 404 (11) / 1.136 (0.927-1.392) / 0.220 / 1.145 (0.929-1.409) / 0.204
Manual Labor ( Skilled/ Unskilled) / 175(5) / 0.640 (0.505-0.811) / 0.000 / 0.666 (0.522-0.849) / 0.001
House Wives / 681 (18) / 2.149 (1.766-2.615) / 0.000 / 1.727 (1.353-2.205 / 0.000
Retired / 370(10) / 2.797 (2.207-3.546) / 0.000 / 1.799 (1.392-2.326) / 0.000
Other (Students...) / 285(8) / Ref. / Ref.