1-4 December, 2010, Bangkok, Thailand
I. Introduction
1.1. The Second APT Preparatory Meeting for the ITU Plenipotentiary Conference-2010 (PP-10) was held from the 2nd to the 4th December, 2009 in Bangkok, Thailand. The meeting was held back-to-back with the APT 2nd Preparatory Meeting for WTDC-10.
1.2. A total of 87 participants representing APT Members, Associate Members, Affiliate Members and International Organizations attended the meeting.
II. Session 1: Plenary
Chairman : Dr. Jason Ashurst, Chairman of the Preparatory Group for the PP-10.
Adoption of Agenda and Programme
2.1 The Provisional Agenda (Document No: PP-10/2/02) and Tentative Programme (Document No: PP-10/2/03) were adopted.
APT Preparations for PP-10 and Progress report from the APT PP-10 Preparatory Group
2.3 “APT Preparations for PP-10“ (Doc. No. PREP/PP-10/APT/01) was presented by Mr. Mohamed Amir, Consultant, APT. He gave the overview on objectives and structure of the preparatory work together with the timetable of the work. Lastly, the scope of work and the issues identified in each of the 5 CG groups were highlighted.
Views from other regions and organizations on WTDC-10 preparations
2.4 “PP-2010 VERACRUZ, 4-22 OCTOBER 2010”, (Document No: PREP/PP-10/ITU/01), was presented by Mr. Alexander Ntoko. He briefed the meeting on the PP-10 Preparations and the responsibilities. He gave an overview on the PP-10 provisional draft structure. Two Substantive Committees, i.e., Committee 5 – Policy and Legal Matters and Committee 6 - Administration and Management, were highlighted. There would be one Working Group of the Plenary. The proposed themes for Working Group are: Internet related public policies; and WSIS Mid-term review. He then covered the general matters for the working group. The key issues of PP-10 were then listed. Lastly, he touched on the PP-10 Elections and listed out important ITU contacts.
2.5 “ITU Strategic Plan and Financial Plan 2012–2015” was presented by Mr. Alexander Ntoko and Mr. Richard Barr. The presentation mentioned that C09 had initiated the process for the preparation of ITU’s SP 2012-2015. C09 approved the creation of CWG for the elaboration of the Strategic Plan and Financial Plan for the Union 2012–2015 (CWG SP-FP, Resolution 1300). The presentation then discussed the outcomes of 1st and 2nd meetings of CWG SP-FP. It then outlined next steps of preparations. Roles of major meetings (groups) were then explained. Sample of application of draft structure to budget of ITU sectors and the sample of application of budget per strategic objective were given. The presentation ended with Issues to be resolved in the Financial Plan 2012-2015.
2.6 “CITEL Preparations: Plenipotentiary Conference (PP-10)”, (Document No: PREP/PP-10/CITEL/01), was presented by Mr. Bruce Gracie, Special Advisor, International Organization, Industry Canada representing CITEL. In his presentation, CITEL Preparatory Structure for PP-10 was explained. He touched on the Review of the draft Financial Plan (Decision 6, Marrakesh, 2002). He then highlighted financial issues, especially resolutions to be reviewed which are Resolution 66, 71, 72, 91, 151, 158, and other finance related issues. He went on to point out the issue of Periodicity of World TELECOM events, Stability of the basic texts, and Review of New Issues and Study Topics. He ended his presentation by listing out issues to be further discussed in CITEL.
2.7 “Follow-up on Circular Letter 143 (Management and Functioning of the Union) (Res. 147)” was presented by Mr. Richard Barr, Chief, Administration & Finance, ITU. He urged the member countries to provide feedback to the circular once it was circulated. He briefly explained the Circular Letter 143. He listed out issues for further review and the associated suggestions. These are: Terminology of the titles for Directors of Bureaux; Timing of Credentials Reports and elections at PP meetings; Review of Contributory Unit system; Review of revenue sources and costs; and Methods to stabilize the Basic Instruments of the Union.
2.8 Iran mentioned that Iran had sent comments to APT since August and further suggested regarding the cost recovery that the cost recovery for satellite system should not be touched.
2.9 Chair sought clarification on the possibility of lowering the number of contributory units.
IV. Session 2-7: CG Meetings and Formulation of Draft of Preliminary APT Common Proposals (PACPs)
Chairperson: Individual CG Rapporteurs as outlined below
Correspondence Group 3
Chair: Mr. Jong Bong Park, CG3 Rapporteur
3.1 CG3 discussions were led by the CG3 Rapporteur, Mr. Jong Bong Park, Republic of Korea.
3.2 The meeting adopted the CG3 Meeting Agenda (Doc. No. PREP/PP-10/CG3/02).
3.3 The Report of APT Correspondence Group 3 (CG3: Telecommunication Standardization Sector Issues), (Document No: PREP/PP-10/CG3/01), was presented by Mr. Jong Bong Park, Republic of Korea, Rapporteur of CG3. He highlighted the Terms of Reference (ToR) of CG3 and said that the discussion topics focussed on the issues for CS/CV and others. Particularly, the issues for CS/CV include ITU-T Study Group, TSAG, Admission of Academia, Admission of SM from Developing Countries, and Cybersecurity. As for Issues for Others, they covered ICTs and Climate Change, Conformance assessment and interoperability testing, and a possible future ITU Mark programme, Internet related public policy issues and IPv6 deployment, and Strategic Plan for the Standardization Sector. Each issue was pointed out and clearly presented. He then invited comments from the meeting.
3.4 On the topic of Telecommunication Standardization Study Group (CV/Article 14, No. 192), the meeting agreed that there shall be no change to the current provision and the topic to be the APT common position to be remained within APT and not be submitted to ITU. Should APT wish to change this into proposal, there shall be reason associated with it.
Decision no. 1 (PP-10/02): Telecommunication Standardization Study Group (CV/Article 14, No. 192)The meeting agreed that there shall be no change to the current provision and the topic to be the APT common position with some rationales to be remained within APT and not be submitted to ITU at this stage. Should APT wish to convert this into proposal, there shall be reason associated with it.
3.5 On the topic of Telecommunication Standardization Advisory Group (CV/Article 14A, No. 197A), the meeting agreed that there shall be no change to the current provision and the topic to be the candidate for APT common position rather than the PACP.
Decision no. 2 (PP-10/02): Telecommunication Standardization Advisory Group (CV/Article 14A, No. 197A)On the topic of Telecommunication Standardization Advisory Group (CV/Article 14A, No. 197A), the meeting agreed that there shall be no change to the current provision and the topic to be the candidate for APT common position rather than the PACP.
3.6 On the topic of admission of academia to participate in the work of ITU-T, Iran expressed the view that until we can define the academia, there may be some impact on the financial aspect. We need to properly define academia.
3.7 The meeting agreed to the concept of allowing academia to participate in the work of ITU-T. However, there is a need to further examine and have criteria similar to the SM to attend the work of ITU-T.
3.8 Chair suggested keeping the topic as a living list.
3.9 Chair will monitor the result of the discussion of FINREG on the issue and will report back to the next preparatory meeting.
3.10 The meeting agreed to discuss the topic in the next preparatory meeting.
3.11 The meeting agreed to the concept of Admission of academia to participate in the work. However, the legal, financial, administrative, and logistics aspect need to be discussed.
Decision no. 3 (PP-10/02): Admission of academia to participate in the work of ITU-TOn the topic of Admission of academia to participate in the work of ITU-T,
1. Chair suggested keeping the topic as a living list.
2. The meeting agreed to discuss the topic including the report of the FINREG regarding the matter in the next preparatory meeting.
3. APT members are encouraged to provide ideas to FINREG.
3.12 On the topic of Admission of Sector Members from developing countries in the work of ITU-T (CV/Article33), Iran agreed to the concept with slight modifications in the text. Iran proposed this topic to be the candidate for a PACP.
3.13 Australia suggested waiting until the result of the discussion from FINREG before considering the issue. Australia further suggested addressing the issue in the form of Resolution instead of an amendment to the CV for the stability of the CV.
3.14 Chair suggested dealing with the topic in the CV. He proposed the topic to be the candidate for a PACP.
3.15 Chair suggested that after the result of FINREG, some modifications can be proposed afterwards.
Decision no. 4 (PP-10/02): Admission of Sector Members from developing countries in the work of ITU-TOn the topic of Admission of Sector Members from developing countries in the work of ITU-T, it is decided to propose the topic to the candidate for a PACP. This could be modified after the result of the FINREG.
3.16 On the topic of Cybersecurity especially the security definitions and terminology, Iran preferred the topic to be included in the Resolution instead of CS/CV.
3.17 CG3 is to monitor the relevant discussion at ITU and other regions and report back to the next preparatory meeting.
3.18 On the topic of mandate of ITU on Cybersecurity, APT members support this idea and will investigate how to pursue the matter further.
Decision no. 5 (PP-10/02): Cybersecurity1. On the security definitions and terminology, the topic is to be included in the Resolution instead of CS/CV. CG3 is to monitor the relevant discussion at ITU and other regions and report back to the next preparatory meeting.
2. On the mandate of ITU on Cybersecurity, APT members support this idea and will investigate how to pursue the matter further.
3.19 On the topic of ICTs and Climate Change, it had already been covered in WTDC-10. It was decided that CG3 would monitor the matter and put it as a place-holder at this stage. CG3 will report the situation back to the next preparatory meeting. The topic could be reflected at the next preparatory meeting, if appropriate.
Decision no. 6 (PP-10/02): ICTs and Climate ChangeOn the topic of ICTs and Climate Change, it was decided that CG3 would monitor the matter and put it as a place-holder at this stage. CG3 will report the development back to the next preparatory meeting. Members are encouraged to submit their views to the APT Secretariat.
3.20 On the topic of WTSA Resolution 76, Chair suggested looking at the matter in the Council 2010.
3.21 Iran supported the idea by saying that the matter shall be monitored. APT shall wait for the outcome of Council 2010.
Decision no. 7 (PP-10/02): WTSA Resolution 76This item is decided to be a living list of CG3.
3.22 On the topic of Internet issues:
Decision no. 8 (PP-10/02): Internet Issues - WTSA Resolution 75 and 64The topic is to be put to list for monitoring development of CG3 at this stage. The result of Council 2010 and other regions will be reported back at the 3rd preparatory meeting.
3.23 On the topic of Strategic Plan for the Standardization Sector, the deadline is to be reviewed. Iran encouraged members to participate in CWG on the Strategic Plan and TSAG.
Decision no. 9 (PP-10/02): Strategic Plan for the Standardization SectorIt was decided that CG3 or any other voluntary country to collect all proposals from members submitted to TSAG and CWG.
3.24 On the topic of Accessibility, Australia volunteered to draft the Accessibility Resolution and reported back to the next preparatory meeting.
3.25 Iran noted that the result of WTDC on the matter shall also be taken into account.
Decision no. 10 (PP-10/02): AccessibilityAustralia is to draft a resolution on the Accessibility Solution and report back to the next preparatory meeting.
3.26 On the topic of International Telecommunication Charging Arrangements,
CG3 is to elaborate the issue to the members through e-mail correspondence and monitor the development. This is to be reported back to the next preparatory meeting.
Decision no. 11 (PP-10/02): International Telecommunication Charging ArrangementsCG3 is to elaborate the issue to the members through e-mail correspondence and monitor the development of the topic. This is to be reported back to the next preparatory meeting.
3.27 Iran proposed the modifications to CV197C by adding the text “see CV205A”.
Decision no. 12 (PP-10/02): CV197CCG3 is to the modify CV197C by adding the text “see CV 205A”.
3.28 China suggested CG3 Rapporteur/APT Secretariat to provide detailed paper of draft Resolutions before the next meeting.
3.29 Chair suggested discussing the topic of Cybersecurity definition and terminology in the next meeting until there will be a draft Resolution from member.
3.30 Iran suggested the topic of Cybersecurity definition and terminology to be a common position and will be converted to PACP in the appropriate time.
3.31 Iran suggested close collaboration with CG2 in terms of International Telecommunication Regulations (ITRs)
3.32 CG3 Rapporteur presented the report of CG3 meeting. (Doc. No. PREP/PP-10/CG3/03)
3.33 Iran suggested adding a memoir that there is a need to have fallback position on the issue of TSAG.
3.34 On the topic of ITR, CG2 and CG3 will highlight the issue in the revised issue paper that the email discussion will be conducted and Members will be encouraged to contribute to the ITU Council on the issue.
Correspondence Group 4
Chair: Mr. Alireza Darvishi, CG4 Rapporteur
3.35 CG4 discussions were led by the CG4 Rapporteur, Mr. Alireza Darvishi, Iran.
3.36 The CG4 meeting (Doc. No. PREP/PP-10/CG4/05) agenda was adopted.
3.37 The Report of Correspondence Group 4 (CG4: Radiocommunication Sector Issues), (Document No: PREP/PP-10/CG4/04), was presented by Mr. Alireza Darvishi, Iran, Rapporteur of CG4. He introduced the paper that was focused on the issues of Constitution (CS) and Convention (CV) and then discussed the radiocommunications issues. He invited countries who submitted the views to introduce each issue. Among the issues related to CS discussed in the paper are Radiocommunication Conference and Assemblies, Working Methods of the Sectors, Administrative Regulations, CS 1003,1009,1010,1012, 1015-17. As for the issues related to CV, they included Nos.20-22 of Article 2 of the CV, various issues on WRC, RA, Regional Radiocommunication Conference, RRB, Radiocommunication Study Groups, Radiocommunication Advisory Group, Radiocommunication Bureau, and Nos.1003, 1005 of Annex to CV.