(Registered charity no: 801395)
Thank you for your interest in booking a table at one of our Nearly New Sales.
It is very important that you read through this form and the accompanying Sellers Guidelines thoroughly (even if you have participated in sales before) as the information is regularly updated. By entering your goods into the sale you are indicating that you have read, understood and accepted any instructions.
General information
The sale is for good quality, maternity / baby and children’s clothes, books, toys and equipment only.
The sale will be a tabletop sale, which means each seller must be present to sell their own items on the day, and all proceeds made from tabletop and clothes rail items are kept by the seller.
*Standard Table (one trestle table approx. 3.8ft x 1.9ft) PLEASE NOTE THEY ARE SMALLER THAN THE ONES WE HAD IN THE PAST: £10 each. One optional clothes rail space may be added at rate of £5, therefore standard table plus space for one rail: £15.
*Premium Space (two trestle tables and space for 1 clothes rail): £20 each. A space for a second optional clothes rail may be added at a rate of £5, therefore premium space table plus space for two rails: £25.
*Large items: 10% of sale price, with a minimum charge of £3 per item
Please add £3 per large item to your booking cheque, any extra payment (for items that sell for over £30) will be taken on the day.
*Insert or/and sample in our 100 goodie bags: £15
Please note use of clothes rail(s) is optional and they are not provided as part of the fee for sellers - you need to provide your own clothes rail(s) if applicable to the space you have booked. Trestle tables will be provided for all sellers.
These fees are non-refundable and any profit made from the sale will go directly to the Halstead & Sudbury Branch of the NCT.
Individual large items (cots, buggies, highchairs, playpens, outdoor toys, etc.) will be situated in a separate area of the venue for sale, with transactions managed by an NCT volunteer. NB Please ensure you ‘check in’ your item(s) with the volunteer so you can discuss any operating features/payment arrangements etc. It is not necessary to book a table to sell a large item. The event organiser reserves the right to dictate which items are classified as ‘large’, as space is limited around tables.
To secure your table and/or large item booking please go to https://nct.intrabiz.co.uk/cgi-bin/sys.cgi?action=NCT-product-client_view&id=28772257.
Priority booking will be given to NCT members until one month prior to the sale. Booking requests from non-members will be allocated after this date in order of receipt. Tables are limited in number so you are advised to make your request as soon as possible. Details of future sales can be found on our website - www.nct.org.uk/halstead and then navigating to the nearly new section. You can also download this Booking Form and the Sellers Guidelines pack from the site.
Please display the enclosed poster to help advertise the event. This is your sale too and it is in everyone’s interest to spread the word as widely as possible: your local doctor’s surgery/health visitor’s clinic, local shops, nurseries, community notice boards, pre-schools, displaying the poster in the back of your car and anywhere else where you think it will be seen by potential buyers!
Sale process
Each seller is responsible for pricing, labelling and displaying their items, providing their own float and taking payment for items on the day. The NCT provide trestle tables, chairs and NCT carrier bags. Sellers may bring their own clothing rail to position next to their table but please note that if you wish to bring more than one clothing rail, you will need to book a premium size space rather than a standard table.
Sellers may take payment for items using cash or cheque, but it is their responsibility to ensure cheques are written correctly and to check card details (it is advisable to write the cheque guarantee number on the back, and check the signature and expiry date). The NCT will not reimburse sellers for mistakes or fraudulent payment. Please note that sellers take part in this sale at their own risk and whilst we try to maintain high standards of security, Halstead and Sudbury NCT Branch accepts no liability for items/money lost, damaged or stolen and no payment will be made in respect to such items.
Setting Up/Clearing Away
Stallholders should aim to arrive one hour prior to the start of the main sale as it can take up to half an hour to unload your items and display them on the tables which will be laid out in advance. The pre-sale (limited to NCT members and volunteers only) will start half an hour before the main sale. Clearing away will start promptly at the advertised end of the sale and stallholders will need to remove all their leftover items.
Guidelines for large items
Please prepare an advertising notice for each item clearly listing your name, the type/make of item, its dimensions, any special features and the price you are selling it for. You may wish to ‘cut and paste’ catalogue/internet information and consider accessories, for example if you are selling a cotbed, include a sheet set/blankets.
The sale of all large items is at our discretion.
If you are selling prams/pushchairs/buggies we are obliged by law to draw your attention to the following:
Second-hand wheeled child conveyances (i.e. prams and pushchairs) must now conform to the following regulations with effect from 1st May 2003:
• British Standard 7409 (or an equivalent European Standard) and be permanently marked BS 7409:1996, together with the name or trademark of the manufacturer or importer
• There must be a permanent notice on the vehicle, which must state, "Children should be harnessed in at all times and should never be left unattended...."
• Instructions in English must be supplied with each vehicle. These are to be headed: IMPORTANT, KEEP FOR FUTURE REFERENCE and must include instructions relating to operation, assembly, use and maintenance.
Please note: We are unable to allow the sale of prams / pushchairs etc without instructions. If you have lost your original instructions, please contact the manufacturer for a replacement copy.
To secure your table and/or large item booking please go to https://nct.intrabiz.co.uk/cgi-bin/sys.cgi?action=NCT-product-client_view&id=28772257
Alternatively, please print and return this form along with your cheque made payable to “National Childbirth Trust ” for the total cost of your table and any large items listed below to:
NCT: A. Moreaux, 23 Courtlands, Ramsey Road, Halstead, CO91DF
1) Date and Location of sale:………………………………………………………………….
2) Space:
Standard:single table £10
Standard+Rail space: plus space for one clothes rail £15
Premium: two tables (incl. space for one optional clothes rail) £20
Premium+Rail space: two tables (incl. space for two clothes rails) £25
Insert and/or sample in our 100 goodie bags £15
3) Name:………………………………………………………………………………………..
4) Address: ……………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………………......
5) Tel:…………………………………. Email:………………………………………….
6) NCT Membership No (if applicable): …………………………………………
Please provide details of any large items (eg moses basket, travel cot, cot, cot bed, pushchair, travel system, highchair, playpen, stair gate, bed guard, outdoor toy etc.) which will be sold in a separate space at an additional non-refundable cost of 10% of sale price with a minimum charge for all items of £3. Please add £3 per item to your booking cheque, and if the item sells for more than £30 we will take the remainder on the day following the sale. Please see further guidelines in the attached sellers pack.
It is now a requirement by law that pushchairs, buggies and travel systems must be sold with the manufacturer’s instructions. We cannot accept these items for sale without instructions.
Please confirm that you have the instructions for pushchair / travel system: YES / NO
Large Item Description / Item Price / Fee1
It’s important to us to know what you think about the running of the sale and how we might be able to improve it next time. Please take the time to fill out this form and either hand it in after the sale, email it to or post to: NCT, c/o A. Moreaux, 23 Courtlands, Ramsey Road, Halstead, CO91DF
Thank you very much.
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Before the Sale
How did you find out about the sale?
Was it easy to know who to contact to enquire about selling at the sale?
How would you rate the following factors once you made contact?
Speed of response
Very good Good OK Could be betterVery poor
Quality of information
Very goodGood OK Could be better Very poor
General organisation
Very goodGood OK Could be better Very poor
Any other comments? (i.e. any other information that would help)
On the Day
How would you rate the sale venue for the following?
Overall Location
Very good Good OK Could be better Very poor
Access – parking and unloading/loading
Very good Good OK Could be better Very poor
Layout and circulation
Very goodGood OK Could be better Very poor
Very goodGood OK Could be betterVery poor
General organisation
Very goodGood OK Could be betterVery poor
Any other comments? (i.e. ideas for alternative venues, different ways of running the sale)
Revised: May 2016 Reg. Charity 801395