Draft Minutes of OASIS TOSCA TC Meeting
URL OF CALENDAR EVENT : https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/tosca/event.php?event_id=35834
DATE: November 14, 2013
TIME: 12:00 PM EDT
Scribe: Krishna Raman (Red Hat)
Meeting was quorate: YES
[The co-chairs maintain the roster based on the TC Process rules. Since rights are gained/lost at the end of a meeting and the co-chairs update between meetings, the roster should be accurate at the start of each meeting. You can view it at: http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/tosca/members/roster.php]
Approval of Minutes
The chair motioned for the below draft minutes to be approved. Seconded by Richard.
Date of meeting: https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/document.php?document_id=51252&wg_abbrev=tosca
Approved by unanimous consent.
Approved Agenda:
Based on review and discussion of the proposed agenda, the chair motioned for the below agenda to be approved. Seconded by Frank.
Other Motions and Results (broken out from below):
• Tosca 1.0 spec is up for Oasis standard membership vote. We have a little over a week left. We are at 37. Prefer to get over 50.
• Vote must be cast by your organization's primary or alternate voting representative.
• The public Link for the ballot is : https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/ballot.php?id=2538
• Thomas giving a report about OpenStack Summit in Hong Kong
• OpenStack has a lot of momentum specially on PaaS
• Good discussion with HEAT core team about HOT language.
• Discussed about alignment with TOSCA. Told HEAT about work on TOSCA YAML profile.
• Matt also looked at JuJu Charm work and plan to talk to Canonical
• Interop report
• Trying to focus on near-term demo events
• We will discuss that next week and figure out which event to focus on.
• For TOSCA 1.1, Last change on charter clarification (TOSCA-81) was on Nov 14.
• Voting deferred for 1 week to allow time for review
• Discussed TOSCA normative types proposals
• Will be primary topic for next meeting
• Comments captured in raw log as well as TOSCA-12
Motion to Adjourn:
MOTION to adjourn by Paul Lipton. Seconded by Simon. Motion PASSES by unanimous consent. Meeting adjourned at 1:30 PM EDT
Raw Chat Log:
[11:41] Paul Lipton (co-chair) WebEx: Hello and welcome to today's meeting of the TOSCA TC! Please note that we use a new phone bridge, web conferencing, and chatroom. This information was privately communicated to all members. If you do not have this information, please send an email to the co-chairs using the email address that you are registered with at OASIS requesting the information.
ATTENDANCE RECORDING: Participants are responsible to log their attendance on the Kavi calendar event at https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/tosca/event.php?event_id=35834. When you join the meeting, use this page to record your attendance by clicking "Record My Attendance". If you are not on the internet, you can request the co-chair to record your attendance on your behalf.
LEAVES OF ABSENCE (for the minutes as per OASIS process):
* Juergen Meynert - 31 Oct
* Dale Moberg -- 24 Oct
* Krishna Raman - 17 Oct
* Chip Holden (10 Oct)
* Efraim Moscovich (3 Oct)
* Richard Probst (26 Sept)
SCRIBE QUEUE (please volunteer for a future meeting in the chat room or speak up now!)
Krishna Raman - 14 Nov
Hemal Surti - 21 Nov
!!! Today's meeting: Please Use Paul's phone and bridge
!!! Co-chairs will respond to reminder requests from your OASIS-REGISTERED email only.
[11:51] anonymous morphed into Peter Gibbels (HP)
[12:01] Krishna Raman (Red Hat) morphed into Krishna Raman (Scribe - Red Hat)
[12:01] Paul Lipton (co-chair) WebEx: ALL - Scribe for December 5th, please?
[12:04] Juergen Meynert (scribe Fujitsu)1 morphed into Juergen Meynert (Fujitsu)
[12:05] Peter Gibbels (HP): i can scribe December 5th ( Peter Gibbels )
[12:09] Krishna Raman (Scribe - Red Hat): We are quorate.
[12:10] Paul Lipton (co-chair) WebEx: Welcome / Roll
Co-chair appoints a scribe
Review/approve draft proposed agenda
Review/approve draft minutes
* October 31: https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/document.php?document_id=51252&wg_abbrev=tosca
** Thanks to Juergen Meynert for scribing
* Informal co-chair remarks
TOSCA v1.0 OASIS Standard Membership Ballot
* Vote must be cast by your organization's primary or alternate voting representative
** If you do not know the name of your organization's voting representative is, go to the My Account page at http://www.oasis-open.org/members/user_tools, then click the link for your Company (at the top of the page) and review the list of users for the name designated as "Primary".
* Ballot: https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/voting/ballot.php?id=2538
OpenStack Update and Conference Report
Interoperability Subcommittee Report
Status and Report
* Minutes 11 November: https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/document.php?document_id=51357&wg_abbrev=tosca-interop
TOSCA v1.1
NOTE: As always, only JIRA issues will be considered by the TC for v1.1 document changes (any TC member can create a JIRA issue. Please contact the co-chairs if you have technical issues or questions)
* Resources
* Current "base" for proposed spec changes, see Candidate OASIS Standard (public)
* TOSCA-108: Catch-all for All Editorial Suggestions That Do NOT Change Semantics, e.g., spelling, grammar, readability, layout (use for all v1.1 documents)
* Editor's Report
* These issues at the discretion of the co-chairs and time permitting. TC members should also feel free to use this opportunity to ask further questions on any of these topics and assignees are free to volunteer further information/discussion at this time, as well.
* TOSCA-81 (Charter Clarification)
* TOSCA-115 (Requirements Capabilities to Provide Interfaces)
As started last week, the TC will review and discuss the IaaS portion of the normative type proposal and then continue with a careful walkthrough of each subsequent section and a discussion on that session.
** TOSCA-12 (Set of Basic Node Types) -- also related is TOSCA-11 (Set of Fundamental Lifecycle Operations)
The TC will continue development of TOSCA-12 / TOSCA-11 to completion
** TOSCA-7 (Alternate encodings Service Templates) -- update by ad hoc team lead (Krishna)
** TOSCA-114 (Composite Capabilities and Requirements)
** TOSCA-117 and Interop Doc WD06 (related preliminary proposal)
** TOSCA-122 and Flexible Use of Requirements (related preliminary proposal)
*** Flexibile Use of Requirements (notes - 19 Aug) from SC meeting
** TOSCA-24 (Plan Portability API)
** Issues with status of "New"
** Recently updated issues
** Recently added issues
* GENERAL REMINDER: While a general approach can be decided by motion, specific concrete/material proposals and contributions need to be JIRA issues
[12:11] Krishna Raman (Scribe - Red Hat): Paul moves to approve the draft agenda. Frank seconds. No Discussion. Motion passes
[12:11] Krishna Raman (Scribe - Red Hat): Paul moves to approve the draft minutes. Richard seconds.
[12:11] Simon Moser (co-chair)1: @Richard Probst attendance successfully recorded
[12:12] Krishna Raman (Scribe - Red Hat): No objections. Motion passes
[12:13] Krishna Raman (Scribe - Red Hat): Tosca 1.0 spec is up for Oasis standard membership vote. We have a little over a week left. We are at 37. Prefer to get over 50.
[12:14] Paul Lipton (co-chair) WebEx: * Vote must be cast by your organization's primary or alternate voting representative
** If you do not know the name of your organization's voting representative is, go to the My Account page at http://www.oasis-open.org/members/user_tools, then click the link for your Company (at the top of the page) and review the list of users for the name designated as "Primary".
* Ballot: https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/voting/ballot.php?id=2538
[12:16] anonymous morphed into Sundaresh(CA)
[12:18] Simon Moser (co-chair)1: The public Link for the ballot is : https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/ballot.php?id=2538
[12:18] Simon Moser (co-chair)1: You'll realize that some of the companies in this TC havent cast their vote yet
[12:27] Krishna Raman (Scribe - Red Hat): Thomas giving a report about OpenStack Summit in Hong Kong
[12:28] Krishna Raman (Scribe - Red Hat): General impressions: OpenStack has a lot of momentum. Interesting that a lot of emphasis on PaaS. OpenStack moving from infrastructure to PaaS community.
[12:28] Krishna Raman (Scribe - Red Hat): Trove might move in as a core project. Solum also talked about which will be an ALM.
[12:29] Krishna Raman (Scribe - Red Hat): Good discussion with HEAT core team about HOT language. There will be some work on software orchestration using HEAT (by icehouse summit).
[12:31] Krishna Raman (Scribe - Red Hat): Discussed about alignment with TOSCA. Told HEAT about work on TOSCA YAML profile. If its easy to use then HEAT could align with TOSCA as well.
[12:32] Krishna Raman (Scribe - Red Hat): Matt: surprised when we saw TOSCA in the title from a company called GigaSpaces. They mentioned that they use a variant of TOSCA since they didn't like XML. Told them about TOSCA YAML profile.
[12:32] Krishna Raman (Scribe - Red Hat): We will try and finalize something during working group calls and send to HEAT community.
[12:32] Thomas Spatzier (IBM): cloudify component COSMO is the Gigaspaces project Matt is talking about
[12:33] Krishna Raman (Scribe - Red Hat): Matt: also looked at JuJu Charm work and plan to talk to Canonical about JuJu charms
[12:33] Jesus Molina (Fujitsu): juju charms
[12:34] Jesus Molina (Fujitsu): Canonical Ubuntu showed a proprietary orchestration software called Juju (https://juju.ubuntu.com). Juju provides its own templates, called Juju charms
[12:39] Krishna Raman (Scribe - Red Hat): Paul: We should try to be agile and fast. We should try and select a small set of normative types for 1.1. We can always add more to 1.2. Would urge folks to give concrete suggestions on the normative types.
[12:42] Krishna Raman (Scribe - Red Hat): Matt: Interop subcommittee report. Trying to focus on near-term demo events and trying to see how we can get better response from audience members. Could go to cloud-connect or to the interop event in Vegas. Trying to figure out where we can get more impressions and press. We will discuss that next week and figure out which one to focus on. Meanwhile, Karsten looking at putting our demos in customer-centric perspective.
[12:45] Krishna Raman (Scribe - Red Hat): Discussion version Tosca 1.1
[12:47] Krishna Raman (Scribe - Red Hat): Jacques: Talking about charter clarification. (TOSCA-81)
[12:54] Krishna Raman (Scribe - Red Hat): Paul: Since last change was today. Would prefer to defer vote for 1 week.
[12:56] Paul Lipton (co-chair) WebEx: Comments and suggestions for this charter clarification? Please use: https://tools.oasis-open.org/issues/browse/TOSCA-81
[12:58] Krishna Raman (Scribe - Red Hat): Discussing TOSCA-115
[12:58] anonymous morphed into Frank (IBM)
[12:59] Paul Lipton (co-chair) WebEx: Is Kishore here?
[13:05] Matt Rutkowski (IBM): https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/tosca-interop/download.php/50750/TOSCA%20Normative%20Types%20Proposal%202013-09-18.pptx
[13:06] Krishna Raman (Scribe - Red Hat): Discussing TOSCA normative types proposals.
[13:10] Paul Lipton (co-chair) WebEx: From 31 October meeting on slide 23 relationship type: Paul Lipton (co-chair) conference: POSSIBLE CONSIDERATION/ACTION: Paul suggested that RootRelationshipType (slide 23) may require complementary interfaces for ending the relationship, e.g., preUnConfigure, Unconfigure, postUnConfigure sort of interfaces.
[13:13] Paul Lipton (co-chair) WebEx: sorry, I didn't see you Derek. Hang on
[13:21] Paul Lipton (co-chair) WebEx: @Krishna - can you try to capture the basic points. Speakers (Dale/Derek) could you please help in the chat?
[13:24] Paul Lipton (co-chair) WebEx: From Derek (partial): common use case to set up and tear down nodes all the time (like in JuJu)
In practice, the kind of connectivity, e.g., 1-1, 1-many, etc. needs to be modeled. The actual protocols are better done with generic properties. You dont want an explosion of types.
[13:24] Paul Lipton (co-chair) WebEx: I don't have Dale's comments/questions. Dale, please help.
[13:25] Derek Palma (Vnomic)1: I recommend making relationship/connections life-cycles as close to node life-cycles as possible.
[13:26] Derek Palma (Vnomic)1: The TC should decide if it wants to support dynamic connection setup/teardown as part of the "typical" lifecycles.
[13:26] Derek Palma (Vnomic)1: as a standard use case
[13:27] Paul Lipton (co-chair) WebEx: Dale (please fill in and correct): Consider SDNs. A lot of complexity related to preconditions in a network. It doesn't follow the cable anymore. We may need to decide scope -- how much will TOSCA facilitate networks, bridges, etc.? This is a discussion happening in open source groups.
[13:32] Paul Lipton (co-chair) WebEx: NOTE: We will leave the chat open for final statements and corrections for exactly 5 minutes after adjournment of the TC.
[13:32] Krishna Raman (Scribe - Red Hat): @Paul - sorry, didn't see your request in time.
[13:32] Paul Lipton (co-chair) WebEx: Other comments, please post to TOSCA-12.
[13:33] Dale Moberg (Axway): Dale wants the declarative boundary on Connections sharpened up.
[13:34] Krishna Raman (Scribe - Red Hat): Paul moves to adjourn.
[13:34] Krishna Raman (Scribe - Red Hat): Simon seconds. no objections. meeting adjourn.
[13:35] Paul Lipton (co-chair) WebEx: NEXT WEEK: Relationship types and other matters that touch on them. Most of the meeting!!!