Nov 19, 2014 Client Meeting Notes
Client: Prof. Gray, Darin
Developer team: Ashwini Ramesha, Chen Li, Jiashuo Li, Ritika Khurana, Siddhesh Rumde, Sowmya Sampath, Yun Shao
Time and Location
3:30 pm - 5:30 pm
SAL 213
• New requirements identified
1. Additional sensors to be handled - Infra Red sensor
2. User guide to be prepared
3. Troubleshooting guide to be prepared
4. COM port customization - Manual and automatic ways
5. Firmware versions customization - Manual and automatic ways
• New risks identified
1. Similar to COM port and firmware versions, there may arise other required customizations to be made by the user manually in order for the compilation to work.
- Test with different firmware versions available on Windows7 and above.
- Add the customization instructions into the troubleshooting guide.
- Include the required file (Fix-file if any) in the final deliverable.
- Try to develop a re-try mechanism which would try compiling with different possible values for the firmwares.
2. This risk is valid in case we decide to automate the COM port changing functionality.
Risk: The COM port changing function may not achieve the expected result of properly identifying the COM port and changing the makefile accordingly.
- Maintainer is given an option to manually select the port from all available COM ports.
- Add troubleshooting instructions with snapshots of how to identify the COM port and change the makefile.
3. The default firmware version mentioned in the makefile may cause COM port time-out due to incompatible firmware version.
- Maintainer is given an option to manually select the version of firmware.
- Add troubleshooting instructions on how to edit makefile to change the firmware version.
4. Final GUI may fail to excite the elementary school kids towards using iRobots.
Mitigation: To be discussed
5. GUI may generate a C code that cannot compile.
- The line of C code causing the compilation error and corresponding instruction from GUI can be highlighted.
- A message to contact the maintainers with the exact program tried and the error message faced.
More risks can be framed by referring to Organizational Goals and Levels of Service (OG and LOS in the previous ARB slides)
• Some additional useful facts
1. Firmware versions usually used to compile: 500k, 500k-v1, 500k-v2
2. The user guides, troubleshooting guides, developers' guide, and design documents all were uploaded to team website by the previous batches.
3. Our prioritization for the Organizational Goals, LOS have changed. I shall prepare the new order in OCD document and send it across. We need to update the same in the ppt and also in the "Requirements" part of the ARB.
4. Prof. Darin is available on next friday-28th for a dry run of the final deliverable of 1st semester.