Members of Convention (as defined in 2017 Utah State Bylaws and Standing Rules, Article 1, Section 1) –

Please become familiar with the following items in advance of Convention.

Nominations and Elections - Utah State Bylaws & Standing Rules, Article III, Sections1-5


A. A nominee for any state chapter office shall have been a member of the P.E.O. Sisterhood for

at least five years.

B. No person shall be eligible for a state office who has not served a complete term as president

of a local chapter.

C. No two officers from any one chapter shall serve on the state board at one time.

Section 2---TENURE

A. No officer shall serve more than two consecutive terms in one office.

B. A vacancy occurring during the year in any office, except that of president, shall be filled by

appointment made by the president, with approval by a majority vote of the executive board.


The sequence shall be president, vice president, organizer, treasurer, and secretary.


A. The president, at the beginning of her term, with approval of the executive board, shall

appoint a Nominating Committee of three. This committee shall include the immediate past

president, who shall serve as chairman.

B. At convention, the committee shall present the name of one nominee for each office.

C. Further nominations may be made from the floor for each office preceding the elective ballot

for the office providing all nominees shall have consented to serve if elected.

D. A past state president, a member of the executive board, the chairman of a standing

committee, or local chapters wishing to recommend an eligible member for the executive

board shall submit, with the candidate’s consent, a completed nomination form to the

chairman of the Nominating Committee. The chosen nominee must be a member of the

convention at which her name is presented.


Election shall be by written ballot, unless there is but one nominee for each office called for in sequence.

Then, by general consent, the ballot may be dispensed with and a voice vote taken for the entire ticket.

If there are nominations from the floor for one or more offices, a separate elective ballot for each such

office shall be taken, and a majority of votes cast shall elect, and voting shall not be limited to the


Voting - The P.E.O. Constitution, Part II, Article IV, Sections 1 and 2

Section 1—CREDENTIALS. Members of convention of state chapter, except officers, shall present credentialsto obtain a seat and vote in convention. After a delegate has been seated asa member of convention, if it becomes necessary, her place may be filled by an alternate upon unanimousapproval of the credentials committee and the state treasurer.

Section 2—QUALIFICATION. A member of convention, when present, shall be entitled to one vote in eachproceeding of convention.

Section 3—METHOD. The ayes and nays on a question shall be expressed by the words pro and con. All

questions pertaining to dues shall be voted upon by written ballot or by electronic voting equipment suchmethod to be determined by the executive board of state chapter.

Nominations and Elections of State Board –P.E.O. Constitution, Part II, Article VI, Sections 1 - 6

Section 1—EXECUTIVE BOARD. The executive board shall be elected at the annual convention of state chapterfrom members of convention. A member of the executive board for the current year, who has filled heroffice for that term to the date of convention but who because of illness or a serious emergency is unableto attend such convention, also shall be eligible.

Section 2—ELIGIBILITY. Any member of convention shall be eligible to office in a state chapter, subject to statechapter bylaws. A nominee to office in a state chapter shall have been duly elected and installed, and shall have served as president of a local chapter for one term.

Section 3—TENURE OF OFFICE. The officers of the state chapter shall be elected by ballot at the annual

convention, and each shall hold office until her successor is elected, installed and qualified.

Section 4—NOMINATION OF OFFICERS. Nomination of state chapter officers shall be by a nominating

committee as specified in the bylaws of a state chapter. At the time of election, opportunity shall be givenfor nominations from the floor for each office. Consent of all nominees shall be obtained prior to


Section 5—ELECTION OF OFFICERS. Election of officers shall be by written ballot. When nomination of officers hasbeen by a committee, and there is but one nominee for each office and no further nominations from thefloor for each office called for in sequence, by general consent the ballot may be dispensed with and thevote for the ticket taken by voice. If there are nominations from the floor for any office, separate electiveballots for such office shall be taken. A majority of votes cast shall elect.

Section 6—VACANCY. A vacancy occurring during the year in any office, except that of president, shall befilled by appointment made by the president and approved by a majority of the executive

board. The appointee shall have served as president of a local chapter for one term.