AP Literature

Biblical Allusions in The Poisonwood Bible

After reading The Poisonwood Bible, it is evident that Barbara Kingsolver heavily relied on Biblical parables within her epic novel. Although many of these comparisons are obvious, she also utilizes hidden meaning to hint at larger themes within the work.

The purpose of this assignment isto provide you background information regarding the Bible, no matter what level of exposure you have had in the past.

Below is a list of ten parables pertinent to our study of PWB. In groups, your task is to create a presentation based on your assigned story. You should use PowerPoint slides and/or other visual exhibits to enhance your presentation. (Other exhibits might include statues, paintings, prints, art books, and so forth with visual representations of your story.) Presentations should run 5-7 minutes. You should prepare a presentation using the following content guidelines:

  • Reenactment (if possible): As a group, act out your Bible story. This skit can be pre-recorded or performed live, but it MUSTutilize props and each group member MUST participate. In certain cases, some other depiction may be necessary (e.g. Ruth). (20 points –accuracy, creativity, engagement)
  • Relevance/Importance: After performing, provide a synopsis of the story and highlight the importance of its overall message/theme. What is this parable attempting to teach/convey and why? (10 points)
  • Connection: How does this apply to what we see in The Poisonwood Bible? This is more than a cursory glance at the obvious. Although you are expected to recognize overt connections, consider the hidden references to your parable. It is imperative that you explain HOW and WHY it is relevant to Kingsolver’s overall messages/themes, as well. (30 points)

Topic / Presentation Date / Presenters

** You are expected to take notes in your PWB packet while each group presents. Questions from these presentations will appear on your final unit quiz, so take notes accordingly.
Sign Up On the Master List Circulated. Presentation Dates Assigned later.

Topic / Presentation Date / Presenters
Adam and Eve/Garden of Eden
Moses and the Bull Rushes
Noah’s Ark/The Great Flood
Cain and Abel
Gift of the Magii
The Loaves and Fishes (Fishers of Men)
Moses and the Parting of the Red Sea
Bel and the Serpent (see Apocrypha)
Story of Revelation or the “End of Times”
Names – Nathan, Ruth, Rachel, Methusalah
Song of Three Children (see Apocrypha)
Eye of the Needle