2015Kinsman Farm Application

The Mission of the Kinsman Farm

The Kinsman Farm is a cooperative urban farm where new farmers can begin their agricultural businesses to grow food and develop farm products for market. On this site farmers have access to necessary infrastructure and education while also working with other farmers to build sustainable businesses.

Goals of the Kinsman Farm

  1. Provide land and resources for new farms on the Kinsman Farm site.
  2. Maintain a high-quality demonstration farm on site that will serve as a learning model for new farmers.
  3. Provide access to services and infrastructure for new farmers.
  4. Create a strong network of urban agriculture enterprises that share resources, infrastructure, ideas and innovation as they develop their businesses, products, and markets.

What resources are available onsite?

2015 is the fourth full growing season for the Kinsman Farm. OSU Extension and its community partners are continuing in the process of developing the land and intend to do so in a way that will foster long-term success. For this reason, member farmers will be asked to be patient with services and infrastructure on site; this will be a learning process for all. In addition, the management process for the site is being developed, and farmers will bestrongly encouraged to participate in the cooperative management team. No grants are provided by OSU Extension to the participants of the Kinsman Farm.


Plots available are approximately ¼ of an acre. The first lease agreement will be for the duration of 1 year, with the option to renew. The site will be fenced around the perimeter of the larger farm. Individual plots will not be fenced. Approximately 10 square feet per farm will be available for indoor storage. The farmer may develop additional storage space on their site. The Land Committee can review a lease agreement at any time.


All fees* are based on a ¼ acre plot for the duration of the season. Fees will be announced at the time off acceptance and leasing. Below are the fees to expect at the site.

Land Lease / Approximately $250.00 year.
Water Fee / Currently included in the land lease fee
Tiller & Equipment Use / Large equipment, including tiller will be available to rent. Costs for all equipment is currently $10.00/hr.

* Fees are subject to change based on revisions/changes to City fee structures and other variables. All efforts will be undertaken to keep costs as reasonable as possible.

Educational Opportunities

Throughout the year farmers will be encouraged to take advantage of educational opportunities through OSU Extension. These opportunities will include workshops, print resources, newsletters, and on site technical assistance. OSUE also maintains a working demonstration site to exemplify new trends in urban agriculture at the Kinsman Farm.

Application Procedure

The deadline for spring 2014 application will be 5:00 p.m. on April 1st. An information session will be held on March 11th (see page 7). We will also host a technical assistance session for writing your business plan on March 16th.The process is outlined below.If after the information sessions you have questions while filling out the application or the program itself, please contact: Jacqueline Kowalski: 216-429-8200 ext. 217 // .

Final submissions of the application can be mailed, faxed, or hand delivered. Submit application to:

OSU Extension

ATTN: Jacqueline Kowalski

5320 Standard Ave.

Cleveland, OH 44103

Fax: 216-429-3146

Farmer Eligibility:

  1. At least one of the partners listed on this application must have completed the Ohio State University Extension Market Gardener Training Program (MGTP) or similar training program prior to application or is currently enrolled in the class.
  2. A completed farm business plan must be submitted along with this application*, the business plan is limited to a total of 15 pages. The following subjects must be included. (Note: The combined maximum page allowances for each section will be greater than 15 pages)
  3. Executive Summary (1 page)
  4. Mission of Your Enterprise (1 page)
  5. Ownership of Your Enterprise (1-2 pages)
  6. Partners (individuals involved, youth, community members, organizations, etc.) (1 -3 pages)
  7. Scope of Products & Services (1-2 pages)
  8. Analysis of Markets (3-5 pages)
  9. Management Plan (1-2 pages)
  10. Financial Plan (1-3 pages)
  11. A ¼ acre site plan (1 page)

*Applicants are strongly encouraged to attend the Business Plan Technical Assistance

Session on March 11th at OSUE, 5320 Stanard Ave. Cleveland, OH 44103. Please bring drafts of your business plan to the session.

  1. Applicant is a beginning farmer or rancher (a person that has not operated a farm or ranch; or has operated a farm or ranch for not more than 10 years)
  2. All farmers must sign the agreement sheet with this application. (Additional forms will require signatures upon acceptance into the program.)
  3. Applicants must participate in program events, evaluation, and networking opportunities with fellow farmers.

Land Committee:

  1. Once the application is submitted and the above eligibility criteria has been met, the application will be reviewed by the Land Committee, the governing body for the Kinsman Farm which consists of staff affiliated with Ohio State University Extension, The West Creek Preservation Committee, Burten, Bell, Carr Development Corporation and farmers at Kinsman Farm. Other stakeholdersmay participate as needed.
  2. After initial review, final candidates will be contacted for a formal presentation to the Land Committee. In this presentation, farmers will provide a comprehensive overview of their business plan and will answer questions from the committee.

Acceptance into the Program:

  1. The Land Committee will review the application, business plan, and presentation and make the final decision. If the application is approved, the Land Committee will assign a plot. Your requests taken into consideration.
  2. The West Creek Preservation Committee will prepare contracts and a Lease Agreement.
  3. It is expected that farmers will have access to their site beginning in May 2015. Initial lease agreements with the Kinsman Farm will be for 1 year, with the option to renew for up to 3 years.

Location of Kinsman Farm

Below is the location of Kinsman Farm in the Kinsman Neighborhood of Cleveland. It is encouraged that you visit the site prior to application to have a better understanding of the location.

Supporting Partner Agencies of the Kinsman Farm Incubator:

Kinsman Farm Application

Please fill this application out in its entirety. A completed business plan, as outlined in the application procedure, must be submitted along with this application.

Names of All Farmers:

(Indicate those that have completed or plan to complete the Market Gardener Training Program(MGTP) with Ohio State University Extension (or a similar training program that can be documented) and the year of completion).

Name / Role
(Marketing, farm manager, book keeper) / Completed the MGTP?
(Yes or No) / Year Completing the MGTP
(If applicable)
Business Name
(if applicable):
Have you registered the name of your business with the State of Ohio? Yes No
Have your registered your business as a legal entity in the State of Ohio? (i.e. LLC, Partnership)
Yes No

Primary contact person: (* Required)

Mailing Address*:
Daytime phone*: / Evening Phone:

Please answer the following questions fully. Do not leave any details out; the Land Committee will use the information you provide about your experience, the vision for your business and your farm in their decision making process. Please feel free to use additional paper if more space is needed.

  1. What is the vision for your farm business?
  1. What do you intend to produce or raise for market on site? (Check all that apply, specific details should be outlined in your business plan in the ‘Scope of Products & Services’ section)

 Herbs / Flowers /  Chickens /  Fish
 Bees /  Vegetables /  Fruits /  Other
  1. What is your farming experience (individually or as a group)?
  1. If you are selected for a plot with in the Kinsman Farm, where do you see your farm business in 3 to 5 years?
  1. Due to the cooperative nature of the Kinsman Farm, it is important that the farmers that participate be dedicated to collaboration and the development of effective and productive partnerships. Are you willing to attend meetings, work cooperatively with other farmers and community partners, and contribute time outside of your business related to the management of this site?
  1. Please provide us with any additional information you think would be helpful for the Land Committee to consider when reviewing your application. You may also attach any additional supporting materials.


If I am chosen as a farmer of the Kinsman Farm, I will:

  • Attend training sessions, workshops, and farm meetings regularly.
  • Develop an active production site at Kinsman Farm and market my products as a business.
  • Keep accurate farm records (crop production, expense, and sales records) and share them with the Land Committee for evaluation purposes.
  • Adhere to pest control, fertilizer application, and weed control methods as outlined by the Rules and Regulations.
  • Follow all rules and site guidelines required by the project.
  • Pay fees in advance, or discuss financing options with West Creek Conservancy.
  • Keep myplot clean and free from debris and weedsat all times.

I have read the above agreement, understand my responsibilities and will abide by them. I understand that failure to fulfill my responsibilities will jeopardize my participation with the Kinsman Farm. (All named farm partners must sign)

  1. ______

Signature of ApplicantDate


Please Print Your Name


Signature of ApplicantDate


Please Print Your Name


Signature of ApplicantDate


Please Print Your Name


Signature of ApplicantDate


Please Print Your Name

Cuyahoga County Extension embraces human diversity and is committed to ensuring that all research and related educational programs are available to clientele on a nondiscriminatory basis without regard to age, ancestry, color, disability, gender identity or expression, genetic information, HIV/AIDS status, military status, national origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or veteran status. This statement is in accordance with United States Civil Rights Laws and the USDA. Keith L. Smith, Associate Vice President for Agricultural Administration; Associate Dean, College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences; Director, Ohio State University Extension; and Gist Chair in Extension Education and Leadership. For Deaf and Hard of Hearing, please contact Cuyahoga County Extension using your preferred communication (e-mail, relay services, or video relay services). Phone 1-800-750-0750 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. EST Monday through Friday. Inform the operator to dial 216-429-8200.

2015ApplicationTimelinefor theKinsmanFarm

Event/Session / Date and Time / Place andLocation
1 / Application Released / Feb 3rd / Via email and websiteat
2 / Information Session / March 11th
from 6:30pm to7:30pm / OSU Extension Office
5320 Stanard Ave.
Cleveland, OH 44103
3 / BusinessPlanWritingHelp / March 16th
from 6:30pmto 7:30pm / OSU Extension Office
5320 Stanard Ave.
Cleveland, OH 44103
4 / Site Tour / March 20th from 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm / Kinsman Farm,
East 82nd and Higbee
5 / ApplicationsDue / April 1that5:00pm / Theapplicationcanbemailed, faxed,orhand delivered.Submit applicationto:
OSU Extension
ATTN:Jacqueline Kowalski
5320 Stanard Ave.
Cleveland,OH 44103
6 / ApplicationReview / April 6-10th
7 / Applicantswillbecontacted for Formal Presentations / April 13th
8 / FormalPresentation (maximum 30minutes)and Interview(30 minutesfor questions) / TBA / OSU Extension(5320StanardAvenue, Cleveland, Ohio44103)
9 / Acceptedapplicantswillbe notified / April 27th
10 / Leasingwith WestCreek / May 1stand after
11 / Accesstotheland / On or after May 1st

2015Kinsman Farm Application

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