3rd Grade BINGO Board
Dear Parent(s),
Due to school closing for weather or other unexpected circumstances, we will have a flexible learning day. We will be available from 7:40 a.m. – 3:40 p.m. for questions or comments. You can contact us through our school emails: (Math, Science, & Specialists questions) (Reading, Language, Social Studies & Specialists questions)
On the reverse side of this letter, you will find the THIRD GRADE BINGO board. Each child is required to complete and turn in (unless specified differently)1 activity under each of the subjects. They will have 6 activities to complete and turn in. Once they have completed an activity, have them cross it off. As their activities are completed, please initial (parent or caretaker) the BINGO board space that was done. In order to enhance their learning through these activities, we suggest that they complete the activities throughout the day instead of doing them all in one sitting.
There will be a video explaining the bingo card on both Mrs. Altermatt’s & Mr. Neperman’s school website. The video is also available in the Digital Day Materials folder on our Schoology pages.
Have your child turn in entire folder including BINGO board and assignments to school the following day. The folder will return home within the next couple of days for you to keep for the next flexible learning day.
If you are looking for additional activities and have access to the internet, MobyMax, Myon, Sumdog, and Xtra Math are all great sites that provide fun, engaging activities for students. Login information is in their folder.
Please contact us if you have any questions throughout the day. Thank you for your assistance at home with these assignments.
Mrs. Altermatt & Mr. Neperman
Springfield Elementary School
“Digital/Snow Day” Activity Card
Reading / Language/Spelling / Math / Science / Social Studies / SpecialistsRead any book to yourself for 20 min. Write about what you read in your Reading Log. / Write your spelling words 7 times or use Spelling City to practice your words for 20 min. / Practice facts using Xtra Math, Moby Max, or Flashcards for 20 min / Fill a big container with snow, let it melt, and compare the differences in snow & water / Draw a map of 1 floor ofyour house, include a compass rose & a key with symbols / Go outside and play for 30 min
Read articles from a newspaper or magazine for 20 min. Write about you read in your Reading Log. / Write a story titled “Stranded In School Overnight” (pretend a snowstorm made us stranded) / Practice skip counting by 3’s, 4’s, 5’s, 6’s, 7’s, 8’s, 9’s, 11’s, & 12’s (Remember to use your chart) / Record the high & low temperature, measure the amount of snow, & record wind speeds / Write down your address, phone number, & tell me what direction your front door faces / Turn on some music and sing and/or dance for 15 minutes. What songs did you listen to?
Listen to a book on MyOn for 20 min. Write about you read in your Reading Log. / Put the events of your day in a sequence (use words like first, second, next, then, after that, finally) / Write and solve ten of your own word problems. Be sure to use addition, subtraction, & multiplication. / Make an observation of three different things throughout the day / Draw a compass rose in the snow, label directions (N,S, E, W, NW, SW, NE, NW) / Dance Mat Typing for 20 min (link found on Mrs. Hoyt’s or Mr. Neperman’s website)
Partner read with someone for 20 min. Write about what you read in your Reading Log. / Create 5 new topics we could use for journal entry. Write them in complete sentences. / Play a card game pick 2 cards & multiply the numbers or ask a parent for some change to count / Describe how three different animals have adapted to survive the winter / Draw a treasure map & have someone find the treasure. Be sure to include a compass rose. / Read a book or article about another place & find that place on the map
Read out loud to someone for 20 min. Write about what you read in your Reading Log. / Make a list of the top 10 reasons you like snow days. Write your list in complete sentences. / Do a 2 min timed fact drill then finish the sheet (sheet is in folder) / Partially fill a container with water, make a mark, place outside to freeze & make observation / Watch the news or read the newspaper and write 3 sentences about what you learned. / Go outside and shovel the sidewalk or driveway
Have a great day living “The Tiger Way!”