Refugee Sponsorship Prescreening Form
SAH: Christian and Missionary Alliance in Canada – (C&MA)
The C&MA, as a Sponsorship agreement Holder withImmigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) isresponsible for prescreening applicants for eligibility and admissibility.
This form isfor potential sponsoring groups who have identified a refugee family for sponsorship andare requesting assistance from the C&MA. All named refugees and, their co-sponsoring relatives located in Canada (if applicable), must complete the preliminary information below.
Pleasefeelfreetouseseparatesheetsof papertoansweranyquestions.
Potential Sponsoring Church Information
Name of church group and denomination considering this family for sponsorship:
Name of contact person at this church:
Email for contact person at this church:
Phone number for contact person at this church:
Local family member’s full name:
Home Address:
Primary Phone #: Alternate Phone #:
E-mail address:
- How many dependents are currently living with you?
- HowmanydependentsareyoucurrentlyfinanciallysupportinghereinCanadaincludingthose livingwithyou?
Yes / No
- Do you have an application to sponsor another family submitted with IRCC, or are you currently sponsoring any other people? Ifyes,howmanypeople?
Forhowlongareyou committed to these sponsorships? (# of months)
Yes / No- Has an Immigration Consultant assisted you, the church group, or the refugee family in completing the applications for refugee sponsorship?
If yes, what is the name of the individual or organization who provided this service?
How much did this service cost? $.
- Whatkindofassistancewouldbeneededforthepeopleyouwantsponsored?
Note:whatyoucan help with, and what help do you needfrom a sponsoring group.
I can help with / Need sponsors help withHousing Utilities Food / /
HouseholdFurnishings / /
Bedding,Towels,etc. / /
GeneralReception(atairport) Orientationto LifeinCanada / /
Medical/DentalAssistance HelpinFindingWork Clothing / /
EmotionalSupport / /
FinancialSupport / /
Information about the Refugee(s)requested to be Sponsored:
NOTE:Thisinformationmustbeprovidedbytherefugeefamilyforwhomsponsorshipisbeing requested.
AllinformationmustbeprovidedtousinEnglish.Theremaynotbeenoughroomtoanswermanyofthequestionsonthisform;pleasefeelfreetouseaseparatepage.Itisveryimportantthatyouprovidedetailedanswerstothequestions.Withouttheappropriateamountof detail we will not be able to proceed with processing this request.
Head of Household or Principal Applicant’s Information:
Full Name:
Birth date:
Place of Birth:
Relationship to you (the local family member in Canada):
Languages spoken:
Current address:
Primary Telephone #:
Alternate Phone #:
Email address:
Occupation/Work Experience:
- Howmanypeopledoyouwishtohavesponsored?
- Aretheyallmembersofthesame family?
Pleaselisttheinformationabouteachofyourfamilymembersrequestingsponsorship, whetheror not they are living with you. Please use the back pages as needed.
- Do you have any family members who are missing or presumed deceased, or dependant children who are from another marriage that you need to include in this sponsorship? Note: if a family member is not listed on their IMM008 application, they will not be able to be included in the one year window provisions if their application is approved to be submitted to IRCC.
List their names here:
- When did you and your family leave your country of citizenship or origin?
- In which country are you now living, and how long have you lived there?
- What is your status inthat country? Temporary asylum Permanent Resident
- What do you need to do to remain in that country?Please explainin detail:
- Haveyouregisteredwiththecountryofficialsasrequired? Whatdatedidyou register?
- What is the nameof the registration document?
- If you have not registered, why not?
- What is thepresentsituation in the country of asylum whereyouare
- Areyouinimmediatedanger?Ifyouareinimmediate danger, please be sure to answerQuestion #19-24 (all parts) in detail.
- HaveyouappliedtoanyCanadianembassyinthepastfiveyearstocometoCanadaasa refugee? Were you interviewedby the Canadian embassy?
What is your Canadian Embassy File Number?
What was the response?
- Have you registered withtheUNHCR?When?
What is your UNHCR Refugee Mandate Number?
IfyouhaveotherUNHCRdocuments,pleaselistthose below, and provide copies.
- If you were refused by UNHCR, please explain why.
- Doesanyoneinyourfamilyhavespecialmedicaloremotionalrequirements?
(Pleasenote Canada will not restrict entry into Canada for medical reasons including HIV or AIDS. Please also note that providing anymedical information iscompletely voluntary. Knowing about medical conditions simply helps thesponsors understandhow to prepare and provide settlement services better.)
- Are there any other special considerations thatyou believe contribute to your risk factors ?
(eg. mixed marriage or heritage, single parent, pregnancy, elderly, etc.) Please note what considerations, and for whom?
- Have you (or your family in Canada) contacted any organization to help you document your story?eg.UNHCR,RedCross,lawyers, churchgroups,HumanRightsgroups?Please note who you have had help from, and when.
- Pleaseattacharecentphotographofallofthepeopleinyourfamilythatyouwishtobe sponsored andcompletethefollowinginformationindetail.
Pleasealsonotethattheanswerstothese questions MUST be the story of the refugee(s).
- Do you fear persecution for one of the following reasons?
Political Opinion
Involvement with a group that is targetedby your government?
(Please name the group(s) and your position(s) and involvement in that/those group(s)
- Pleasegivedetailedreasonswhyyoufearpersecution.(Forexample,whatexactlyhappened to you? Who has persecuted you? Please put thecase history in chronological order, including names of organizations or persons, dates and places.) Use additional pages as needed.
- Doyouhavedocumentsrelatingtoyourrefugeeclaim,andifso,whatdocuments?(Forexample, policerecordsindicating whenyouormembersofyourfamilywerearrested, recordsindicatingwhen you/theyweredetained injail,letterswhichindicatedthatyou/theyweretreatedunfairly,UNHCR documentation,etc.) Pleaseprovidecopiesofalldocuments.(Ifyoudonothavethesedocuments,it isveryimportant thatyousimplytelluswhyyoudonothavethem,whyyoucannotgetthem,or whatyouhavetodotogetthem.)
- Whichcountryorcountries,or government(s)or groupshavepersecutedyou?Providedetails includingwhenyouleftthosecountriesandwhereyouwent.
- Areyoufleeingcivilwar,armedconflictorserioushumanrightsabuses?Howareyoupersonally affected bythisconflict?Ifyouareoutside ofyourcountryoforigin,whatwillhappen whenorifyoureturn? PleaseprovideDETAILS.
- Canyouremaininthecountrywhereyouarecurrentlylivingorinanothernearbycountry? Iftheanswerisno,thenwhynot?Whatmustyoudotoremaininthecountry,ormovetoa nearby country?
- Have you ever been in prison, a victim of torture? When and where and why?
Thank you for completing this form; by signing below, youconsent to let the C&MA share this information withthe potential sponsoring groupor others as appropriate toassistwithourcase.Ifyouhaveanyquestionsorconcernsaboutourprivacy practices, please contact theC&MA at (416) 674- 7878, otherwise wewill assume that we have your consentto collect, use and discloseyour personal information for the purposes identified above and in a manner consistent withTheC&MA Canada Privacy Code.”
(Please print your name )
(Signature) (Date Signed)
Christian and Missionary Alliance is not able to accept all sponsorshiprequests that we receive. It is our practice todo an initial assessment of the refugee claim, which is based on the information provided in this form. We also have limited resources to undertakesponsorships,andrelyonvoluntarydonationsfromchurchesandindividualswhoformourconstituentgroups.We may not be able to assist withthis sponsorship, but yourrequest will be reviewed by an assessment teamand carefully considered. If we cannot assistyou, you will benotified eitherinperson, by phone, or by letter. We understand your concernfor yourfamilymembers,andthankyouforbringingthissituation toourattention. Afterwe receivethiscompletedform,we may require further details tofurther assess your case. Pleaselet usknow immediately ifyour contactinformation changes, or ifany additions or deletions to this application for sponsorship.
Pleasereturncompleted form: By Email:
(subject: Refugee Sponsorship Prescreening – enter name of church)