Attention: GSR’S and Executive Members - .25/mi reimbursement available
Any area group may request to have the LAASC Meeting in their own town by contacting the LAASC Chair or LAASC Vice Chair two months in advance to the month they wish to host.
Lake Agassiz Area Service Committee of Narcotics Anonymous
Minutes from February 15th, 2014
February LAASC Meeting
· First Presbyterian Church, 650 2nd Ave N Fargo, ND
· Noon on February 15th, 2014
March LAASC Meeting
· Grace United Methodist Church, 1100 Friberg Ave. Fergus Falls, MN 56537
· Noon on March 15th, 2014
Ø 31 Addicts present: Chuck K, Travis H, Tylor S, Drew M, Jeremy T, Tyler K, Evan J, Frank H, Joe M, Jon T, Kim O, Jennifer K, Tim B, Adara G, Nick L, Josh S, Zac T, Chloe B, Charles A, Bryan B, Joe G, Becky, Kelsey E, Aanders B, Rich R, Paul S, Alison S, Nicole A, Tina R, Shane, Rick P.
Part 1: Quorum Report and Motion to Accept Quorum
There were 10 GSR’s present at the time of quorum. Quorum Approved.
Vote: Passed
Part 2: Approval of Minutes
Motion: Minutes Approved
Vote: Passed
Part 3: Housekeeping
Meeting Place: First Presbyterian Church, 650 2nd Ave N Fargo, ND
Elected Positions:
LAASC Area Activities Chair : Evan J (Elected)
-LAASC Area Activities Treasurer: Ryan T (Elected)
Positions Open for Nomination:
LAASC Parliamentarian
LAASC Secretary
RCM: Zac T (Rescinds Acceptance of Prior Nomination)
RCM: Tim B (Nominated)(Accepted)
LAASC Area Activities Chair: Evan J (Interviewed)(Elected)
LAASC Secretary: Jon T (Interviewed)
Part 4: Reports
Chair: Chuck K (Verbal)
Vice-Chair: Tylor S (Verbal)
Secretary: Nick L
In the Minutes this month I have included the Prioritized Area Planning Projects Agenda for 2014. These projects resulted from our Area Inventory that we had conducted in December 2013. I compiled the information describing the purpose, motivation, and intent of these projects and then sent the information to the groups of the LAA. The groups each prioritized the projects in an order they felt was best. At the February 2014 LAASC we analyzed the feedback we received from the groups individual planning project prioritizations. After allocating priority points of the group's individual prioritizations, we successfully produced an agenda. The agenda is a cumulative representation of the groups prioritizations. This agenda lays out the plan of action we will employ to execute the procedure of implementation for these projects.
This will actually be my last month in the position of LAASC Secretary and I would like to thank all of you who have served alongside me during my term and all of you who took the time to review the minutes I produced. Together we stay clean.
In Loving Service,
Nick L
Treasurer: Josh S
Greeting LAASC (02-25-2014)
We still need to get the Lit committee audit completed hopefully sometime before Mar ASC. The excess activities funds will be transferred over to the main account leaving activities with their $500 start-up fund. The new signers on the main account will be as follows; LAASC Treasurer – Josh S, Chair – Chuck and Vice Chair – Tylor S. Once Evan figures out his treasurer we will also have to get both of them and myself onto the activities account.
Josh S
Parliamentarian: Jeremy T (Verbal)
Regional Conference Member: (Vacant)
Alternate Regional Conference Member: Tim B
A GSR assembly will be held at noon on March 22, 2014 for the Lake Aggasiz Area GSR’s for the CAR
report. All GSR’s are encouraged to be at the Comstock Memorial Union at Moorhead State University,
615 14th St. S. Room 208 in Moorhead MN. Lewis and Clark Area will be having a GSR assembly at noon,
Feb. 22nd 2014, at the Salvation Army, 601 S Washington St. Bismarck, ND.The UMRNA Activities Committee is meeting at 6 pm on Mondays at Babb’s Coffee House, 604 Main Ave. Fargo ND. The next UMRNA meeting will be held at the Comstock Memorial Union at Moorhead State University, 615 14th St. S. Room 208 Moorhead MN on March 23, 2014 at noon. Please attend.
Tim B. 218-443-3199
Hospitals and Institutions Committee Chairperson: Drew M
Greetings Lake Agassiz Area,
This month’s meeting was intended to be held outside of Fargo, however I was unable to touch base with anyone in Grand Forks.
At Clay County Juvenile things are going well. Participation has been extremely high and the kids are sharing what’s going on with their lives as well as what they plan to do to change once they get out. There has been around 2 members going in and sharing with anywhere from 7-9 kids. Tylor is the panel leader for this facility.
At Prairie St. John’s it’s been very similar. Around 2-3 members going in and sharing their experiences with about 6-10 patients. Participation is high with patients sharing and asking questions at the end. As always more women needed to go into facilities. Kim is the panel leader for this facility.
At Clay County Jail things have been steadily getting better and more stable as a meeting has been held there consistently again for about a month. The facility coordinator did call off the meeting once due to weather, but it’s been going well with 2 members going in and talking to about 8-11 inmates on average. The panel leader also stated that if anyone else meets the facility guidelines, they could always use more help. Wade is the panel leader for this facility.
Grateful to be of service,
Drew M
Public Information Committee Chairperson: Joe M
hello to my recovery family,
first of all i want to extend my apoligies for not being able to attend ASC. i have a commitment that im not able to get out of this month. To start off when we had our subcommittee meeting this month there were actually about 5 addicts in attendance. this was very exciting for me as it is the first month i didnt spend reading comic books and crying into my coffee. we talked about quite a few things. one of them is re starting the flyer project. we are going to meet next week to discuss this further so there will be an additional subcommittee meetng next saturday if anyone wishes to attend. red raven at 2:00. hopefully in the back room if i can get it again. Another thing we discussed was just making sure that every facility in town that might need any information regarding NA such as probation offices, hospitals, treatment centers, halfway houses, schools, and a few others have the ability to obtain it. We talked about reaching out to these facilities with meeting lists and the NA hotline as a start. I think this is going to be where we start off now that we have a group of people willing to help out and am very excited to finally be doing something with the position. Meeting lists are not out today as i was not able to get them back from the person who is making the changes in time to get them to the printer. Hopefully he will get back to me today and they can be out by next week. this means theres still time if you need any changes made but not much so try to get it me asap. Please feel free to call me anytime with any questions.
In loving service,
Area Activities Committee Chairperson: Evan J (No Report)
Area Activities Committee Treasurer: Ryan T (No Report)
Literature Committee Chairperson: Jon T
Income StatementJan-14
Revenues / $ 271.88
Gain on 7th Tradition / $ 7.30
Cost of goods sold / $ 255.88
Shipping expense / $ -
Misc. expense / $ -
Net Income / $ 23.30
Sales Statement
Receipt # / Date / COGS / Sales Income / 7th Trad.
413174 / 1/18/2014 / $ 69.20 / $ 85.20 / $ 4.80
413175 / 1/18/2014 / $ 52.50 / $ 52.50 / $ 2.50
413177 / 1/23/2014 / $ 28.10 / $ 28.10 / $ -
413178 / 1/26/2014 / $ 9.60 / $ 9.60 / $ -
413179 / 1/26/2014 / $ 96.48 / $ 96.48 / $ -
Total / $ 255.88 / $ 271.88 / $ 7.30
Greetings Area!
The last month has mainly been a waiting game on the literature. The literature is finally in!!! So we have books for sale and are completing orders that have been previously made. We thank you for being patient while waiting for orders after we cleared our stock at the new year for the newcomer event.
The committee still has not completed the audit, although we hope that providing more information in an organized fashion will help the groups see what we are doing month to month. I hope this continues, as I have set-up programs in Excel now that provide a simple plug and play for the next chair.
The literature order that was placed this last month was $1,228.40 and there is about 5$ in the bank account after placing that order. There is $70.33 waiting to be deposited as of today. The adjusted supply of inventory on Feb 1st was $844.92 leaving an estimated committee value of $2143.65. Normally the committee will donate money to area in excess of 2,000$ but with the decrease of inventory with the giveaways we have elected to stock the supply that we have this month instead.
Prices for literature have also changed. I have included a copy of the new order forms with the adjusted prices. Also note that the shipping rates have increased, while the bulk %saved rates have remained the same. Meaning the committee will not be as profitable as in the past. - Jon Tatro J
Group reports:
Meeting Name / GSR / Open Positions / Meeting Concerns/Comments1.Women’s Step- Tradition Study / Anieta P / - / -
2. That’s It NA / Erica W / - Alt. GSR / - Get info on CAR. Attend GSR Assembly March 22nd.
3. Break in the Day / Lindsay P / - Alt. GSR / - Amend meeting list to show that this meeting is an "OPEN" meeting.
4. Sherwood Men's Group / Drew M / -Vice Chair, GSR, Alt. GSR / -
5. NA After Dark / Kim O / - / -
6. Clean & Free / Evan J / -Alt. GSR / -
7. Poop in a Group / Jeremy T / - Chair / -
8. H.O.W. / Adara G / - Alt. GSR / -
9. It’s a Good Thing NA
11. Just For Today NA
12.NA Recovery By The Lakes Group
13. Living In Recovery
14. Saturday Addict's Meeting
15. One Page At A Time
16. Just For Today (Wahpeton, ND)
17. Living Clean
18. Clean and Serene Just For Today
19. Young People's Group (YPG) / Chris M
Aanders B
Jennifer K
Ryan O
Brett E
Drew M
Jason G
Bob D
Charles A
Zac T / - Alt. GSR, GSR
-Alt. GSR, Chair
-Vice-Chair, Alt GSR, Sec.
-Alt. GSR
- Activities Chair
- / -
- We need to support our P.I. Chair and have more addicts attend the P.I. sub-committee meeting. GSR's should be announcing this.
- ** Amend Meeting List**Meeting List needs to include "Closed" as a specifier. A concern was brought up about the area Literature Committee being hesitant/unwilling to sell literature at an event and being unwilling to accept help running the table at the event.
-**Amend Meeting List** Sunday 2-3 P.M., contact person: Kevin B: (701) 520-5728.
- This group expressed concern about the presence of political officials at the Public Relations Luncheon (Area Planning Project #7)
- Audit of Literature Committee
Part 5: Sharing Session
Old Topics- Tabled from Previous ASC
Topic / Presented by / Action1. Area Inventory - Area Planning Projects / Zac T / Discussed (Tabled)
2. Quorum for GSR Assembly
3. H & I assistance needed
4. Lit Committee as a whole / Frank H
Drew M
Zac T / Tabled
5. Concerns with PR Luncheon / Charles A / Tabled
Topics Tabled for March -
1. Area Inventory - Area Planning Projects2. Quorum for GSR Assembly
3. H & I assistance needed
4. Lit Committee as a whole
5. Concerns with PR Luncheon
Motion: Suspend Guidelines. To vote on Jon T for LAASC Secretary position proceeding his interview, despite the fact that his nomination has only been in the minutes for 1 month. Effective for LAASC on February 15, 2014 only
Made by: Nick L Seconded by: Charles A
Vote: Did Not Pass
Part 6: Old Business
Made by: Seconded by:
Vote: Yes- No- Abstention-
Part 7: New Business
Motion: To go through 1 topic (Area Planning Project) at a time, 1-9 in the order we chose through our group conscience.
Intent: To move forward with a plan and continue on to important topics still on the sharing session.
Made by: Zac T Seconded by: Drew M
Vote: Pass
Made by: Seconded by:
(Sent back to the groups for voting in the coming ASC)
Position / Current Trusted Servant / Contact Information / Opens for Nominations / Nominations Close for Elections / Meeting / Date ElectedLAASC Chair / Chuck K / (701) 361-0913 / 3rd Saturday-12pm. 1st Presbyterian, 650 2nd Ave. N Fargo / 1/2014
LAASC Vice Chair / Tylor S. / (701) 200-5406 / -----
Secretary / Nick L. / (218)790-6425 / January / February / ----- / 2/2013
LAASC Treasurer / Josh S. / (701) 214-0257 / -----
LAASC RCM / (Vacant)
LAASC Alt. RCM / Tim B. / (218) 443-3199 / ---- / 3/2013
LAASC Parliamentarian / Jeremy T. / (701) 388-0751 / ----- / 10/2012
LAASC Scribe / Kelsey E / (701) 720-5218 / -----
LAASC Area Activities Chair / Evan J. / (701) 318-8089 / Sunday
5pm Fry’n Pan-Fargo / 2/2014
LAASC Area Activities Treasurer / Ryan T. / (701) 318-8204 / Sunday
5pm Fry’n Pan-Fargo / 2/2014
P.I. Chair / Joe M. / (701) 219-0604 / 5/2013
Literature Chair / Jon T. / (218)329-1831 / March / May / 3/2013
LAASC H&I Chair / Drew M. / (507)923-1467 / 2nd Sunday- 3:00pm Atomic Coffee Bdwy Dwtn Fargo / 7/2013
**The Regional Conference Member position is a two year term with the RCM being opened in the even years and the Alt. in the odd.