Western Health Research Grant 2017
The Office for Research has established the Western Health Research Grants. The grants provide funding for research conducted at Western Health.
The primary purpose of the grant program is to:
· Promote new areas of multi-disciplinary research in chronic disease.
· Generate pilot data contributing to an external research grant application.
· Promote projects that will improve patient outcomes.
· The funding will be awarded to research projects that meet these aims and will lead to:
o Improved research output and impact for WH
o Increased research funding from competitive grants
Eligibility Criteria
· Applications will be considered from all health-related disciplines: allied health professionals, nurses, medical practitioners and scientists.
· The major portion of the research will be based at Western Health
· Funding is open to all WH based researchers who are employed by WH
· At least one member of the research team is expected to have a research track record.
· Collaborative projects between departments are encouraged.
· Applications with a strong clinical research focus receive higher priority than other forms of research.
· Expression of Interest (EOI) Open: Friday 20 May 2016
· EOI Close: Sunday 19 June 2016
· Detailed applications from shortlistedapplicants open: Monday 27 June 2016
· Shortlisted Applications Close: Sunday 19 September 2016 COB
· Top Finalists Notified: Monday 10 October 2016
· Top Finalists Presentation: 25 October 2016
· Grant Recipients Announcement: Friday 24 October 2016
Selection Process
The Research Advisory Committee (RAC) oversees the Western Health Research Grant Program and employs a grant review process outlined below. All applications will be reviewed and assessed in accordance to the criteria in scoring matrix below and the top finalists will be requested to present to an expert review panel on the 25th of October 2016.
The expert review panel will nominate the final successful grant recipients. Funding will be awarded to the highest scoring applications.
The review process is as follows:
Expressions of interest which fail to meet the above aim/eligibility criteria or which are very poorly presented will not proceed to the shortlist for a detailed application.
1. Detailed shortlisted applications Received
2. Grant Review Panel Assess and Rank Applications
3. Top projects put forward to present to expert review panel
4. Expert review panel decides finalists
Successful Application
The successful applications will be presented to the Western Health Research Advisory Committee and the Chief Executive for endorsement and will be announced at the Closing of Research Week (28 October 2016).
The successful application will be expected to:
· Provide a progress update at the WH annual research week, and a final report after twelve months from uptake of the grant.
· Acknowledge WH Research Grant in any publications, posters, presentations that result from this funding
· Assist with a project synopsis for the WH website, research reports, etc
Scoring matrix
Applications for grants are assessed in accordance to the scoring matrix below
Introduction, Study Aims, Hypothesis Has the method/framework/approach been partially tested? What outcome is sought in the proposed study? What exactly is the outcome measure? Is it well integrated and adequately developed? / 10%Background Relationship to previous knowledge; sufficiently researched. Does the background make a good case for the relevance of the experiments? / 15%
Research Plan: Study Design and Method What are the strengths and weaknesses of the study and its design? Have any major pitfalls or problems been overlooked? Have alternative approaches been considered? Is the plan well informed by knowledge of the literature? Is the design appropriate for the aims of the research? / 40%
Significance and Innovation to Health Consider the implications for practice and/or benefit for human health. Is the problem important? Will the work or research have an impact? Is the proposed research new/novel or creative (has imagination been used)? How will scientific knowledge be advanced? What will be the effect of the study on the concepts or methods that drive this field? Does the research challenge existing models or develop new technologies or new study methods? How well does the proposal describe the new ideas, procedures, technologies, programs or health policy settings? / 20%
Feasibility Will the research plan successfully address the stated hypothesis or research objectives? Are the goals concrete and achievable? Is the investigating team appropriate – is it capable of achieving the goals? Does it have the right skills and expertise? / 15%
WH 2017 Research Grant Application Form Issue May 2016 Page 2 of 12
Western Health Grants Application 2017
Closing Date for Applications
Sunday 19 September 2016
Application Guidelines:
· Applications must be typewritten in 11 point font
· Submit the original and three copies
· Electronic version to be submitted to or through web portal here
· Rule a black diagonal line through unused sections of the application
· Do not remove any surplus pages
Send hard copy applications to:
Western Health Office for Research
Western Centre for Health Research and Education
Sunshine Hospital
Chief Investigator:Simplified Project Title:
Total Funding Sought:
Bill Karanatsios, Manager – Office for Research
Telephone: 03 8395 8073
Chief Investigators & Associate Investigators
Surname / Initials / TitleA
(a) Scientific project title
(b) Simplified project title
Department & institution(s) where project will be carried out:
Is funding sought from other funding agencies?
If YES, please specify Yes No
Chief Investigators
A / Name: / Surname / Initials / Title(a) / Current Appointment
(b) / Telephone No.
Email Address:
Current work address:
(c) / Most recent and highest
Academic Qualifications: / Year / Conferring Institution / Degree
(d) / Working time to be devoted to: / This project
/ All other research projects
(e) / Dates of anticipated absence
during grant period:
B / Name: / Surname / Initials / Title
(a) / Current Appointment
(b) / Telephone No.
Email Address:
Current work address:
(c) / Most recent and highest
Academic Qualifications: / Year / Conferring Institution / Degree
(d) / Working time to be devoted to: / This project
/ All other research projects
(e) / Dates of anticipated absence
during grant period:
C / Name: / Surname / Initials / Title
(a) / Current Appointment
(b) / Telephone No.
Email Address:
Current work address:
(c) / Most recent and highest
Academic Qualifications: / Year / Conferring Institution / Degree
(d) / Working time to be devoted to: / This project
/ All other research projects
(e) / Dates of anticipated absence
during grant period:
(a) Associate Investigators
I, named below as an associate investigator on this project, certify that I have agreed to participate, and intend to devote the following number of hours to this collaboration:
(i) / Surname / Initials / Title / QualificationsDepartment / Institution / Hours per week / Signature / Date
(ii) / Surname / Initials / Title / Qualifications
Department / Institution / Hours per week / Signature / Date
(iii) / Surname / Initials / Title / Qualifications
Department / Institution / Hours per week / Signature / Date
(iv) / Surname / Initials / Title / Qualifications
Department / Institution / Hours per week / Signature / Date
(v) / Surname / Initials / Title / Qualifications
Department / Institution / Hours per week / Signature / Date
(vi) / Surname / Initials / Title / Qualifications
Department / Institution / Hours per week / Signature / Date
(vii) / Surname / Initials / Title / Qualifications
Department / Institution / Hours per week / Signature / Date
(b) Research Students / Technical Staff:
Surname / Initials / Qualifications sought / role in Project7
Approval requirements:
(a) Research involving humans:
Yes No
i) Does this project include research involving humans?If Yes, Complete 7 (d)
ii) Has it been submitted to the Human Research Ethics Committee?
iii) If Yes, is the final approval letter attached?
(b) Experiments on animals:
Yes No
i) Does this project involve experimentation on animals?If yes complete 7(e)
ii) Has it been submitted to the Human Research Ethics Committee?
iii) If Yes, is the final approval letter attached?
iv) For inbred strains of animals, state date on which genetic authenticity
v) Is the health status of animals used in these experiments regularly monitored?
(c) Other Clearances:
Yes No
i) Does this project involve organisms being genetically manipulated such that it falls under current Office of the Gene Technology Regulator (OGTR) guidelines?ii) If Yes, is the final approval letter attached?
iii) Does this project involve the use of carcinogenic or highly toxic chemicals?
iv) If Yes, is a signed statement indicating an awareness of the “Guidelines for Laboratory Personnel Working with Carcinogenic or Highly Toxic Chemicals” and the final approval letter attached?
(d) Ethical Implications of the Project Experiments on Humans:
(e) Ethical implications of the project experiments on animals:
Budget items
Detailed Budget for first year of Project - Items / $ RequestedYear 1
Salaries (Incremented)
Items (Individual) / Sub Total
Sub Total
Sub Total
Justification of Budget:
Aims and Significance of the Project:
Simplified Description (Maximum 80 words)
(a) Background and Research Plan (Attach a maximum of 5 pages in 12 point font with up to 2 pages of additional references)
(b) Attach complete publication list for last 5 years
(c) Attach Significant Publications, Papers, Reports and other contributions (in the last five years or equivalent full time research. The reason for including these should be outlined. Maximum 2000 characters including spaces.)
Certification by Chief Investigators, Head of Department and Head of Division:
Signatures of Chief investigators:In signing this page, you certify that all details given in this application are correct and you agree to carry out the project in accordance with the Western Health Research Grant requirements. You also agree to the committee seeking independent referees of this application if required.
A / Date
Print Name:
B / Date
Print Name:
C / Date
Print Name:
Certification by relevant Head of Department:
I certify that appropriate general facilities will be available to the applicant if successful and that I am prepared to have the project carried strictly in accordance with the current Western Health Research Grant requirements.
Name (Use block letters)
Title / First Name / Surname / Department
Signature / Date
Certification by relevant Head of Division:
I certify that appropriate general facilities will be available to the applicant if successful and that I am prepared to have the project carried strictly in accordance with the current Western Health Research Grant requirements.
Name (Use block letters)
Title / First Name / Surname / Division
Signature / Date
WH 2017 Research Grant Application Form Issue May 2016 Page 2 of 12
Check list of application requirements - this sheet must be completed
Phone No:
Project Title:
Yes Not To be
Required required
Applications (original plus two copies and electronic version submitted to )Human Ethics Approval Letter (where 7(a)(ii) is marked Yes) one copy attached to original application /
Animal Ethics Approval Letter (where 7(b)(ii) is marked Yes) one copy attached to original application
OGTR Approval (where 7(c)(i) is marked Yes)
one copy attached to original application
Carcinogenic or Highly Toxic Chemical Approval (where 7(c)(iii) is marked Yes) one copy attached to original application
Completion of all Sections
Mr Bill Karanatsios – Office for Research
Telephone: 03 8395 8073
WH 2017 Research Grant Application Form Issue May 2016 Page 2 of 12