Walkersville Volunteer Fire Company, Inc.

79 W. Frederick St., pobox 425, Walkersville, MD21793

Phone (301) 600-9110 / Fax (301) 898-4032

2013 Annual Fireman’s Carnival

Monday, July 1 toSaturday, July 6, 2013

Fireman’s Parade, Tuesday, July 2, at 1830 hours

May 5, 2013

Dear Friends,

The Walkersville Volunteer Fire Company is proud to announce that once again we will be having a parade this year to coincide with our annual carnival. We will hold the parade on Tuesday, July 2ndand it will move promptly at 6:30 pm. There will be a rain date for the parade and it will be Saturday, July 6th @ 5pm.

We would like to extend an invitation for you to participate in this year’s parade. The parade will line up on Glade Road and move from the intersection of E. Pennsylvania Ave and Glade Road. The route will take the parade into old town Walkersville to “Five Points” and then go left onto Main Street. Upon reaching Frederick Street, the parade will move along Frederick Street and end on the Carnival Grounds. There will be parking for apparatus available on the grounds. The judge’s stand will be located on the apron at Co. 24.

We ask that you approach and line up for the parade along Glade Road and access it fromDevilbissBridge Road. We will have staff and fire police to direct you.

Devilbiss Bridge Road can be accessed from MD 194 or Dublin Road. Fire Apparatus & Equipment will be placed on a first come, first serve basis in order of arrival. Other entries will be placed at the discretion of the parade committee as they arrive. VIP’s and non-fire equipment may be staged in other areas along the route prior to placement. We encourage you to RSVP so we can properly plan on your participation.

We would appreciate you signing and returning the enclosed form by Monday, June 24th, 2013. You can mail the form to the station at the above address or fax the form to 301-898-4032, attention “2013Parade Committee”.

We have enclosed a list of prizes to be awarded and parade rules. Prizes & winners will be awarded at 9:00 pm at the stage on the carnival grounds.

We look forward to seeing you at this year’s parade!

The Parade Committee

Walkersville Volunteer Fire Company, Inc.

79 W. Frederick St., pobox 425, Walkersville, MD21793

Phone (301) 600-9110 / Fax (301) 898-4032

Please complete and either mail at above address or fax to 301-898-4032

We will attend the Fireman’s Parade: ______YES ______NO

Fire/EMS/Rescue Apparatus______

No. of Units: ______

Marching Unit/Band ______

Majorette Group ______


Antique Car______

Business Entry______

Other Entry ______

Name of Organization ______

Address ______

City, State & Zip Code ______

Phone Number & Contact Person ______

MAIL TO: Parade Committee

C/O WVFC #11

79 W. Frederick Street

Walkersville, MD21793

OR FAX TO: 301-898-4032, Attn: 2013 Parade Committee

Questions can be addressed to: Topper Cramer @ 301-748-6760

Jeremy Heflin @ 240-457-3457

Walkersville Volunteer Fire Company, Inc.

79 W. Frederick St., pobox 425, Walkersville, MD21793

Phone (301) 600-9110 / Fax (301) 898-4032


Company making best overall appearance (2 or more units)$100.00

Best Appearing Engine in FrederickCounty$ 75.00

Best Appearing Engine outside FrederickCounty$ 75.00

Best Appearing Truck$ 50.00

Best Appearing Rescue Squad/Engine$ 50.00

Best Appearing Brush truck$ 50.00

Best Appearing Ambulance$ 50.00

Best Appearing Antique Fire Equipment$ 50.00

Company traveling the longest distance$ 50.00

Best Appearing Majorette Group1st$100.00

2nd$ 75.00

3rd$ 50.00

Best Appearing Community Float1st$ 75.00

2nd$ 50.00

Best Appearing non-Fire Department Float1st$ 50.00

2nd $35.00

Best Appearing Antique Car (25 years or older)1st $50.00

2nd $35.00



  1. All marching units are required to be in uniform.
  2. No spot drilling in lineof march unless in forward motion.
  3. Sounding of horns or sirens will disqualify unit.
  4. No flamingbatons.
  5. No company organization shall be eligible for more than one prize.
  6. Judges’ decision is final.
  7. Winners will be announced at 9:00 pm at the stage on the carnival grounds.