The Honorary Secretary Dr. Fakhruddin Mohammed conveyed his salaams and requested the Hon’ble President Dr. Shamshad Hussain to call the meeting to order at 10:00 hrs.
The President Dr. Shamshad Hussain conveyed his salaams and requested the Honorary Secretary Dr. Fakhruddin Mohammed to take up the agenda of the meeting. The Honorary Secretary informed that the Quorum for the meeting is not complete and the meeting has to be adjourned for two hours as per constitutional requirement, to be reconvened at 12 noon or earlier as and when the quorum is complete. Before adjourning the meeting he requested Dr. Mehdi Inamdar to take up Recitation of Noble Quran.
Item No. 1. Recitation of Holy Quran: Dr. Mehdi Inamdar recited Surey Fatiha. The Honorary Secretary thanked Dr. Mehdi Inamdar.
Item No. 2. Condolence Resolution: The Honorary Secretary requested Dr. Ghulam Abass Ahmed to present the Condolence Resolution.
Dr. Ghulam Abass Ahmed conveyed his Salaams and presented Condolence Resolution, he recited “INNA LILLAHI WA INNA ILAYHI RAJI'UN” & read out the names of the members who left for their Heavenly abode.
1). Mr. Basheeruddin Babu Khan
2). Mr. Lal Jan Pasha, MP TDP
3). Dr. Vizarath Rasool Khan
4). Mr. Mohammed Ishaq, Educationist, Member MESCO
5). Mr. Syed Yousuf Ali , StaffLibrarianMBACollege
He prayed May ALLAH (SWT) rest their soul in peace & grant them JANNAT UL FIRDOS and forgive them. May ALLAH (SWT) grant us strength so that we may become source of their maghfirat. May ALLAH illuminate their graves. (Aameen).
The Honorary Secretary Dr Fakhruddin Mohammed thanked Dr. Ghulam Abass Ahmed and informed the members that the next agenda of the meeting will be taken up after the meeting is reconvened at 12 noon or earlier as and when the quorum is complete.
The Honorary Secretary informed the members that MESCO ALEEF Diploma Education in Arabic Language (DEAL) training of six (6) months is going on and classes are being conducted in the First Floor. He requested the members present that by the time the meeting is called to order at 12:00 noon they can check the performance of the students and give their valuable feed back if any in making the programme further better.
At 12:00 p.m. The Honorary Secretary Dr. Fakhruddin Mohammed requested the President to call the meeting to order and welcomed all the members and requested the office bearers of MESCO to take the seats on the dais.
1. Dr. Shamshad Hussain-President
2. Dr. Nizam Ali Khan Lodhi -Vice-President
3. Dr. Fakhruddin Mohammed-Honorary Secretary
4. Dr. M. Samiullah Khan.-Honorary Treasurer.
6. Dr. Mir Wajahath Ali -Joint Secretary
Following members attended the meeting.
- Dr. Mir Khursheed Ali
- Dr. Kaleem Ahmed Jaleeli
- Dr. Mohammed Shahid Ali
- Dr. Syed Zaferullah Hashmi
- Mr. Mohammed Azam Qadeer
- Dr. Mehdi Inamdar
- Dr. Syed Abu Hanifa
- Dr. K. Zama Khan
- Dr. Fakhruddin Mohammed
- Dr. Ghulam Abass Ahmed
- Dr. Salman Abid
- Dr. Mir Wajahath Ali
- Mr. Mir Nohmaan Ali
- Er. Mohammed Ikramuddin.
- Mr. M.K Ghouse
- Mr. M. Waris Baig
- Dr. Mohammed Iftekharuddin
- Mr. Mohammed Imtiyazuddin
- Dr. M. Samiullah Khan
- Dr. Ghouse Mohiuddin Ali
- Dr. Nizam Ali Khan Lodhi
- Prof. M.A. Khaliq
- Dr. M. Ajaz Hussain
- Dr. Taher Mohammed
- Dr. KMA Quddus
- Dr. M.A. Rahman
- Mr. Ahmed Viqaruddin
- Mr. Syed Khaja Moinuddin
- Mr. Syed Mujeebuddin
- Mrs. Nishath Hussain
- Mr. Syed Zakir Hussain
- Mr. Syed Muzzaffar Hussain
- Dr. Mrs. Kouser
- Dr. M.A. Nayeem Khan
- Dr. Amjad
- Dr. Shamshad Hussain
Item No. 3 Confirmation of the minutes of the last General Body meeting:
The Honorary Secretary requested Dr. Mir Wajahath Ali to present the minutes of the Annual General Body meeting held on 27-01-2013.
Dr. Mir Wajahath Ali conveyed his Salaams & thanked Allah SWT for giving an opportunity to stand before the august body and present the minutes of the AGB meeting held on 27-01-2013.
He read out the minutes of the General Body meeting held on 27-01-2013, the members gave a patient hearing and the minutes were placed for confirmation by the members. All the members of the august body unanimously approved the minutes of the AGB meeting held on 27-01-2013 it was proposed by Dr. K. Zama Khan seconded by Dr. Taher Mohammed.
The Honorary Secretary thanked Dr. Mir Wajahath Ali and requested the Honorary Treasurer Dr. M. Samiullah Khan to present the next item of the agenda Presentation of Audited Accounts for the Financial Years 2012– 2013.
Item No. 4. Presentation of Audited Accounts for the Financial Years 2012 - 2013
The Honorary Treasurer Dr. M. Samiullah Khan, conveyed his Salaams to all the members of the august body thanked the Honorary Secretary and presented the Audited Accounts for the Financial Years 2012– 2013.
Dr. M. Samiullah Khan requested the members that the Accounts were audited by auditors M/s. Amanullah & Sons and the same are also available on the website he also informed the members to pay attention to the Multi Media presentation and read out the highlights of the audited accounts for the F/Y 2012-2013.
The members reviewed the audited accounts and approved the same unanimously proposed by Dr. Ghouse Mohiuddin Aliseconded byMr. M. Waris Baig.
The Honorary Secretary thanked Dr. M. Samiullah Khan and took the next item of the agenda Budget 2014– 2015requested Dr. Mohammed Iftekharuddin to present the Budget for the year 2014-2015.
Item No. 5. Presentation of Budget 2014 -2015.
Dr. Mohammed Iftekharuddin conveyed his salaams and thanked Allah SWT for giving this opportunity to stand before this august body and present the Budget.
He requested the members to pay attention to the MM presentation and read out the budget the highlights of the Budget 2014-2015 as follows:
The budget proposed for F/Y 2014-15 as follows:
Income proposed for the F/Y 2014-2015 -Rs 15,22,00,000.00
Expenses proposed for the F/Y 2014-2015-Rs.11,80,00,000.00
Surplus proposed for the F/Y 2014-2015Rs. 3,42,00,000.00
The Budget was placed for approval by the members of the august body. The members approved the Budget for the financial year 2014-2015 unanimously proposed by Mr. Mohammed Ikramuddin seconded by Dr. Mir Khursheed Ali
Item No. 6 Presentation of Annual Reports 2013 by Honorary Secretary. – Dr. Fakhruddin Mohammed
Dr. Fakhruddin Mohammed conveyed his salaams and thanked all the members for taking interest in the working of the organization & participations in the deliberation on this Annual general Body meeting on 26th January 2014. I would like to thank all the staff members of the organization who obtain and compiled the performance of MESCO last year activities. I also thank the Members of the Managing Committee for the support in proper function of the organization and guidance, I thank Allah accepting our services and all the support in discharging our duties.
He informed the members that as an organization we had to interact with different Government organizations / departments and wherein (7) seven at the central government level like the External Affairs Ministry, Ministry of Home Affairs, Human Resource Development, Planning Commission, National Commission for Minority Educational Institutions etc and 16 at the state government level, we have to keep updating these departments about the activities being done in the right way as per the laws & constitution of the organization.
As the chief functionary the trust you have given on me is done in the right perspective and with the blessings of Allah we have all our records checked and verified by the concerned authorities time and again and they are satisfied with the functioning of the organization.
As you all are aware that this organization is 30 years old and I feel that the youth to come ahead in taking up the responsibility of this type of organization because whatever our elders have done brought up the organization we are managing today. He said that unfortunately we are not able to attract many youth but definitely at the same time it is the responsibility on us for not motivating. He requested all the members of the august body to introspect as we have already crossed three (3) decades. He said that at times he feel handicapped because he don’t have youngsters to take the responsibilities forward. He said that by the next Annual General Body meeting we must have one member from Junior Category.
He thanked all the members for taking out their valuable time and took up details of activities during the year 2013. He thanked Dr. Mehdi Inamdar for taking the Item No. 1 of the agenda, he thanked Dr. Ghulam Abass Ahmed for presenting the Condolence Resolution, the Minutes of the AGB meeting held on 27-01-2013 were presented by Dr. Mir Wajahath Ali, he thanked him, and he thanked Dr. M. Samiullah Khan for presenting the Audited Accounts for the financial year 2013-2014 and informed the members that every member of the Managing Committee have to send the Income Tax details to the IT department along with the IT returns of the organization.
He thanked Dr. Mohammed Iftekharuddin for presenting the Budget 2014-2015.
He presented the projects report through the Multi Media Presentation and the members reviewed the same.
With regard to the MESCO College of Pharmacy he informed the members about the flagship course Pharma. D. a six (6) years post-baccalaureate course started by the Pharmacy Council of India in the year 2008 and the first batch of 30 students shall be passing out in the year 2014.
He also informed the members that due to certain observation and objections by the AICTE the B. Pharmacy course for the academic year 2013-2014, but we had couple of hearings with the AICTE and NCMEI and they have permitted us to admit students form the academic year 2014-2015.
He also informed the success of the MESCO Talent Search Scheme Examination
(MTSS) last year it could not be held due to logistic problems but “In Shaa Allah” this year we will conduct the examination.
With regard to the Dr. FM Siddiqui Scholarship he informed the members that it is 20 years old activity taken up by MESCO.
He informed the members that MESCO ALEEF programme is now 21 years old and it continues to grow, about 300 or more schools all over the Country have already adopted the programme and about 3, 00,000 students are enrolled in the program at present.
It is being adopted GCC State – International Indian Embassy School – Jeddah & several private schools at Jeddah & Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia & schools in UAE have incorporated this program in there curriculum.
He informed that as of date 42 workshops have been conducted and 5 (five) 6 month training programme to award is completed, nearly 3,000 ulemas and graduates have attended the programme and out of them 91 ulemas and Trained teachers are appointed in 57 schools in Hyderabad and many of them are appointed in schools out side Hyderabad.
He thanked Moulana Giyasul Islam Rahmani for personally taking interest and in the background Dr. Mohammed Iftekharuddin is providing necessary support to ensure quality publications of syllabus. He also informed the members that the syllabus is already published in English, Arabic, Hindi, Telugu, Assamese and it is to be published in Tamil, Malayalam, & Gujarati which is in process.
He informed the members that NIOS (National Institute of Open Schooling) & MANUU (MoulanaAzadNationalUrduUniversity) has accepted our syllabus and we are in the process with the CBSE (Central Board of Secondary Education). He requested all the members to come forward and pray for the success of this programme so that MESCO tries to reach this programme all over the world.
Public Private Partnership (PPP): The Honorary Secretary informed the members about the scheme for setting up of 2,500 Model Schools under Public-Private Partnership by Government of India. He informed that we have applied for 65 blocks and got 2 blocks one at Bowenpally, Secunderabad and other at Hapur at Ghaziabad, U.P.
He also informed the members that we have offers from North India to setup MESCO schools, the matter is bought in the Managing Committee and the Managing Committee is pursuing the matter as and when a decision is taken it would be bought in the notice of all the general body members.
Amendments in the MESCO Constitution / Byelaws: The Honorary Secretary informed the members that there are certain important amendments which the Income Tax Department is asking to do in the Constitution he also said that there are certain amendments requested by the members he said we want to form a committee of experts including along with the members of MESCO to review the constitution in totality & keeping in view local laws related with the IT department, FCRA, Education and other departments and also to ensure that the existing permissions are not amended by making necessary amendments in the constitution, he requested all the members to volunteer to this sub-committee participate and give suggestions so that it can be [presented in the next Annual General Body meeting for its approval by the members.
He also informed the members about the recommendations by the Income Department he also requested all the members to come forward & join us in sharing the responsibility. He requested them to spare their valuable time by atleast by an hour in a month.
He said that he is being given the responsibility as Chief functionary of the organization and if any of the members feel that he is not fulfilling the given responsibility they are free to bring him to his notice and he will be the first person to step down.
He informed that we have 30 projects and there is so much of work has to be done not only in Hyderabad but all over the Country there are similar organizations requesting MESCO for technical support where we have to work, as more than 70% of Muslims have failed to have proper leader presently there are only two leaders they are Social Activist & the other who are running Educational Institutions. He informed that the time has come to pick up individual two groups & give them the responsibility of managing their assets of the community, since education is the priority of MESCO which is most neglected we want to privatize our own energies in embodying the basic education and for that we want to incorporate MESCO Arabic Language programme right from the inception, so that the coming generation becomes reality in our life time.
He informed the members that all the details of this Annual General Body Meeting including his report is available on the website he requested the members to kindly visit the website commit and guide, he is standing before this august body to take suggestions and correct him.
He thanked all the members for patient hearing and thanked Allah SWT for his support & guidance in presenting the report. He requested the members to approve the Annual Report for the year 2013. All the members appreciated the presentation and approved the same unanimously as proposed by Dr. Syed Abu Hanifa & seconded by Dr. Ghulam Abass Ahmed.
Amendments in the Constitution / Byelaws: He informed the members that there are certain amendments suggested by the Income Tax Department and comparative amendments are as follows, he requested the members to pay attention to the Multi Media Presentation. The details of 8 (eight) comparative amendments are attached along with for the members to go through.
He requested the members to kindly approve the amendments so that the amendments can be forwarded to the Income Tax Department for their records and necessary approvals.
The list of amendments attached alongwith.
The members unanimously approved the amendments and they were proposed by Dr. Ghulam Abass Ahmed and seconded by Dr. Mir Wajahath Ali.
7. Presentation of Resolution / Letter from Members if any as referred by the Managing Committee.
The Honorary Secretary informed the members that we have received only one representation by Mr. Syed Mujeebuddin, it was placed in the Managing Committee and the Managing Committee has decided that the member may be asked to present his representation directly by addressing the august body.
The Honorary Secretary informed the members that Mr. Syed Mujeebuddin besides being members of MESCO is also an Ex-Commercial Tax Officer, Ex-ChairmanAlmeenEngineeringCollege and Secretary Ashraful Madaris he requested him to kindly present his representation.
Mr. Syed Mujeebuddin conveyed his salaams and read out his representation, he has two points as follows:
1. Discover Peace Programme: The Books printed in coordination with Indo Turkish Bureau with regard to the Discover Peace programme after the completion of the activity are dumped at MESCO how it is going to be disposed and what care is being taken in this regard.
2. MARDE MOMIN Books publication: 300 copies of the book were published by MESCO on the request of the Hon’ble Ex-Governor of Haryana Dr. AR Kidwai and the same was to be released by the President of India. But due to the intervention of Chairman ShahWaliullahAcademy it was not released and another Book by title MEMAAR-E-QUOM was released, Mr. Mujeebuddin wanted to know about the financial loss, he requested the members to pass a resolution to condemn.
Point No. 1. Reply by the Honorary Secretary: He informed the members that MESCO published One lakh books during the Discover Peace programme and nearly 75 thousand copies were distributed during the Discover Peace contest in nearly 19 states and nearly 25 thousand books are with us they are not dumped but properly accounted and inventory is maintained, the auditors have audited our accounts and taken the stock in the statement.