Poster Presentation Instructions
- Provider Name:
- Project Name:
(Please provide the project’s Unique Project ID and the related project option)
- Please describe your project:
- Please list the community need(s) andnumber that corresponds with the project you are presenting. (See table below for corresponding numbers)
ID # / Description of Problem Needing to be Addressed
CN.1 / Severe primary care provider shortage, wait time, expense,lack of insurance, access to care
CN.2 / Lack of mental health services, inability to get anappointment, lack of insurance, need to use ERs for initial contact.
CN.3 / Poor insurance support or uninsured.
CN.4 / High incidence of obesity, diabetes mellitus and heart disease.
CN.5 / Need for specialists to assist in the treatment of obesity, diabetes mellitus, heart disease, asthma, chronic lung disease & other chronic diseases.
CN.6 / Need for cancer screening with mammograms, pap smears, colonoscopy, sigmoidoscopy, rectal exam
CN. 7 / Insufficient maternal and prenatal care, especially the first trimester teen pregnancy, high percentage of unmarried mothers
CN. 8 / Alcohol abuse and binge drinking, substance abuse
CN. 9 / Tobacco use
CN. 10 / High Prevalence of asthma and care issues
CN. 11 / Inadequate vaccination of the population
CN. 12 / High incidence of sexually transmitted disease
CN. 13 / There is a shortage of dental care
CN. 14 / HIV Screening
- Tell us about your QPI and non-numerical QPI info such as QPI baseline, Pre-DSRIP Baseline, Results for DY2, DY3 and current (DY4).
- Which Category 3 outcome(s) did you select for this project?
- Please include Domain and Improvement target
- Please include baseline, achievement target (if known) and progress to date
- Please tell us about the projects accomplishments
- Please include any challenges/barriers and/or lessons learned.
- Please provide one or two pictures related to your project.
- Please share significant CQI (continuous quality improvement) you’ve implemented with this project and would be important for others who might be interested in implementing a similar project?
- Please Share a patient story:
Thanks so much for your participation