This Blows - 15 paper cups are placed next to each other on a table. The contestant needs to blow up a balloon and then use the air from the balloon to knock all the cups off the table. The balloon can be refilled as many times as one wants.
Dicey - This is a very simple task that will require immaculate balance. The contestant needs to hold out a spoon or a Popsicle with one end in his/her mouth. 6 dice must be balanced on this by stacking them one on top of the other.
Stack Them Up - The contestant is given several cans and an equal number of paper plates. The contestant has to stack a minimum of 5 cans, one on top of the other with a paper plate between each. If the cans fall, he has to start all over again and make sure that there are at least 5 stacked cans.
Jelly Nose - A bowl full of cotton balls is placed on a table, with an empty bowl on the side and a generous amount of petroleum jelly on a dish. The contestant has to apply petroleum jelly on his nose and then transfer the cotton balls from one bowl to the other. Only one cotton ball can be transferred at one time.
Stick it Out - Apply peanut butter on a bread slice(s) and arrange it on a plate about 7 feet away. The contestant is given a ping pong ball that he must throw towards the slice and attempt to stick it on the same.
Kick Off - This is another great game that is very easy to emulate at home. All you need is a large empty bucket and 3 - 5 empty cans. Keep the bucket on its side -- the contestant has to simply kick the cans into the bucket from a suitable distance.
Go the Distance - 3 ping-pong balls need to be put inside an empty glass, using a measuring tape as a ramp. The tape is pulled out and kept at a calculated distance. The ping pong balls have to be placed at the end and rolled into the glass. This is not as easy as it sounds, and is definitely one of the tougher games around.
Find the Penny - This is a tougher game than it looks. Place two pennies in the legs of the panty hose and hand these over to the contestants. The contestants have to use only their hands to inch their way into the hose and retrieve the pennies out. The condition is that one cannot use both their hands -- only the right hand works on the right side and the left on the left side.
Stack Attack - This is an interesting game to play at home, where the contestant has to stack 36 cups in form of a pyramid. Once completed making a pyramid, the cups have to be taken down back into a single stack within one minute.
Johnny Apple Stack - In this game challenge the contestant has to stack 4 to 5 apples on top of each other. The contestant has to re-stack the apples if they fall. The tower should stay stacked for 3 seconds.
Don't Blow the Joker - This is a rather difficult challenge that will be enjoyed by young adults. One needs to stack 5 card decks on 5 soda bottles. The joker has to be placed at the bottom of each stack. One has to blow off each card except the joker from the bottle. One gets 5 chances to perform this task in one minute.
Noodling Around - Cooked pasta pieces are kept in a bowl, an empty bowl is placed on the side and the contestants are given an uncooked spaghetti strand. In under a minute, the contestant needs to transfer 6 pieces of pasta using only the spaghetti which is held in the mouth. The contestant should be careful and avoid using hands, or it will result in a foul. Also, if the uncooked spaghetti strand breaks, the game is lost.
Let's Can it - Use a tub and fill it with water, then place a plastic plate in it. The challenge is to stack 5 aluminum cans on the plate in under a minute. The plate has no solid base because of the water and that's what adds to the challenge.
Defying Gravity - Tap 3 balloons to keep them off the ground for a minute.
Elephant March - Knock over bottles with a baseball hanging from panty hose worn on the head.
How’s it hanging - Using a banana hanging on a string from the waist, player must guide 2 oranges into a hula hoop.
Keep It Up - Player must use only their breath to keep feathers in the air for 60 seconds.
Paper Scraper - Player must build a tower of index cards, with each level consisting of two pre-bent cards with a flat card on top.
Shoe Fly Shoe - Toss shoe onto a table using only a foot from a set distance.
Speed Eraser - Player must bounce pencils into glasses.
Break group down into even teams. Each team member only plays one event, so they will need to choose who competes in each event. All team members must participate. The team members not competing may cheer on the competitors.
The time limit for each event is one (1) minute. If you fail to complete the event, you lose the challenge. If it is a building/stacking event, the team with the highest stack wins.
At the end of the events, tally up the scorecards to see which team won overall.