
10036NAT Diploma of Ministry (Leadership)

Congratulations, you are now at step two of the Diploma of Ministry (Leadership) RPL mode. Attached is a RPL Evidence Checklist for you to work through to gather evidence of your experience to submit. There are two options to submit your portfolio:

  1. Softcopy (preferred option)

-Load all documents onto in Moodle (our online student learning environment). You will be given access to this when you application and enrolment has been processed;


-Burn to a CD-ROM (or DVD-ROM) and post to AC.

  1. Hardcopy

-Compile all documents into a lever arch folder and post to AC.

NOTE: Please be sure to keep a copy of everything sent to AC.

Please select which location you would like to attend:

Sydney: 18-22 July 2016

Perth: 14-18 November 2016

We look forward to meeting you in class.

God bless

Check List

Item / Description / Tick / Office Use
  1. Self-Assessment Questionnaire (see below)
/ Complete the one page self-assessment to determine if you have the necessary skills.
  1. Threereferees (see below)
/ Three referees from church leadership (in or outside your church), such as elders, board members, associate pastor, or district leaders.
  1. Three sermons delivered to three different audiences (see below)
/ At least two sermons need to be submitted as comprehensive sermon notes. The third sermon can be submitted as audio or video recording or as comprehensive sermon notes.
One sermon must include an opportunity for response (altar call).
  1. One from an Old Testament passage

  1. One from a New Testament passage

  1. One Topical (theological)

(at least 1 sermon with an altar call)
  1. Evidence Sheets – You must provide responses or evidence to all questions (see below)
/ Christian Ethics
Holy Spirit
Cross-Cultural Ministry
Work Health and Safety

1.Self-Assessment Questionnaire

10036NAT Diploma of Ministry (Leadership)
Candidate Name: / Date Completed:

Please identify your level of experience in each competency.

Unit Code / Unit Title / I have performed these tasks
Frequently / Sometimes / Never
MINBIB502A / Effectively communicate the message of an Old Testament book
MINBIB503A / Effectively communicate the message of a New Testament book
MINTHE506A / Apply ethical principles in ministry
MINPAS507A / Implement and evaluate a ministry function
MINTHE504A / Promote a Pentecostal worldview
MINPAS410B / Work in a ministry team
LEDLED502A / Identify leaders and develop leadership skills
LEDLED402A / Acquire leadership skills
LEDCOM503A / Deliver a public speech
CHCDIV001 / Work with diverse people

Version 20161


10036NAT Diploma of Ministry (Leadership)

Please list your three referees here.

The reference template is available from the Diploma of Ministry (Leadership) RPL website:

Send the reference template to your referees. They will need to email to the completed document to .

If we do not receive the references with your application, we fill follow up with the referees.

Referee Name:
Email: / Phone:
Referee Name:
Email: / Phone:
Referee Name:
Email: / Phone:

3.Three Sermons

10036NAT Diploma of Ministry (Leadership)

Include three sermons. At least two sermons need to be submitted as comprehensive sermon notes. The third sermon can be submitted as audio or video recording or as comprehensive sermon notes.


  • Identify three different audiences. E.g. Sunday congregation, youth, children, women only, church leaders, etc.
  • At least one must have an altar call.

Old Testament Sermon
Title: / Date:
Altar call included in notes: / Yes / No
New Testament Sermon
Title: / Date:
Altar call included in notes: / Yes / No
Topical Sermon
Title: / Date:
Altar call included in notes: / Yes / No

4.Evidence Sheets

10036NAT Diploma of Ministry (Leadership)
You must provide responses or evidence to ALL questions.

Christian Ethics

Describe the role of your conscience in making personal decisions.

List some virtues you live by.

Discuss how these virtues help with addressing the following issues:


b.Finances (in the context of home, church and workplace).

Describe at least one way your church has addressed a public ethical issue.

Ministry Evaluation

Identify a ministry area you have worked in. Describe the purpose of the ministry.

Describe the ministry/team structure (lines of authority).

Outline some things you did to prepare for this role, including self and the environment (at the beginning).

Describe how you provide orientation to the ministry.

Identify the key stakeholders for your ministry area. How are they involved in the program implementation

Describe how the ministry was implemented (including administration, team work, reporting to leaders, etc).

How did you monitor your personal wellbeing?

Describe the roles of two team members, including KPIs, and deadlines.

Team Member


Role and Responsibilities


Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)


Due Date

How often are team meetings held?

Describe how you oversee on-going support of team members and regularly reviewed team performance.

Discuss the overall effectiveness of this ministry and team, list two opportunities for improvement.

Discuss how any issues are followed up.

Describe the closure procedures, such as locking the building/auditorium.

Holy Spirit

Identify the Gifts of the Spirit.

Identify and describe two gifts you operate in.

Describe how two gifts of the Spirit are practiced responsibly in your church.

Outline the Holy Spirit’s role in your everyday life.

Describe how your understanding of the Holy Spirit compares to another denominational doctrine, and outline ways you work with other denominations in your community.


Discuss the relationship between nature and nurture in leadership development and how potential leaders are evaluated according to their gifts and weaknesses.

Discuss the relationship between intelligence quotient (IQ), emotional quotient (EQ) and spiritual quotient (SQ) on leadership development.

Outline how you have delegated, supervised and appraised performance.

Identify the values, mission and vision of your church.




Describe your leadership style, and two others on your team.

Describe the top three leadership skills for ministry.

Outline how you receive 360 degree feedback, and identify two areas for improvement.


Discuss how you consider the appropriate personal image and body language requiredfor the identified audience. Provide an example.

Describe how you collect and evaluate feedback after a sermon.

Cross-Cultural Ministry

Describe your own social and cultural perspectives and biases.

Describe two culturally diverse situations you participated in within the last five years.

What were some of your own limitations in communicating/ministering in those situations?

Outline some of the ways you adjusted/improved to overcome your own limitations?

Describe how you value and respect cultural diversity in your ministry. Give one example

What are some ways you have contributed to the ministry appreciation of diversity and inclusivity? How do you make your ministry safe for all people from culturally diverse backgrounds?

WHS Summary

What is your role in your organisation?

What is your level of responsibility for WHS in your organisation?

Outline the consultation process of your organisation.

If one has not been established, suggest a procedure to fit your organisation.

Outline the procedure for reporting hazards and risks.

Complete a risk assessment and attach with this submission (with at least three hazards identified).

If your organisation does not have a risk assessment template, use the one provided. / Yes / No

Describe in detail the procedure for reporting and recording a first aid incident, include what needs to be recorded.

Version 20161

Risk Assessment Template

Site / Person / Date
The Hazard / Risk Assessment / Controls / Reassessment / Further Action
Describe the hazard
/ Type of Hazard / Likelihood / Consequence / Risk Level / Details of existing controls / Hierarchy of Controls / Adequacy / Likelihood / Consequence / Risk Level

Risk Assessment Overview

Potential harm
Manual tasks / Overexertion or repetitive movement can cause muscular strain
Gravity / Falling objects, falls, slips and trips of people can cause fractures, bruises, lacerations, dislocations, concussion, permanent injuries or death
Electricity / Potential ignition source. Exposure to live electrical wires can cause shock, burns or death from electrocution
Machinery and equipment / Being hit by moving vehicles, or being caught by moving parts of machinery can cause fractures, bruises, lacerations, dislocations, permanent injuries or death
Hazardous chemicals / Chemicals (such as acids, hydrocarbons, heavy metals) and dusts (such as asbestos and silica) can cause respiratory illnesses, cancers or dermatitis
Extreme temperatures / Heat can cause burns, heat stroke or fatigue Cold can cause hypothermia or frost bite
Noise / Exposure to loud noise can cause permanent hearing damage
Radiation / Ultra violet, welding arc flashes, micro waves and lasers can cause burns, cancer or blindness
Biological / Micro-organisms can cause hepatitis, legionnaires’ disease, Q fever, HIV/AIDS or allergies
Psychosocial hazards / Effects of work-related stress, bullying, violence and work-related fatigue
A / Rare / 1 / Insignificant
B / Unlikely / 2 / Minor
C / Possible / 3 / Moderate
D / Likely / 4 / Major
E / Almost certain / 5 / Catastrophic
Risk Level Table
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
A / Low / Low / Low / Low / Low
B / Low / Low / Low / Medium / Medium
C / Low / Low / Medium / High / High
D / Low / Medium / High / Extreme / Extreme
E / Low / Medium / High / Extreme / Extreme
Risk Level
Extreme / 1 / Act immediately to remove risk. Either eliminate, substitute or implement engineering controls.
High / 2 / Act immediately to remove risk. Either eliminate, substitute or implement engineering controls. If controls are not able to be implemented immediately, set a timeframe and establish some intern controls for a set period of time.
Medium / 3 / Take reasonable steps to lessen the risk. Until elimination, substitution, or engineering controls can be implemented, establish administrative and PPE controls.
Low / 4 / Take reasonable steps to lessen and monitor the risk. Establish permanent controls to reduce the risk.
Hierarchy of Controls
Elimination / Eliminate the hazard or risk.
Substitution / Substitute with an alternative practice, material or equipment.
Isolation / Separate from those at risk of harm.
Engineering / Design or set-up features to minimise the risk.
Change work methods / Change the way work is done, review and implement good work practice.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) / Workers must wear personal protective equipment.