Big Rock: RTI
Fully Implemented / Partially Implemented / Not ImplementedIn 30 Days, we will know that we are successful when:
- We have identified which students will be pulled for RTI instruction.
- We have a working schedule for all RTI staff and identified students.
- We have created/used forms for documentation of RTI instruction and progress monitoring.
- Students are showing progress through progress monitoring.
- Teachers are noticing progress being made in classroom
- The MAP test will be given for the second time.
- Classroom teachers are collecting data on at least 5 students.
The Measures/Evidence we will use are:
- , RTI data, Teacher input
30 Days Action Strategies / Who is on point? / By when? / How communicated?
The 2nd MAP test will be given to all students. / All staff / 12/18/15 / Staff Meetings
We will use MAP data and teacher input to choose students for Tier 2 and Tier 3. / RTI Staff Griffin
Classroom teachers / 12/18/15 / RTI PLC
Staff Meetings
We will create a schedule for students for RTI instruction during non-core instruction time. / RTI Staff / 12/18/15 / RTI PLC
Staff Meetings
We will create a schedule for RTI staff for RTI instruction so that all needs will be met. / RTI Staff / 12/18/15 / RTI PLC
Staff Meetings
Students will be given Easy CBM tests on Fridays to monitor progress. / Noe/Griffin / 12/18/15 / RTI PLC
The RTI staff will make new placement decisions with input from classroom teachers. / Noe/Griffin
Classroom teachers / 12/18/15 / RTI PLC
Staff meetings
Students will be given the BVSD Math screener for Fall. / RTI Staff / 12/18/15 / RTI PLC
The data will be assessed from all screeners given. / Noe/Griffin / 12/18/15 / RTI PLC
Programs that are used to track data such as; Easy CBM, Reading Eggs, Moby Max, Math Seeds, LLI, etc. will continue to be used. They will show evidence of growth. / Noe/Griffin / 12/18/15 / RTI PLC
We will use the data from all RTI programs to evaluate Tier II and Tier III instruction. / Noe/Griffin / 12/18/15 / RTI PLC
Fully Implemented / Partially Implemented / Not Implemented
In 60 Days, we will know that we are successful when:
- Students are showing progress through progress monitoring.
- Teachers are noticing progress being made in classroom
- The MAP test will be given for the second time.
- Classroom teachers continue to collect data.
The Measures/Evidence we will use are:
- Progress monitoring results, RTI data, Teacher input
60 Days Action Strategies / Who is on point? / By when? / How communicated?
MAP test scores will be re-evaluated to see if changes need to be made in tier placement. / Noe/Griffin / 1/11/16 / RTI PLC
We will discuss how to use data based decision making in order to move students from Tier II to Tier III or Tier I. / Tina Mason
Amy Griffin / 2/15/16 / Staff Meeting
We will receive training on how to identify the specific skill a child needs to receive services for. We will also discuss the appropriate interventions for that skill. / Tina Mason / 2/15/16 / Staff Meeting
Students will be given the Winter BVSD Screener for math. / Griffin/Perkins/Tudor / 2/15/16 / RTI PLC
Students will be given the PAST test for phonics. / Griffin/Perkins/Tudor / 2/15/16 / RTI PLC
Students will be given the STAR reading assessment. / Griffin/Perkins/Tudor / 2/15/16 / RTI PLC
The data will be assessed from all screeners given. / Noe/Griffin / 2/15/16 / RTI PLC
Programs that are used to track data such as; Easy CBM, Reading Eggs, Moby Max, Math Seeds, LLI, etc. will continue to be used. They will show evidence of growth. / Noe/Griffin / 2/15/16 / RTI PLC
We will use the data from all RTI programs to evaluate Tier II and Tier III instruction. / Noe/Griffin / 2/15/16 / RTI PLC
Teachers will continue to collect data on at least 5 students. We will adjust the students that are being analyzed as needed. / Griffin
Classroom teachers / 2/15/16 / RTI PLC
Staff meetings
Fully Implemented / Partially Implemented / Not Implemented
In 90 Days, we will know that we are successful when:
- Students are no longer needing RTI services.
- Measureable progress has been made.
- The third MAP test shows evidence of growth.
- Classroom teachers accept the responsibility of data collection.
The Measures/Evidence we will use are:
- Progress monitoring results, RTI data, Teacher input
90 Days Action Strategies / Who is on point? / By when? / How communicated?
Based on data we will be able to move children from Tier III or Tier II down to Tier I. / Noe/Griffin / 4/11/16 / RTI PLC
Staff meetings
Programs that are used to track data such as; Easy CBM, Reading Eggs, Moby Max, Math Seeds, LLI, etc. will continue to be used. They will show evidence of growth. / Noe/Griffin / 4/11/16 / RTI PLC
Homeroom teachers will be able growth and progress in the regular classroom based on data. / Noe/Griffin
Classroom teachers / 4/11/16 / RTI PLC
Staff meetings
Students will be given the Spring BVSD Screener for math. / Griffin/Perkins/Tudor / 4/11/16 / RTI PLC
Students will be given the PAST test for phonics. / Griffin/Perkins/Tudor / 4/11/16 / RTI PLC
Students will be given the STAR reading assessment. / Griffin/Perkins/Tudor / 4/11/16 / RTI PLC
The data will be assessed from all screeners given. / Noe/Griffin / 4/11/16 / RTI PLC
Programs that are used to track data such as; Easy CBM, Reading Eggs, Moby Max, Math Seeds, LLI, etc. will continue to be used. They will show evidence of growth. / Noe/Griffin / 4/11/16 / RTI PLC
We will use the data from all RTI programs to evaluate Tier II and Tier III instruction. / Noe/Griffin / 4/11/16 / RTI PLC
Classroom teachers will continue to collect data.