2005-2006 Senate Library CommitteeAnnual Report
John E. McEneaney, 2005-2006 Senate Library Committee Chair
2005-2006 Senate Library Committee Membership: William Andress (School of Health Sciences) 2004-2006; Claude Baillargeon (Art and Art History); 2004-2006; Stacey Hahn (French) 2005-2007; Fuad Hasanov (Economics) 2005-2007; Linda Hildebrand (Library) 2005-2007; John McEneaney (School of Education and Human Services) 2004-2006; Ann Pogany (Library) 2004-2006; Robert Slater (Library) 2005-2007; Cynthia Sifonis (Psychology) 2005-2007; Laureen Smith (Nursing) 2004-2006; Anna Spagnuolo (Mathematics and Statistics) 2004-2006; Anne Switzer (Library) 2004-2006; Qian Zou (Engineering) 2005-2007. The Committee also includes Dean Julie Voelck and Catherine Cheal, representing the Vice President for Academic Affairs both ex-officio and non-voting. The charge from the Senate specifies that three students be appointed by the Student Congress but names of those appointed were not forwarded and no students participated in Library Committee work during the 2005-2006 academic year.
The Senate Library Committee met six times during the 2005-2006 academic year. The focus of committee work during the year was on organizing a Celebration of Authors at Oakland event at Kresge Library on March 29, 2006.
Senate Library Committee
September 16, 2005
Kresge 100
1. The committee reviewed membership. John McEneaney will contact the student government President requesting appointment of student representatives to the committee.
2. The committee reviewed its charge from the Senate.
3. The committee set its Fall 2005 meetings for the third Thursday of each month from 1:30-3:00 PM. Remaining dates for committee meetings in the Fall 2005 term are: October 20, November 17, & December 15
4. The Dean reported on
a)funding from academic affairs was increased.
b)new online library resources.
c)results of a recent Kresge Library faculty/staff retreat.
d)the writing center and the new Kresge computer lab
5. Possible Committee Initiatives
a)The Dean proposed sponsoring a book/presentation event with an OU author. The committee expressed interest in considering a more specific proposal at its next meeting. A Planning Committee was established to develop a more specific proposal. The Planning Committee will present its proposal at the next meeting.
b)John McEneaney proposed the Library Committee consider developing an American Democracy Project (ADP) proposal for Oakland University. John distributed a handout summarizing objectives of the ADP. John requested that committee members review the ADP web site prior to the next meeting so that there could be further discussion about this proposal.
The next meeting of the Library Committee is October 20, from 1:30-3:00 PM.
Senate Library Committee
October 20, 2005
Kresge 326-328
1. The committee reviewed and approved the agenda and minutes from the 9/16 meeting as written.
2. John McEneaney indicated he had not had a response from emails sent to a student congress officer concerning student representation on the Library Committee. Anne Switzer indicated she would be meeting with a recent past representative and would discuss student representation with this individual.
3. The Dean reported that the Library had received special funding to support general education. It is not known at this time whether this funding will become a part of the annual Library base.
4. John McEneaney presented a proposal based on preliminary work by the General Planning Subcommittee for the spring 2006 book/presentation event. Library Committee members volunteered to serve on subcommittees and a timetable for subcommittee work was approved for the Fall 2005 term.
5. John McEneaney reported that, based on a review of the American Democracy Project (ADP) web site, it appeared that Oakland University had already agreed to participate in this project. It was agreed that the Library Committee should determine who was coordinating ADP events at OU and what kinds of activities were planned before the committee pursue other activities. John McEneaney agreed to follow up on this issue and will report to the Library Committee at a future meeting.
6. The meeting of the Library Committee scheduled for November 17 was cancelled so that Library event Subcommittees can begin work of the Spring 2006 Library event. The next Library Committee meeting will, therefore, be on December 15 from 1:30-3:00 PM in Kresge 326-328.
7. The Library Committee meeting was adjourned at 2:15 PM.
Senate Library Committee
December 15, 2005
Kresge 326-328
Approved Minutes
Members in attendance: Stacey Hahn (French) 2005-2007; Fuad Hasanov (Economics) 2005-2007; Linda Hildebrand (Library) 2005-2007; John McEneaney* (School of Education and Human Services) 2004-2006; Ann Pogany (Library) 2004-2006; Robert Slater (Library) 2005-2007; Cynthia Sifonis (Psychology) 2005-2007; Laureen Smith (Nursing) 2004-2006; Anna Spagnuolo (Mathematics and Statistics) 2004-2006; Anne Switzer (Library) 2004-2006; Qian Zou (Engineering) 2005-2007; Julie Voelck (Interim Dean, Kresge Library).
1. The minutes from the October 10, 2005 meeting were approved as written. The agenda was approved as prepared.
2. John McEneaney reported that Michael McGuinness had not yet responded with information about student appointments to the committee after an exchange of emails in October.
3. The Dean reported on a number of library-related issues including,
a)a recent presentation she and Anne Switzer made to the OU Student Congress,
b)a progress report on the Writing Center, which is housed in Kresge Library,
c)renovations of student study rooms and an eating lounge on the first floor, using funds from the fines & fees account,and
d)the Rosa Parks Panel hosted by Kresge Library on November 16.
4. Each Subcommittee presented event proposals. Discussion followed each presentation.
Anne Switzer presented the Invitation & Selection Subcommittee proposal, reporting that faculty who had been contacted about the event expressed concern that peer-reviewed journal articles were not being considered. Anne asked the committee to reconsider the nature of the materials that would serve as the focal point for the event. Anne reported that 43 items had come in under the original criteria specifying books, book chapters, or edited volumes.
There was discussion affirming that for many departments peer-reviewed journal publications were a measure of scholarship equaling or exceeding that of books, edited volumes, or book chapters. A concern was raised about how committee members would review materials if they included a much larger number of submissions. It was suggested that the library event might focus on different materials in alternating years and that departments might be asked to nominate one author from the department for consideration as a speaker at the event. There was general agreement that the event should focus on books, book chapters, and edited volumes every other year and on peer-reviewed journal articles in the intervening years.
John McEneaney reviewed the General Planning Subcommittee proposal and asked the committee to consider selecting a date for the celebration. The date selected was Wednesday, March 29 from 2:00-4:00 PM. The celebration will take place on the fourth floor of KL.
Fuad Hasanov presented the Refreshments Subcommittee proposal. There was general agreement that the proposal addressed a wide range of tastes and would meet the needs of the event. Julie Voelck reported that sources of funding would be explored and, if there was a need to scale back spending, adjustments would be made in the refreshments and promotion budgets but that our goal would be to implement the proposal as presented.
Robert Slater presented the Advertising & Promotion Subcommittee proposal. He pointed out that the event would focus on an internal audience (faculty & staff). He presented two budgets. One budget was based on targeting faculty, staff, and students while the second focused specifically on faculty and staff. There was discussion about the merits of sending mailings to all student mailboxes. It was agreed that posters and flyers distributed across campus would serve as suitable publication vehicles for students and that direct mailings should be limited to faculty and staff. Robert also indicated that the KL web site and a number of other KL resources would be made available by the Dean to support the event. It was agreed that authors would be provided distinctive name tags so that they can be identified at the event. Robert also pointed out that the University Research Committee has funds to purchase books by OU authors for the library but that there are specific criteria that must be met.
There was discussion about the name for the event. There was general agreement that the names that would be used in 2006 and 2007 would be: Authors@OU, A Celebration of the Book 2006 and Authors@OU, A celebration of the Journal 2007. The 2006 celebration would focus on books, book chapters, and edited volumes. The 2007 event will focus on peer-reviewed journal articles.
5. John McEneaney presented an update on the American Democracy Project at OU. He reported that Susan Awbrey was the ADFP contact person at OU and that Susan had submitted a proposal to ADP to fund activities at OU but it had not been funded. There are no ADP projects ongoing at OU. John McEneaney recommended that, given the other work the committee had undertaken, that the proposal to develop an ADP project be tabled. There was general agreement to table the ADP proposal.
6. There was discussion about committee meetings in the Winter 2006 term. There was agreement that the committee should meet early in February to review materials submitted by authors and that two meetings be set up in early and mid-March to assure that we have adequate time to make final arrangements. Each committee member agreed to send John McEneaney at least three regularly available time slots so that the meetings can be arranged.
7. The meeting was adjourned at 2:45. The next meeting of the committee will be announced by email.
Senate Library Committee
February 10, 2006
Kresge 326-328
Members in attendance: William Andress (School of Health Sciences) 2004-2006; Stacey Hahn (French) 2005-2007; Fuad Hasanov (Economics) 2005-2007; Linda Hildebrand (Library) 2005-2007; John McEneaney* (School of Education and Human Services) 2004-2006; Ann Pogany (Library) 2004-2006; Robert Slater (Library) 2005-2007; Cynthia Sifonis (Psychology) 2005-2007; Laureen Smith (Nursing) 2004-2006; Anna Spagnuolo (Mathematics and Statistics) 2004-2006; Anne Switzer (Library) 2004-2006; Qian Zou (Engineering) 2005-2007; Catherine Cheal (Provost’s designee); Julie Voelck (Interim Dean, Kresge Library).
1. The minutes from December 15, 2005 meeting were approved with one revision. The agenda was approved as prepared.
2. John McEneaney reported on communications with representatives of the OU Student Congress about students appointments to the committee.
3. Anne Switzer reported on the work of the Invitation and Selection Subcommittee. Nominations continue to be forwarded to her. The final deadline for nominations to be considered for speakers at the OU authors event is 2/17. The Subcommittee has begun reviewing manuscripts that were submitted. The Subcommittee was authorized by the committee as a whole to make a recommendation concerning the speaker(s) selected for the OU authors event. The Subcommittee will forward their recommendation to Dean Voelck and John McEneaney.
4. Robert Slater reported a timeline for promotions and advertising.
February 20: An email will be forwarded by Robert alerting committee members to the event web site.
February 22: The event web site will be made accessible to Library Committee members.
February 24: Deadline for Library Committee members to provide feedback to Robert Slater on the event web site.
March 1: Deadline for final versions of all print-based promotions and advertising.
March 22: Email notification about the OU authors event will be delivered to campus mailboxes.
March 29: The 2006 OU authors event.
5. Julie Voelck proposed that hot hors d’oeuvres be eliminated from the menu. This will lower costs considerably and allow for a wider range of cold food items. The committee approved the proposal. Dean Voelck agreed to assume responsibility for submitting the order and making arrangements for delivery.
6. John McEneaney reported that the next Library Committee meeting will be on March 10 from 2:00-3:30 PM in Kresge 326-328. If another meeting is needed before the OU authors event, the committee will meet the following week on March 17 at the same time in Kresge 326-328.
7. The meeting was adjourned at 2:30 PM.
Senate Library Committee
March 10, 2006 – 2:00 PM
Kresge 326-328
Members in attendance: William Andress (School of Health Sciences) 2004-2006; Claude Baillargeon (Art and Art History); 2004-2006; Stacey Hahn (French) 2005-2007; Fuad Hasanov (Economics) 2005-2007; Linda Hildebrand (Library) 2005-2007; John McEneaney* (School of Education and Human Services) 2004-2006; Ann Pogany (Library) 2004-2006; Robert Slater (Library) 2005-2007; Cynthia Sifonis (Psychology) 2005-2007; Anna Spagnuolo (Mathematics and Statistics) 2004-2006; Anne Switzer (Library) 2004-2006; Qian Zou (Engineering) 2005-2007; Catherine Cheal (Provost’s designee); Julie Voelck (Interim Dean, Kresge Library).
1. The minutes from the February 10, 2006 meeting were approved as written. The agenda was approved as prepared.
2. Julie Voelck reported on a recent article in the Chronicle of Higher Education highlighting special difficulties sometimes encountered in preserving access to electronic resources.
3a. Anne Switzer reported on the work of the Invitation and Selection Subcommittee. She described the process used by the Subcommittee to solicit and review nominations. She described qualities of the two selected books (by Jo Reger and David Dulio). There was brief discussion about the general appeal of these books and the Subcommittee was commended for their work. It was agreed that a bibliography will be prepared that includes all submitted nominations and identifies those books on display. Authors will be provided name tags. In addition, there will be fill-in author name tags in the event we have authors attending who did not submit their work for inclusion in the display.
3b. John McEneaney proposed a timeline for event activities. There was discussion about including time for interaction with the speakers following their presentations. It was agreed that time should be set aside for questions and response to the speakers immediately following their respective talks. It was agreed that Julie Voelck would provide closing remarks. If Provost Moudgil is able to attend, he will be invited to make brief opening remarks. The schedule that was agreed upon was as follows:
2:00-2:30 Informal interaction prior to featured speakers
2:30-2:35Welcoming remarks by John McEneaney
2:35-2:45Welcoming remarks & Introduction of Jo Regerby Julie Voelck
2:45-3:00Jo Reger on Different Wavelengths
3:00-3:10Audience questions and response for Jo Reger
3:10-3:15Introduction of David Dulio by John McEneaney
3:15-3:30David Dulio on Vital Signs
3:30-3:40Audience questions and response for David Dulio
3:40-3:45Closing remarks by Julie Voelck
3:45-4:00Informal interaction and review of display
There was discussion about suggestions for the speakers. It was suggested that speakers comment on their inspiration for the book and briefly describe what it was about. John McEneaney agreed to communicate with the speakers about the committee suggestions and to make them aware of the timeline. John McEneaney agreed to keep track of time during the event.
3c. Julie Voelck reported on meetings with the caterer. The menu has been ordered and arrangements for a podium, tablecloths, and a floral centerpiece have been made.
3d. Robert Slater reviewed the timeline for advertising and promotions and circulated a proof for the mailing advertisement. He also invited committee members to take one or more posters back to their units. It was suggested that committee members use departmental or unit email lists to encourage participation by faculty. John McEneaney agreed to circulate a sample email invitation that could be reproduced for use by committee members. It was suggested that it might be useful to consider drafting a nomination form for next year as there was wide variation in the information provided in submissions.
4. There was agreement that the remaining work that needed to be completed in preparation for the Authors at OU event had been addressed and there was no need for a Library Committee meeting on March 17. The next meeting of the Senate Library Committee will, therefore, be on March 29, from 2:00-4:00 PM. This will be the last meeting of the Senate Library Committee for the 2005-2006 academic year.
5. The meeting was adjourned at 3:00 PM.