Research Paper: Interpretive Biography100 points
AP European History
Step 1: Person and Sources Submission (10 points)
Due date: Tuesday, December 2, 2008
- Fill out ONLINE in Strongverb Interactive a forum posting that includes:
- The name of the person you have chosen.
- Brief biographical details: birthdate, death date, achievements.
- Explanation of why you chose this person.
- Bibliography of the following in CMS:
- 1 image source (must be a painting, drawing, sketch of the person),
- 1 primary source,
- 1 book source (secondary source),
Step 2: Annotated Bibliography (10 points)
Due date: Monday, December 8, 2008
- Fill out ONLINE in Strongverb Interactive a forum posting that includes:
- All sources consulted in the writing of your paper annotated in CMS.
- At least 3 book sources (1 may be encyclopedic).
- At least 1 primary source.
- At least 1 image source.
Step 3: Outline of Topic Sentences (10 points)
Due date: Friday, December 12, 2008
- Fill out ONLINE in Strongverb Interactive a forum posting that includes:
- Your outline of the topic sentences in this paper.
- Optional: your introductory paragraph.
Step 4: Your Paper (60 points)
Due date: Wednesday, December 17, 2008
- Length: Five pages of essay
- Formatting: double-spaced, Times New Roman 12pt font, 1” margins
- Cover page (see attached)
- Annotated bibliography in Chicago Manual of Style.
- Minimum of five sources that shows evidence of their use within the paper. Primary sources considered a big plus, but do not use ALL primary sources.
- At least 3 book sources (1 may be encyclopedic).
- At least 1 primary source.
- At least 1 image source.
- Footnotes (NOT endnotes) with proper Chicago Manual of Style formatting. [Use Arabic numerals (ex. 1, 2, 3, …) not Roman numerals (ex., i, ii, iii, …).]
Your paper will be read by me and two other students in the class who will grade it according to a rubric.
Step 5: Revisions and Rewrite (10 points)
Last day for submission: January 16, 2008.
To get the full 10 points you must incorporate all “vetted” criticisms given to you by me and your colleagues.
Research a person who lived sometime between 1618 and 1789. You will interpret this person’s life, that is, give meaning to the person’s achievements, actions, upbringing, influence upon others, etc.
To find the person whose life you would like to explore, read relevant excerpts from McKay and Palmer.
A good paper will be well-written, have a logical argument, and be based ONLY on the evidence found in your sources. You may only use the internet to find fully vetted academic papers and primary sources. Your sources should include at least 2 biographies, at least 1 primary source writing about or by the person you investigate, and at least 1 image of or by the person you investigate.
Each stage of the deliverable has a due date. Any deliverable submitted after the due date may obtain only 85% of what you could have received if you had turned in the deliverable on time.
The paper will be due ON Wednesday, December 17, 2008. (You may submit it ahead of time, but NOT afterward.) It MAY NOT be e-mailed. It must be assembled when submitted, i.e., stapled.
Paraphrase whenever possible; avoid long quotations. Short quotations of less than a sentence are okay, but above all, cite, cite, cite.
The paper is to be five pages in length, not to exceed six pages. It should be typed using a standard 1” margin, 12-point Times New Roman font, and double-spaced. See the following page for the correct title page. (The title page does not count toward the number of written pages.)
Style (including use of language), quality of analysis, grammar, and spelling will also be part of the paper grade. Give yourself enough time so that you have time to correct and improve a rough draft of your paper.
I will be happy to discuss any questions that you might have about the paper, but I will not “pre-read” your papers and offer suggestions on how to improve them.
This paper constitutes one half of your project grade (that is, 12.5% of your overall first quarter grade). Total points: 100.
[Title of your paper here.
Double-spaced if title is more than one line.]
[Your name here.]
AP European History
Mr. Buchanan
[Date due here.]
Witch’s Brew: Home Remedies and the Suspicion of Witchcraft
in Sixteenth-century Lower Austria
John Q. Public
AP European History
Mr. Buchanan
January 15, 2008