Tram Huynh
Instructor: Julie Jackman
LE 1020
The effective of Reading
As a student learning a second language, which is English, I have to study more than others students who have English as their first language. I have to study more about new vocabulary to improve my English skills. Therefore, the way studying in US is quite different in Viet Nam, so I need to learn the way to study in here. I had some advices from my friends who had experience and they told me that I should take LE 1020 class if I want to succeed in college. This class is pretty helpful for students, especially for me. LE 1020 class helps me to become a master student because I learned how to manage my time, my studying, how can I take notes, how can I study before, after or during a test. Especially is the effect of reading, its very helpful for me that I’m able to comprehend, understand what I read, while I read help me to improve my reading skills, and make my brain works as well.
First of all, the effective of reading is improving my reading skills about how to read the book. Before taking LE 1020 class, I had no ideas about how to start reading books, I just jumped into reading but I wasn’t aware about what I was reading, I didn’t get too many things after reading time. After studying chapter “ Reading “ in class, I gain some experience and reading skills for myself and I learned how to find the key words when I read, I made some notes that are important during the reading time and I also knew how to highlight the important things when I read. Those things above helped me how to understand more about what I read and also help me to be confident in myself to keep continue studying in College.
Second thing is I’m able to comprehend, understand what I read, while I read, its helpful for second language students like me. While reading, I learned how to read the paper or article. I took many times to read the papers or articles but it wasn’t easy for me to understand everything in the first few times, it took me a few hours to read the article, those hours I only read 10 pages in my English class. When I read it again and again I realize that it helps me to memorize the new vocabulary, the more I read books or articles, the better I improve my reading skills. Moreover, it helps me how to get ideas from the text. When I read the text many times, it automatic makes me understand more about the text such as when I read a text for my Dance and cultures class, I didn’t understand much about the message or what it exactly is, when I read it one more time, I just had some ideas about the text, and I knew what it was talking about, then I read it again, I could be sure with myself about my understanding about the text. Such as a student at College and be succeed in my major, I need to be aware every single things of my works.
By reading, it makes my brain works and become good critical thinker. It helps me to learn about any purpose or message about a particular topic. The amazing prices about how the brain works along with eyes amazed me because as long as I start seeing the words, my brain processes the words and turns them into their meanings, so that way I can understand them. Therefore, when I read the textbook or an article, it’s not just only a text or a few paragraphs, it also makes my brain works and thinks about the purpose of reading and to be able to comprehend the information better asking myself why do I have to read it? What is the topic about?It’s helpful to improve memory because the brain is like a muscle. Speed-reading challenges the brain to perform at a higher level. When I train my brain to be able to take information faster, other areas of my brain will also improve such as my memory. It also helps me to become higher levels of self-confidence. I believe that this effect is the result of knowing that I have a better ability to read faster and comprehend more and make it logic and improve problem-solving skills. My major is Radiology technician, I have to be aware everything about my major. So reading skills is really helpful for me to get closed to succeed in future in my carrier.
With all that being said, my point is while I keep improving my reading skills, I will get better and better in future. Because it’s training "muscle" which is my brain. No matter how many times we try it, just keep on doing it, because if we read every single day, I will get better and become better students which is the main reason I'm taking this class and my personal opinion as a student is that LE 1020 Class is the key to be successful in my learning progress and it’s really helpful for me in future.