Documenting Analysis and Test
Mature software processes include documentation standards for all the activities of the software process, including test and analysis activities. Documentation can be inspected to verify progress against schedule and quality goals and to identify problems, supporting process visibility, monitoring, and replicability.
Documentation is an important element of the software development process, including the quality process. Complete and well-structured documents increase the reusability of test suites within and across projects. Documents are essential for maintaining a body of knowledge that can be reused across projects. Consistent documents provide a basis for monitoring and assessing the process, both internally and for external authorities where certification is desired. Finally, documentation includes summarizing and presenting data that forms the basis for process improvement. Test and analysis documentation includes summary documents designed primarily for human comprehension and details accessible to the human reviewer but designed primarily for automated analysis.
Documents are divided into three main categories: planning, specification, and reporting. Planningdocuments describe the organization of the quality process and include strategies and plans for thedivision or the company, and plans for individual projects. Specification documents describe test suites and test cases. A complete set of analysis and test specification documents include test design specifications, test case specification, checklists, and analysis procedure specifications. Reportingdocuments include details and summary of analysis and test results.
Organizing Documents
In a small project with a sufficiently small set of documents, the arrangement of other project artifacts (e.g., requirements and design documents) together with standard content (e.g., mapping of subsystem test suites to the build schedule) provides sufficient organization to navigate through the collection of test and analysis documentation. In larger projects, it is common practice to produce and regularly update a global guide for navigating among individual documents.
Naming conventions help in quickly identifying documents. A typical standard for document names would include keywords indicating the general scope of the document, its nature, the specific document, and its version, as in Figure 8.4.
Figure 8.4: Sample document naming conventions, compliant with IEEE standards.
Chipmunk Document Template Document Title
issued by / name / signature / dateapproved by / name / signature / date
distribution status / (internal use only, restricted, …)
distribution list / (people to whom the document must be sent)
version description
Table of Contents
List of sections.
Summarize the contents of the document. The summary should clearly explain the relevance of the document to its possible uses.
Goals of the document
Describe the purpose of this document: Who should read it, and why?
Required documents and references
Provide a reference to other documents and artifacts needed for understanding and exploiting this document. Provide a rationale for the provided references.
Provide a glossary of terms required to understand this document.
Section 1
Section N
Test Strategy Document
Analysis and Test Plan
While the format of an analysis and test strategy vary from company to company, the structure of an analysis and test plan is more standardized
The overall quality plan usually comprises several individual plans of limited scope. Each test and analysis plan should indicate the items to be verified through analysis or testing. They may include specifications or documents to be inspected, code to be analyzed or tested, and interface specifications to undergo consistency analysis. They may refer to the whole system or part of it - like a subsystem or a set of units. Where the project plan includes planned development increments, the analysis and test plan indicates the applicable versions of items to be verified.
For each item, the plan should indicate any special hardware or external software required for testing. For example, the plan might indicate that one suite of subsystem tests for a security package can be executed with a software simulation of a smart card reader, while another suite requires access to the physical device. Finally, for each item, the plan should reference related documentation, such as requirements and design specifications, and user, installation, and operations guides.
An Excerpt of the Chipmunk Analysis and Test Strategy Document CP05-14.03: Analysis and Test Strategy
Applicable Standards and Procedures
Artifact / Applicable Standards and GuidelinesWeb application / Accessibility: W3C-WAI …
Reusable component (internally developed) / Inspection procedure: [WB12-03.12]
External component / Qualification procedure: [WB12-22.04]
Documentation Standards
Project documents must be archived according to the standard Chipmunk archive procedure [WB02-01.02]. Standard required documents include
Document / Content & Organization StandardQuality plan / [WB06-01.03]
Test design specifications / [WB07-01.01] (per test suite)
Test case specifications / [WB08-01.07] (per test suite)
Test logs / [WB10-02.13]
Test summary reports / [WB11-01.11]
Inspection reports / [WB12-09.01]
Analysis and Test Activities
The following tools are approved and should be used in all development projects. Exceptions require configuration committee approval and must be documented in the project plan.
Fault logging Chipmunk BgT [WB10-23.01] …
Staff and Roles
A development work unit consists of unit source code, including unit test cases, stubs, and harnesses, and unit test documentation. A unit may be committed to the project baseline when the source code, test cases, and test results have passed peer review. A test and analysis plan may not address all aspects of software quality and testing activities. It should indicate the features to be verified and those that are excluded from consideration (usually because responsibility for them is placed elsewhere). For example, if the item to be verified includes a graphical user interface, the test and analysis plan might state that it deals only with functional properties and not with usability, which is to be verified separately by a usability and human interface design team. Explicit indication of features not to be tested, as well as those included in an analysis and test plan, is important for assessing completeness of the overall set of analysis and test activities. Assumption that a feature not considered in the current plan is covered at another point is a major cause of missing verification in large projects.
The quality plan must clearly indicate criteria for deciding the success or failure of each planned activity, as well as the conditions for suspending and resuming analysis and test. The core of an analysis and test plan is a detailed schedule of tasks. The schedule is usually illustrated with GANTT and PERT diagrams showing the relation among tasks as well as their relation to other project milestones. The schedule includes the allocation of limited resources (particularly staff) and indicates responsibility for reresources and responsibilities sults.
A quality plan document should also include an explicit risk plan with contingencies. As far as possible, contingencies should include unambiguous triggers (e.g., a date on which a contingency is activated if a particular task has not be completed) as well as recovery procedures. Finally, the test and analysis plan should indicate scaffolding, oracles, and any other software or hardware support required for test and analysis activities