Optical Illusions and visual perceptions
Fireworks Practice and Review
The purpose of this assignment is to help you learn and or review how Fireworks works. If you’ve never used Fixworks this assignment will give you some basic skills to use the program.
Project Set Up:
- Click the Fireworks icon from the dock on the bottom to start the program
- Go to the top of the menu bar and click on file and the scroll down to new, andrelease
- Name your document as:
your last name_opart.png
(make sure to save your project correctly
or you will loose points)
- Widthshould be set to 11 inches,
Height should be set to 8.5inches,
Resolution should be set to 72,
Canvas Color set to white
- Click okay
- Go to the top and click on File, scroll down to save as:
When the menu comes up make sure the tab next to your document title is open and click on documents on the left, and then your folder and click on save.
Getting Underway on Your Project:
- You will have a variety of windows to choose from in the Photoshop Materials folder. Choose one that will work best with your different environments.
- In Fireworks go up to file and click on open, click on the hard drive on the left, and then on Photoshop Materials, click eachwindow. (By clicking on each photo once you can see a small picture of each window)
- When you find the one you like, double click on the picture to open it.
- Using the Marquee tool (the tool with the broken line around the square, top left ), draw a square around the picture you have chosen.
5. Go up to the top of the menu bar and
click on edit, and scroll down to
copy. Click back into your assignment
and go to the top and click on
edit and scroll down to paste. Click on
move tool, (top right tool, looks like
an arrow).
Close the window picture.
6. Now select the magic wand tool (it’s
located below the marquee tool and
looks like a wand) click on the glass in
the windows and hit the
delete key. Go to the top of the menu
and click on select and scroll
down to deselect You can select the eraser and use it to clean up any
remaining stuff
This will remove the inside of the glass in the window frame
- Chose File and save as to your folder in documents, see teacher
if unsure how. * Hint save early, Save often
- You will need five pictures for each environment you will be using for the outside and the inside of the window. Make a list of the five items you will use, Start Firefox. In the top right corner type in your search.
Remember to add words like photo or picture to find good images.
- You will need large photos. (DON”T CHOOSE SMALL PICTURES)
Once you find a picture Click on view image to see how large the picture is. Click and hold on the image. When dialogue box comes up choose copy image.
- Click into your project and go to the top of the menu bar and click on edit and paste.
- Remember you will need to clean up the picture so that there is no extra stuff you won’t need. Review steps for magic wand and eraser and use them to clean up the photos. You’ll also need to bring each picture in the same way and repeat the steps
For cleaning up each picture.
- You will need to change the order of the window and the photo in the layout palette. (the layout palette is located in the bottom right corner of the screen. Click and hold on the window layer in the layout palette and drag it above the picture layer. You should now see you picture inside the window.
- You will be trying to create a picture that draws the viewer into your window. The number of pictures that you need is 5 for each environment, you do need to create an interesting composition that invites the viewer to look closer. You may add photos to the outside of your window as well