DRAFT MINUTES of theANNUAL PARISHIONERS MEETING of SILKSTONE PARISH held on Monday 14 April 2014at 7pm at Silkstone Sports Pavilion.


Chairman: Cllr R Leech

Councillors:B Barkworth, D Liddell,Mrs M Liddell and R Stier.

Ward Councillors: R Barnardand J Wilson

1 resident and the Clerk

RESOLVED to note apologies from Parish Cllrs Mrs P Gallamore and P Handley.


RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the Annual Parishioners Meeting on Tuesday 16 April 2013 as a true and accurate record.

Each of the ward councillors addressed the meeting:
Cllr Barnard– This is the first year of the new area arrangements – Penistone East & West are the Penistone Area Council. This area council has a budget to allocate to local services. So far the area council have agreed to co-ordinate countryside skills training and a market day bus to Penistone from outlying villages. The aim is to combat rural isolation and increase footfall in Penistone on Market days. The ward alliance devolved budget for grant awards is aimed at increasing and encouraging volunteering in local communities. The ward alliance includes elected members and representatives of local groups including the Chairman of Silkstone Parish Council. The arrangement for local community facilities to advertise on the Rural Action Yorkshire website has been successful giving the facilities a wider audience.

Cllr Wilson –expanded on the Countryside skills training and advised that the success of the dry stone walling project on Cone Lane had prompted the expansion of this idea. The proposed scheme will train 18 young people in countryside crafts including dry stone walling and hedge laying. The project is currently out to tender and it is hoped will be completed over the summer providing the young people with a qualification in countryside skills. It is anticipated that dry stone walling in Oxspring and Silkstone will be the focus of the project.

The Chairman invited residents to put their questions to the Ward Councillors:

The Chairman commented that the grant applications received by the ward alliance arediverse and shows what a broad range of groups there are in the Penistone Area.

Cllr Stier commented on how disappointing it was that the railcard scheme for elderly residents had been withdrawn and meant that many residents now rely on the bus service. Cllr Barnard advised that Barnsley MBC had not been consulted on the proposed changes and that a judicial review of the way in which the changes were managed is underway. It is anticipated that there will be a requirement for the scheme to be consulted and the start time of 9am may be reviewed as in other areas the cut off time is 9.30am. Cllr Stier finished by stating that under the present arrangements there is no direct service to a doctors or the hospital.

Cllr Leech voiced the frustration of many residents about the new waste recycling scheme which has been confusing for some. It was noted that bin men should put the paper bag in the blue bin once emptied and residents are asked to report to Barnsley MBC if this is not happening. Cllr Wilson advised that individual’s paper recycling had reduced whilst cardboard waste has increased. The environment agency will no longer accept cardboard in with green waste so changes in the recycling system were necessary.

Cllr Mrs M Liddell raised the issue of broadband in rural areas. Cllr Barnard advised that there are plans to upgrade two masts to 4G which should provide a fast enough service.

An overview by the Chairman

Thank you - Councillors
Firstly, I would like to thank all the councillors who have given their time and effort for the benefit of the Parish this last twelve months.

Bill Barkworth (our new councillor who joined us in October)

Richard Brocklehurst
Jonathon Charlesworth (who stood for over four years and resigned in July)
Pat Gallamore
Pete Handley
Derek Liddell
Meryl Liddell
Pat Smith
Ron Stier

I would also like to give special thanks to our Clerk, Karen Canadine who has, as ever, had a very busy year with all the new Council projects.

Ward Councillors

Again, I would like to thank our Ward Councillors for the support they have given us when dealing with BMBC.

Robert Barnard, Paul Hand-Davis and John Wilson


Thanks are also due to Diane Brown, Linda Marsh, Tony and June Fieldsend who give their time freely in support of the Parish Council.


Silkstone in Bloom and CARE have again been instrumental in keeping the Parish neat and tidy this year. CARE has a Community Equipment resource where tools and gardening equipment are available for use on Parish projects. Both CARE and Silkstone in Bloom are in need of volunteers so please consider offering a little of your time to keep the parish tidy.

The managers and coaches of Silkstone United football and cricket teams must be thanked for the great work they do in promoting sport to the youth within the Parish. They do a great job and our cricket club thrives. Managers are needed to set up and run junior football teams on what is one of the best pitches in the Barnsley Borough.


Councillor attendance at Parish meetings has been 84%this year, very good for a Parish Council of our size. Being a Parish Councillor does not just mean attending one meeting a month. Most of your councillors attend meetings at least once a fortnight on your behalf. Thank you again for your time and effort.

Parish Council

The Parish Council has raised the precept this year by 2%. This equates to about £1.07 per chargeable household per year. The extra money will go towards increasing the service the Parish Council supplies throughout the Parish and also towardsthe continuing developments in the War Memorial area and Community Centre.

The Parish Newsletter continues to go from strength to strength, and is a good source of Parish information. All the newsletters are available in colour on the new Parish website www.silkstoneparishcouncil.gov.uk .The editor is always wanting articles for inclusion so please contact her with any newsworthy items.

The Pavilion at Silkstone Recreation Ground has been suffering from water ingress over the last few years and works have been done to alleviate it. This problem still continues and the next round of work, which will hopefully solve the problem, commences shortly.

The Parish Council owns numerous pieces of woodland throughout the Parish. Some of our trees have suffered from the effects of previous hot summers and harsh winters and have, unfortunately, to be felled. The Parish Council has increased its Woodland Management budget to allow for the additional work.

Parish Projects

The Parish Council continues its development of the War Memorial site. Money from the precept will be used to continue improvements in this important area. This year the entire area was resurfaced and new benches were installed. An analemmatic sundial will be installed in the area this spring.

The development of a new community centre continues on the site of the Scout Hut. Planning permission has been obtained and works will hopefully start early Summer. The process the Parish Council has had to go through to get this far has taken many hours of Councillor, Clerk and Scout Hut committee time. Thank you for all the hard work. Maybe next year’s Parishioners’ meeting will be held there.

The Parish Council is continuing in its bid to acquire Hall Royd Wood from BMBC. Another long term project which will hopefully be concluded in the coming year. Hall Royd Wood will then be opened up to community groups to develop to increase public access into this lovely little wood. Also the Parish Council will be able to protect this important green space for future generations.

Parish - Unfortunately over the last year we have lost another business within the Parish. Silkstone Lodge is now closed and will not reopen. Fortunately, though, work continues apace on The Ring o Bells and we should have a new restaurant before the summer. We all need to support our local businesses to ensure they survive.

The Parish Council support both the Churches in the Parish where they can by providing grants for one off items and in considering grants to Church groups like the Uz group.

Our Parish continues to have a low level of crime compared to other parts of the Borough. However,because of a reduction in Police resources, we should be more vigilant than ever, why not consider joining or forming a Neighbourhood Watch Group. Use the new 101 phone number for reporting non urgent crime.

Dog fouling continues to be an issue within the Parish. A minority of dog owners continue to allow their dogs to mess and not clear up. This is both inconsiderate and dangerous when allowed on the playing areas of both our recreation grounds.

Coming Year

This July we have the Tour de France passing close to the Parish. Le Grand Depart goes through Langsett and I’m certain we’ll experience heavy traffic through our villages on Sunday 5th. I think we’ll all have to be up early that day if we want to see the spectacle.

Also, in July, Rock in the Rec will once again go ahead. After consultation with the Parish Council, Police and BMBC the earlier finishing time of last year has been approved again and there will be greater management around the site. This is a great event for the Parish and should be supported.


Your Parish Council continues to strive to make our parish a desirable place to live. Please help all our community groups where you can.

Cllr Richard Leech
Chairman 2013-2014


The current road works in the Parish had not been notified to Parish Council and Cllr Barnard advised that ward councillors are not notified of utilities works unless a road closure is necessary. Ward Councillors forward details of road closures to the Parish Clerk. It was noted that the work outside the Pot House Hamlet is for urgent electric work whilst the work at Silkstone Cross is for the replacement of a corroded water pipe.

It was agreed that Cllr Barnard would speak with Ian Turner at Barnsley MBC to try to improve the lines of communication between parish councils and the Highways department as the -mail address rarely obtains an officers reply after the initial automated response.

Cllr Wilson advised that new directorates are now set up within Barnsley MBC and will e-mail the details to the Clerk. It is hoped that the new structure will improve the chain of command in each department.

Cllr Leech asked ward councillors if it is known what effect service cuts will have on individual parishes. It was noted that the area council’s are at the early stages of identifying priorities. The Penistone area council intends to ‘buy in’ a few days of an enforcement officer which is being funded by another area council in the borough.

The Clerk asked if the ward councillors could ask Barnsley MBC officers to advise the level of council tax support grant included in the 14/15 precept, as this is now required to be accounted for separately from the precept.

Cllr Liddell highlighted that the Barnsley Astronomical Society would not be meeting at Silkstone and it was agreed that the general interest at present in star gazing through popular TV shows such as Stargazing live and Sky at night may trigger more interest locally in setting up a group at Silkstone.

Cllr Leech asked whether Barnsley MBC had considered turning off street lights in the middle of the night (midnight to 5am) as is common in other areas and in France. Ward Councillors advised that Barnsley MBC pay a fixed fee for their electric so it doesn’t matter how long the lights are on, it was agreed that a saving maybe negotiated if lights were on for fewer hours; but this is not something that has been progressed as concerns around possible increased crime levels have prevented any serious consideration.

Cllr Stier asked what happens to the money saved by Barnsley MBC with the lack of grit used over the winter. Ward Councillors advised that Barnsley MBC had invested in dome storage for the grit a few years ago which preserves the grit and has proved a worthwhile investment. The cost saving will be held in general reserves to offset the cost of gritting in future years.


RESOLVED to note that the 2015 Annual Parishioners Meeting will be held in April 2015 on a date to be agreed by the Parish Council, when their meeting dates are set in November 2014.

The Chairman closed the meeting at 8.12pm.

Chairman’s Signature / Date

APM Minutes 14 April 2014