IPMA Level B - certificate project experience form

(Fill in another / several project experience form(s) as / if necessary)

Applicant’s name:

1 Project management experience

I have acted in responsible leadership functions in the following projects:

Project name:
Project customer:
Project size (€ or effort):
Project duration (start and finish dates):
Project phases:
Subprojects etc. of the main project:
Organizations involved in project (internal and external):
Project human resource groups (disciplines):
Applicant’s responsibility in the project:
The number of subproject managers under the supervision of the applicant:
Applicant’s project leadership and/or management related responsibilities in the project:
Applicant’s work time allocated to project leadership and / or management (% or h / month):
Project name:
Project customer:
Project size (€ or effort):
Project duration (start and finish dates):
Project phases:
Subprojects etc. of the main project:
Organizations involved in project (internal and external):
Project human resource groups (disciplines):
Applicant’s responsibility in the project:
The number of subproject managers under the supervision of the applicant:
Applicant’s project leadership and/or management related responsibilities in the project:
Applicant’s work time allocated to project leadership and / or management (% or h / month):
Project name:
Project customer:
Project size (€ or effort):
Project duration (start and finish dates):
Project phases:
Subprojects etc. of the main project:
Organizations involved in project (internal and external):
Project human resource groups (disciplines):
Applicant’s responsibility in the project:
The number of subproject managers under the supervision of the applicant:
Applicant’s project leadership and/or management related responsibilities in the project:
Applicant’s work time allocated to project leadership and / or management (% or h / month):
Project name:
Project customer:
Project size (€ or effort):
Project duration (start and finish dates):
Project phases:
Subprojects etc. of the main project:
Organizations involved in project (internal and external):
Project human resource groups (disciplines):
Applicant’s responsibility in the project:
The number of subproject managers under the supervision of the applicant:
Applicant’s project leadership and/or management related responsibilities in the project:
Applicant’s work time allocated to project leadership and / or management (% or h / month):
Total project management experience (in years):
Total project experience (in years):

2 Other experience

I have developed my own, and / or the project management knowledge of others through the following means (please add rows as / if necessary):

EVENT TITLE / ORGANIZER / APPLICANT’S ROLE (participant, lecturer, etc.) / DATE(S) / DURATION (days)

I have participated in the work of the following experience exchange groups related to project management, e.g. Special Interest Groups, Project practice comparison groups, etc. (please add rows as / if necessary):

(work days) / DATE(S)

I have participated in the following national and / or international project management congresses and symposiums, e.g. Projektipäivät and IPMA congresses (please add rows as / if necessary):

EVENT TITLE / ORGANIZER / APPLICANT’S ROLE (participant, lecturer, etc.) / DATE(S) / DURATION (days)

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