Nashua Adult & Community School

Spring 2013 Schedule

Evening Diploma Courses


(15 Weeks in length)

Starting Monday February 4, 2013 – Thursday June 13, 2013

Class / Time / Teacher / Fee**
Nashua Resident/Non-Nashua Resident
Monday Evening Classes
02/04/2013 – 06/10/2013
Consumer Math / 6:00 – 9:00 / Chris Ritter / $150/$200
Introduction to Criminal Justice / 6:00 – 9:00 / Brian Soraghan / $150/$200
Biology w/lab
(NHS-South Room B2023) / 6:00 – 9:00 / Kathryn Tafe / $275/$295
+$30 lab
Language Skills / 6:00 – 9:00 / Stephanie Keating Bayrd / $150/$200
American Literature / 6:00 – 9:00 / Elizabeth Moore / $150/$200
Tuesday Evening Classes
02/05/2013 – 05/28/2013
Career, Personal Development & College Preparation / 6:00 – 9:00 / Nicole Leclaire / $150/$200
Challenges Facing Today’s Teens / 6:00 – 9:00 / Coleen McEleney / $150/$200
US History / 6:00 – 9:00 / Charles Ziniti / $150/$200
Mythology / 6:00 – 9:00 / Karyn Schneider / $150/$200
ELL / 6:00 – 9:00 / Liz Kirwan / $150/$200
Wednesday Evening Classes
02/06/2013 – 05/29/2013
Math Skills Review / 6:00 – 9:00 / Steve Opre / $150/$200
Accounting / 6:00 – 9:00 / Paul Pollard / $150/$200
Creative Writing / 6:00 – 9:00 / Lorie Kalosky / $150/$200
Chemistry w/lab / 6:00 – 9:00 / Gwen Goodwin / $275/$295
+$30 lab
20th Century History through Film / 6:00 – 9:00 / Dawn Mead / $150/$200
Thursday Evening Classes
02/07/2013 – 05/30/2013
BluePrints / 6:00 – 9:00 / Dawn Mead / $150/$200
Software Applications: Essential Skills For your Tomorrow / 6:00 – 9:00 / Joyce Wong / $150/$200
English Language Arts / 6:00 – 9:00 / Scott Jaquith / $150/$200
Physical Science / 6:00 – 9:00 / Samantha Biron / $150/$200
Algebra I / 6:00 – 9:00 / Steve Opre / $150/$200


(8, 12 & 15 Week in length Courses)

Class / Days / Time / Required Dates / Teacher / Fee**
Algebra I / Algebra II / Tuesday/Thursday / 6:00 – 9:00 / 04/09/2013-06/04/2013 / Linda Guidi / $275/$295
English I, II, III, IV
Room D227 / Tuesday/Thursday / 2:45 – 5:45 / 04/30/2013-05/23/2013 / Stefanie Boutin / $150/$200
Room B314 / Monday/Wednesday / 2:45 – 5:45 / 04/29/2013-05/29/2013 / Scott Mays / $150/$200
US History
Room D239 / Monday/Wednesday / 2:45 – 5:45 / 04/29/2013-05/29/2013 / Dawn Mead / $150/$200


(8, 12 & 15 Week in length Courses)

Tel: (603) 589-6416 Fax: (603) 589-6449

Class space is limited so early registration is highly recommended!

Nashua Adult and Community Education School

10 Chuck Druding Drive Nashua, NH 03063

Tel: (603) 589-6416 Fax: (603) 589-6449

Registration Form and Application

Name: ______Date: ______

(last name) (first name) (mi)

Social Security #: ______-___- ______Date of Birth: ______Age: ____ Sex:______

Address: ______City/town: ______State:____ Zip:______

Home Phone #: ______Work #:______e-mail:______

What high school did you attend? ______

Do you want your grades sent to your previous high school? ______Guidance Counselor Approval: ______

Course Registration*

Class #1:______Fee:______½ or 1

(name) (meeting date) (amount) (form of payment) (credit to be awarded)

Class #2:______Fee:______½ or 1

(name) (meeting date) (amount) (form of payment) (credit to be awarded)

Class #3:______Fee:______½ or 1

(name) (meeting date) (amount) (form of payment) (credit to be awarded)

Class #4:______Fee:______½ or 1

(name) (meeting date) (amount) (form of payment) (credit to be awarded)

Total: $______

*Please Note: If your goal is to receive a diploma, all course requirements will be awarded 1 high school credit in the Nashua Adult Community School.

*Please Note: *NHS North/South Students Only - Courses taken with the intent to have the credit transferred back to a high school must have written permission from the Dean of Academic Affairs prior to taking each course or credit will not be granted. You must meet with your Guidance Counselor to determine the course(s) which should be taken and how much credit (.5 or 1) will be awarded for successful completion of the course(s). It is the student's responsibility to obtain this permission. Student's can submit a check or money order, made payable to the Nashua School District. Payment is required prior to the first day of class.

Parent or Guardian Signature : ______

Data Collection The State of New Hampshire requires that we collect data on our adult education program. This information will be used to help us fulfill state reporting requirements and to help us improve our program. Completion of this section is optional.

Ethnicity: ___White _____Asian _____Hispanic/Latino ____ Black _____Native American

___Pacific Islander _____Two or more races

Employment: _____Employed Name of Employer ______

_____ Unemployed _____Not in Labor Force

Primary Goal: Reason you are taking classes

____ To enter employment _____ To retain employment _____ To obtain diploma*

____ To prepare for college _____ Personal enrichment _____ Not listed

Educational Level (please indicate highest level)

____ Some high school—Please circle last grade completed: 9 10 11 12

____ Other: Please describe: ______

How did you learn about this program?

____ Newspaper ____Flyer ____Mailing ____Word of Mouth ____Other

Please review the policies and procedures on the back page and sign here:


Policies and Procedures


Credit-seeking students may not exceed two (2) absences per course. If a student is tardy to class the following will apply:
Each tardy greater than 45 minutes constitutes an absence. Any tardy between 15 – 45 minutes is a half absence. Two tardies less than 15 minutes is equivalent to one half absence.

All absences are de facto; that is, they are recorded independent of reason or excuse. Credit will be disallowed for any student who exceeds the above stated limit for any reason. THE POLICY OF TWO (2) ABSENCES PER CLASS PER SEMESTER WILL BE STRICTLY ENFORCED. Simply put, if you miss more than two classes, for any reason, you will fail the course.


No smoking will be allowed at Nashua High School North (within the building or on the grounds) in accordance with state law. No hats or other head covering is permitted. Violations will result in suspension from class and a charged absence. Any behavior that impedes the operation of the Nashua Community Adult School or negatively impacts a class will result in a student’s removal from the course and/or the school.

Payment and Refunds

Fees, unless otherwise noted, are payable at the time of registration. Checks should be made payment to the Nashua School District and “for night school” should be written in the memo section. There will be a processing fee charged for any returned checks. Separate materials costs, if any, are payable the first night of class. There will be no refunds after the first class meeting.

Food and Beverages

Bottled water and snacks are permitted in the classrooms during the first 15 minutes and the last 15 minutes of class. NO OTHER food or beverage is allowed at any time, in the classrooms, hallways or any other area within the building.

Building Usage Restrictions

Use front doors only for entrance/exit. Use front parking lot (closest area)

Course Materials and School Property

All books, unless paid for by individual students, are the property of Nashua High School. Failure to return any book at the end of the course will result in a charge for the replacement costs of the text. Grades will be withheld until all materials are returned or until all charges are paid. Also, if any piece of equipment is broken and/or if the facility itself is damaged, the student will pay any repair/replacement costs. Again, grades will be withheld until all charges are paid.

School Calendar

The Adult Education Program follows the Nashua School District calendar. See this year’s school calendar for NO SCHOOL DAYS. During severe inclement weather, cancellations will be announced on WMUR. You can also call 589-6416 as the voicemail will be updated to reflect evening school closings. Night school will meet on early release days.

Student Acknowledgment

My signature indicates that I have read, understand and accept the terms of the attendance, refund, non-smoking and materials/property policies listed above.

Right to Cancel

The Nashua School District retains the right to cancel or reschedule classes and/or courses. Participants will be notified and fees (prorated) will be refunded.

The Nashua Board of Education reaffirms its position of compliance with applicable State and Federal laws of nondiscrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, disability, and/or age in admission to, access to, treatment in, or employment in the services, programs, and activities of the Nashua School District.

(form revised 12/12)

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