4 | Page Council Meeting June 7, 2016
Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting and Public Hearing of the Henefer Town Council held June 7, 2016 in the Council Meeting Room at 150 W. Center Street, Henefer, Utah.
Roll Call: Randy C. Ovard, Brent G. Ovard, Ryan K. Mosher, Robin K. Riches, Kay H. Richins, Earleen Paskett, Tyler McGavin,(business license), Richard Bullough, (Summit Co. Health Department), Joel Riches, Chris Paskett, Deanna Paskett, Calvin Hunsaker and Eric Fristrup.
Mayor Randy C. Ovard opened the meeting at 7:00 pm and the opening prayer was offered by Kay H. Richins. Calvin Hunsaker lead the Pledge of Allegiance.
Minutes of the May 3, 2016 Council Meeting were reviewed. No corrections were suggested. Brent G. Ovard made a motion to approve the minutes of the May 3, 2016 Council Meeting as read. Robin K. Riches seconded the motion. Vote: AYE: Randy C. Ovard, Brent G. Ovard, Robin K. Riches, Ryan K. Mosher, Kay H. Richins NAY; none ABSTAINING: none ABSENT: none
Shawn Myers, who was applying for a business license, did not show up for the meeting so Mayor Ovard moved forward with the agenda.
Tyler McGavin, who was also applying for a business license brought his information before the Council. Tyler would like to start a rafting business. He has been to the Planning Commission and has received a conditional use permit. He also brought his proof of insurance, and his Utah State Outfitting Company Registration Certificate. Mr. McGavin will operate from the property owned by Brett Richins on the Frontage Road. Tyler told the Council that he always picks up the trash along the river, and would abide by all of the conditions set by the Planning Commission. Tyler McGavin’s business will be called “Utah Outdoor Adventures”. Ryan K. Mosher made a motion to approve a business license for Tyler McGavin. Robin K. Riches seconded the motion. Vote: AYE: Randy C. Ovard, Brent G. Ovard, Robin K. Riches, Ryan K. Mosher, Kay H. Richins NAY; none ABSTAINING: none ABSENT: none
The next item on the agenda was a presentation by Richard Bullough, the Director of the Summit County Health Department. Mr. Bullough explained to the Council that a group of Summit County citizens, the Summit County Council, the Summit County Health Department and Valley Behavioral Health have created a mental health and substance abuse needs assessment for Summit County residents. Mr. Bullough told the Council that they are trying to change the perception of mental illness. They are trying to create an environment where people are comfortable in seeking help for these illnesses instead of trying to hide them. He asked the Council to fill out a survey that is available online at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/summit-health. Mayor Ovard also asked Mr. Bullough if the Health Department could condemn homes that the Town thought were unsafe or were a health issue. Mr. Bullough told Mayor Ovard and the Council that it would be very difficult for the Health Department to condemn a home unless there was a health issue that could actually be documented, these issues would include lack of water, lack of heat, and would have to fit the legal criteria for a condemnation.
Mr. Bullough discussed with the Council the water concurrency issue. This health code ordinance will be implemented in three years on the East side, but another ordinance will have to be enacted before it will go into effect. The water concurrency states that water sold cannot be available only on paper, but real water must be available to support the sale. The purpose is to provide protection for individuals, and to make sure water is actually available to support the needs of a community. Mr. Bullough thanked the Council for letting him attend the meeting, and Mayor Ovard expressed his appreciation for the work that is being done by the County Health Department.
Mayor Ovard moved the item discussing the duties for the new summer hires to this point in the Agenda. Calvin Hunsaker attended the meeting but Kate Schroeder had already explained that she had other obligations. Mayor Ovard complimented both Calvin and Kate on the work they have done so far. The Council made several suggestions and Mayor Ovard asked for a list of work they would like the new employees to do during the summer. Approval was given to purchase a new weedeater for Calvin to use. Brent Ovard will pick up the new weedeater this week.
Mayor Randy C. Ovard called for a motion to open the Public Hearing.
Brent G. Ovard made a motion to open the Public Hearing to amend the 2015-16 budget and to adopt the 2016-17 budget. Kay H. Richins seconded the motion. Vote: AYE: Randy C. Ovard, Brent G. Ovard, Robin K. Riches, Ryan K. Mosher, Kay H. Richins NAY; none ABSTAINING: none ABSENT: none
Earleen Paskett, explained the breakdown of the budget as the new budget form combines several items together and is harder to understand. Earleen asked that spending be controlled until the new fiscal year on July 1, 2016. Mayor Ovard asked for comments from the public. There were no public comments. Kay H. Richins made a motion to close the Public Hearing. Ryan K. Mosher seconded the motion. Vote: AYE: Randy C. Ovard, Brent G. Ovard, Robin K. Riches, Ryan K. Mosher, Kay H. Richins NAY; none ABSTAINING: none ABSENT: none
Mayor Ovard read Resolution number 2016-210 to the Council.
Brent G. Ovard made a motion to adopt Resolution 2016-210 amending the 2015-16 budged and adopting the 2016-17 budget. Robin K. Riches seconded the motion. Vote: AYE: Randy C. Ovard, Brent G. Ovard, Robin K. Riches, Ryan K. Mosher, Kay H. Richins NAY; none ABSTAINING: none ABSENT: none (See Attached copy of Budget).
Brent and Christa Rees and Justin Richins did not attend the meeting so both of those items were tabled.
The Council discussed the plans for the 4th of July Celebration. Robin Riches told Mayor Ovard that she would ask Becky Ovard to take care of the local entertainment for the 4th, the booths will be under the direction of Angela Ferry, (All food venders will be asked to close at 2:00 pm). Angela is asking that all booths be paid for by July 1, as she had trouble collecting for some of the past years booths. The deposit for the entertainment, mechanical bull, climbing wall, and bouncy slides has been paid. Kay H. Richins is having some of the grills repaired. Earleen Paskett will pull all of the T-shirts left from previous years and get a count so Eric Fristrup can order the T-shirts. Information for the flyer will have to be in by Tuesday the 14th so that the flyers can be sent out. Dinner will be served at 6:00 pm on the 4th, and will be catered by Chris and Deanna Paskett. The name of Sheldon Richins was suggested as the Grand Marshal for the parade. Brent G. Ovard is over the float for the Council, and Eric Fristrup will get the candy. The unsold T-shirts from past years will be rolled and thrown to the spectators. Earleen will pick up some paper for the tables.
Robin K. Riches would like to discuss a beautification campaign for the town at the July Council Meeting. She would like to encourage community pride. Mayor Ovard would like a new slogan put on the town utility billings saying, “Ask not what your community can do for you, but what you can do for your community”. Robin K. Riches also asked if Mayor Ovard could have Christian Northrup check the sprinkler heads at John’s Park and at the new Heritage Park.
Mayor Ovard told the Council that the new hires would be taking the town truck home on the nights that there are ballgames at the park because there are cars blocking the garage and they can’t get it out to water the flowers. Mayor Ovard will have the summer hires clean out the small shed at the new Heritage Park and move the Christmas lights, which are hung each year on Main Street, to that location.
Christian Northrup will help Mayor Ovard, and Scott Richins fix the sprinklers at the cemetery. Mayor Ovard has approved Christian adding extra hours to his time card. The Young Men and Young Women will come to clean the cemetery on the 15th, and the town will feed them pizza.
Summer Restrictions for watering lawns have been posted at the post office. between 6 and 9 am and 6 and 9 pm. No watering on Sundays, and anyone with a sprinkler system needs to water at night.
Kay H. Richins made a motion to have a master plan or schematic on the location of the valves for the water system within a year. Robin Riches seconded the motion. Vote: AYE: Randy C. Ovard, Brent G. Ovard, Robin K. Riches, Ryan K. Mosher, Kay H. Richins NAY; none ABSTAINING: none ABSENT: none
Kay H. Richins made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Ryan K. Mosher seconded the motion. The vote to adjourn was unanimous.
______Earleen T. Paskett Clerk Randy C. Ovard Mayor
BILLS ORDERED PAID: A-Company, SLC, $271.83, Ace Disposal, Inc., $217.21, All West Communications, $200.84, Badger Screen Printing, $1,777.35, Caselle, $525.00, Chris Paskett, $80.00, Garden Gateway, $2,035.96, Grumps General Store, $90.05, Heber Park City Appliance, $272.88, HoeHoeHoe Services, $300.00, HoeHoeHoe Services, $300.00, Kent Trussell, $4,135.00, Krazy Cutters Lawn Care, $930.00, KR Excavation, $607.00, KR Excavation, 1,637.50, Lantis Fireworks, $6,200.00, Mountain Alarm, $72.00, Pitchers Sports, $17.97, Queststar Gas, $95.39, Robert P. Richins, $1,000.00, Rocky Mountain Power, $1,124.62, Scott Richins, $28.90, Summit County News, Summit Mercantile, $24.33, Summit County Public Works, $570.00, Tractor Supply Co., $13.76, Utah League of Cities and Towns, $191.45, Zions Bank, $2000.00, Zions Bank Credit Card, $807.51, $54.38, Jill Fawcett, $326.70, Calvin N. Hunsaker, $522.35, Christian Northrup, $1056.00, Arlin S. Ovard, $525.00, Brent G. Ovard, $200.00, Randy C. Ovard, $550.00, Earleen Paskett, $1,100.00, Kay H. Richins, $200.00, Scott D. Richins, $360.00, Ryan K. Mosher, $200.00, Robin Riches, $200.00, Kate Anne Schroeder, $409.50, Rozanne F. Staples, $100.00