Minutes of meeting of Marldon Parish Council held on Monday 12th November 2007 at 7.15pm
Cllrs: Pennington; Palk; Veasey; Danby; Joinson; Mrs Cox; Mrs Clarke; Webber
Clerk to the Council: David Eeles
ALSO PRESENT: 11 members of the public
The Chairman invited members of the public to speak before the meeting opened. Their queries and comments were duly noted, these would be taken into account in the Council’s deliberations of the matters raised.
1(11.07) APOLOGIES
Cllr. Benney gave apologies.
2(11.07) APPROVAL OF MINUTES OCT. MEETING: Unanimously approved, after noting that the trench in 5 lanes field was filled not removed.
1(10.7) Members were concerned that matters raised with Mr Brian George might not necessarily be dealt with, so Cllr. Pennington moved that all the matters be taken up with the highway authorities for action, this was seconded and AGREED
6[7.07]) Cllr Palk reported that the hedge has been trimmed and a good job done.
5(9.07) Cllr Cox reported that footpath 22 had been duly cleared, and that the MEG team would deal with overhanging branches
10 (8.07) Clerk reported an apologetic response from Wales & West Utilities, but Cllr Cox said that the residents had removed the spoil themselves.
8(10.07) It was reported that the hedge had been trimmed
11(10.07) Cllr Mrs Cox reported that numbers were down for the Annual Parish Dinner, and called for more takers to come forward
4. (11.07) POLICE
The Clerk gave apologies on behalf of PC Pearse, and read his crime report for 8/10/07 to 07/11/07- three items: aggravated vehicle taking; arson involving a car; theft of a purse from a home, all still under investigation.
Cllr Benney had asked that attention be drawn to the continued dangerous situation outside the school where the thoughtless action of parents and their cars were endangering lives. Members pointed out that the police had been present quite often and the school was constantly putting pressure on parents. It was AGREED to send a copy of these minutes to the police to encourage more action.
5 (11.07) REPORTS
COUNTY COUNCILLORS REPORT- C. Councillor Pennington reported
1) European Reform Treaty: Cllr Pennington moved the following motion for debate at the full County Council Meeting on 11th Oct.- “The County Council urges the Prime Minister to call a national referendum on the proposed European Reform Treaty which is basically the same as the previously rejected EU Constitution on which the Labour Party pledged a National Referendum”, but regrettably the matter had been referred to the Executive, on which only Lib. Dems can vote, although it was also referred to Euro MP’s, to whom he will be writing.
Members wondered whether SHDC would fund an overall poll, but Cllr Pennington
doubted this in view of financial restraints and poor turn-out in the polls that had been held.
2) From May on-street Parking would become the responsibility of Local Authorities and not the Police, with funds being redirected accordingly, and a neutral cost effect.
NOTICE BOARDS- Cllr Clarke reported that her partner, Mike Ralph, who had put up the two notice boards at Compton and Vicarage Hill for no charge, had agreed to the Councils’ request to claim the materials from the Council utilising the funds that had been anonymously donated for that purpose. Cllr Palk reiterated that he wished to pay for the Compton board and the Clerk agreed to deal with this. Mr Ralph was prepared to build boards for the village hall, and this was AGREED. The Clerk agreed to place copies of the minutes in the Post Office, as used to happen, as there was rarely room for them in the adjacent notice board.
MEG REPORT: Cllr Mrs Cox reported
1) 1000 copies of the new Marldon Apple Pie leaflet are being produced
2) Mr Orchard has rung regarding protecting the trees at Green Westerland, and although she has rung Polly Stone (Tree Officer) it was AGREED that the Clerk should also write regarding this.
3) Mr Berlyn has cut 5 lanes field and filled the trench, and is planning to do the side of Tor Field and Peters Field. His work should be rewarded but he refuses payment.
4) A new Village Hall booking form has been produced and contingency plans for the school which involved the use of the Village Hall in an emergency: the clerk has a copy.
5) Cllr Cox reported that the schoolchildren had received framed certificates for the maps they had produced
Clerk advised members of correspondence received.
7(11.07) PLANNING
1) 34/1958/07/F Extension and alteration to rear of 10 Bampton Close
Approval was Proposed by Cllr Danby Seconded by Cllr Cox, duly APPROVED
2) 34/2028/07/F Alterations to entrance at transmitter field.
Approval was Proposed by Cllr Webber Seconded by Cllr Danby, duly APPROVED
3). 34/1961/07 17, Pembroke Park re-submission of extension and alteration
It was AGREED to have a site meeting on Sunday 18th Nov. at 11.15
4)34/2312/07/F 38 Pembroke Park
It was AGREED to have a site meeting on Sunday 18th Nov. at 11.15
5) Members discussed the house in Churscombe Park where the owners were erecting a perimeter fence which was regarded by many as unsightly and possibly impeding motorists line of vision, however the Chairman had thoroughly researched this and revealed that the Council had given permission for this in 2006, perhaps without realising from the plans how intrusive the fence would be, and there were apparently no covenants forbidding such fencing. Cllr Clarke thought that the Council had refused permission for such a fence on 2 previous occasions but Cllr Pennington had been assured by the planning office that no previous plans had been put forward- he would check the Council minutes.
The following matters were raised for action by the clerk:
1) The road surface in Church Hill was in need of attention
2) No progress appeared to have been made regarding signs barring lorries from Church Hill
3) The hedge in Church Hill remained uncut, Thulborns to be contacted
4) There are potholes in Churscombe Road, in Totnes road by Christmas Tree farm, and Kiln Road
5) Lower Westerland Road need cleaning (SHDC)
6) Moorview hedge encroaching onto the road
7) Cllr Palk reported a letter from Mrs Been of Appleyarde in Compton raising issues regarding accidents outside her house caused by drivers being blinded by the sun. She has proposed action which the Council AGREED to recommend to the Highway Authority
The Field at Five Lanes
Cllr Clarke noted that now that the field had been cut perhaps now was the time to have a public meeting regarding the future use of the field. However members felt it was necessary to have a meeting of the Leisure and Recreation Committee before this and one was fixed for Thursday 6th Dec. at 7.30 in the Community Room of the Village Hall
Cllr Thorpe proposed that Mr Haddon be formally thanked for clearing the meadow prior to the Apple Pie Fair and this was AGREED.
He also reported that Mr Tarr had offered a trophy for the best kept allotment and this was AGREED.
It was noted that the fence at the rear backing onto the field needed reinforcing but Cllr Cox asked that this not be done with barbed wire.
Clerk and Cllr Palk reported that the tenant of allotment 8 had decided to relinquish the allotment, consequently the clerk would offer it to the next name on the waiting list, a Mr Paul Regan.
10(11.07) FINANCE
The following items were approved:-
Payments- Main Account:
- Clerk salary and expenses October- £337.68
- Clerks training (Part 2 of new clerks course), DAPC (50% with Berry P) - £17.50
-SWW Allotments- £79-32
-SWW Meadow- £67-71
-KJ Thulborn- £70-07
-Totnes and Dartmouth Ring and Ride – £25-00
- R Joinson (tools for burial ground use) £22-98
-M.Ralph (materials for 2 notice boards) £342-42
The audit amendment was explained by the clerk and AGREED by members, Chairman duly signed off audit form
The Clerk supplied details of the budget for use in fixing the precept, and it was AGREED that there would be a meeting of the Finance Committee Monday 17th Dec. at 7.30 pm subject to confirmation by Cllr. Benney.
Cllr Benney had asked that the noise nuisance created by a dog in Belfields be raised. Cllr Cox would give the name of the dog warden to the complainee.
Cllr Benney had also asked that the continuing nuisance created by the clay pigeon shooting on Sundays be raised. Members reiterated that volunteers were needed to keep a log of this before further action could be taken, and Cllr Cox agreed to ask Mrs Barry if she would monitor the situation.
Cllr Cox thanked the Clerk for his help with the invitations and order of proceedings for the Parish Dinner
The Chairman raised a matter- see separate minutes
14(11.07) DATE OF NEXT MEETING - Monday 10 Dec. 2007
Signed …………………………………………………… 10-12-2007 ( Chairman Cllr. JT Pennington)