Web Site Building Project
What to do?
Design and build a web site where you can display your writing and market yourself
to universities and future employers. The web site should include:
1) an introduction page with a short biography about you. This is called an
autobiography and lets people know who you are.
2) a page containing a resume' or curriculum vitae. I'll explain these terms in class.
3) a page where you can display some writing samples from this class. You can
add to this page at anytime during the semester.
Note: If you do not want to put personal information(such as an autobiography or resume') on the web then you can just lie about the information in your autobiography and resume'.
We will spend about 4.5 to 5 days in class preparing for this project.(This schedule
could change)
~1 day working on autobiographies
~1 day working on resume'/ curriculum vitae
~3 days(3 separate Fridays) working on pages in the computer lab
~1/2 day displaying our web sites to the class
Note: The first two pages, the introduction and resume'/CV, will be due on Friday,
February 9th. This is when you will present your site to the class.
Why are we doing this?
These days a well designed web-site can be a very effective tool for marketing yourself to a future employer. It provides a portfolio with which an employer can learn about you and your abilities. Furthermore, basic web design skills will make you a more valuable employee in many businesses and industries.
Helpful Sites:
(look under Web Resources)
(samples of web sites)
(web-building help)
(source of graphics)
For those of you who are concerned about grades; the way to get a good grade on this project is to do all the work outlined on the back of this handout. If you make the three pages I describe and include all the items I ask for then you will get an A .
Introduction Page:
This page introduces visitors to your web site and tells them a little about you. This page is like the front door to your site so you want it to look nice and impress people. You want visitors to your web site to feel welcome. Therefore, your introduction page should contain the following items:
-a title
-margins(this means your page will have something called a table )
-background color
-a picture or graphic of some kind. You do not have to put a photograph of yourself on
your web page if you do not want to. However, you do need to put a graphic of some
kind on your page. I'll explain this more in class.
-autobiographical essay. We'll write these in class and you can copy them onto your
web page.
-email address. This is so potential employers can contact you.
-links to your other pages.
-'last updated' date
Resume'/ Curriculum Vitae(CV) Page:
This page should contain the following items:
-a title:
for example: Resume'
-margins( this means your page will have something called a table )
-a copy of your resume' or CV
-links to your other pages.
Writing Samples Page:
The purpose of the writing samples page is to provide you with a place to publish your work so that other people can see it. Some of you may think your writing is bad and are afraid to let others see it. I encourage you not to be afraid. By the time you complete this semester you will have written at least one thing that you can be proud of. Actually, I think that you will write many things that you can be proud of. So, by the end of the semester you will need to choose at least one essay to put on your writing sample page.
This page should contain the following items:
-a title
-sample of your writing
-links to your other pages
Those of you who are not good with computers should not worry. I will help you as much as you need. Good luck!