TOR for the consultancy service
Civil Engineer/Expert at Center office
Poverty Alleviation Fund
Tahachal, Kathmandu
Aug 12, 2015
Two earthquakes has hit some parts of Nepal on April 25th and May 12th, severely affecting the Central and Western Development Regions. The disasters caused more than 8,300 deaths and injured over 16,500 people. The earthquakes caused significant damage to houses, agriculture, transport, irrigation, and communications infrastructure. The earthquake also triggered extensive landslides and avalanches causing further damage and disruption to essential services.
The Post Disaster need assessment (PDNA) findings highlight the earthquake caused major damage in the 14 most affected districts, and damage in an additional 17 districts. This includes damages to approximately 770,000 homes, of which 550,000 have been destroyed. The PDNA report estimates the cost of reconstruction for household recovery to be US$5 billion, of which the housing sector was the most severely hit with the cost of reconstruction estimated atUS$3.54 billion, followed by the education sector at US$250 llion.
Established in 2004, the Poverty Alleviation Fund (PAF)-Nepal, aims to develop and implement programmes that address the challenges confronted by vulnerable peoples. This is achieved by involving poor and disadvantaged groups as partners in such efforts. PAF is an autonomous entity, the organization is presently implementing its program in 59 districts through 360 Partner Organizations, benefiting more than 0.7 million poor households.
To date, PAF has mobilized and made agreements with 27772Community Organizations to implement various sub-projects. PAF activities are demand-driven focusing on activities related to income generation (IG) and infrastructure.
As one of the largest social funds set up by the Government of Nepal, PAF is jointly funded by by the The government of Nepal(GoN), World Bank(WB) and International Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD). PAF has a widespread presence in the affected areas. Out of 59 PAF’s program districts, 14 were affected by the 2015 earthquakes, with severe damages reported in 7 districts.
As the apex poverty alleviation institution in Nepal covering more than 27772 COs, PAF needs to play a major role in earthquake reconstruction and rehabilitation efforts.PAF beneficiaries comprising disadvantaged people from vulnerable communities, need immediate support for restoration of their livelihoods and community level infrastructure. PAF’s support in by way of providing technical guidance and capacity building in the area of earthquake resistant construction will greatly contribute to rehabilitation efforts.
PAF is working in close coordination with Village Development Councils (VDCs), District Development Committees(DDCs) and with Local Governance and Community Development Programme (LGCDP). Via its PO network, PAF carried out a district level rapid needs assessment a proposal for reconstruction and rehabilitation was finalised based on the preliminary findings of the assessment.
As identified by the proposal there is a need of 13 civil engineers( 1 Expert at PMC-Kathamndu,2 Engineer at two cluster offices and 10 Engineers at program districts) for supporting the communities on rehabilitation and reconstruction of infrastructures supported by PAF.
The Overall objective of hiring cluster Engineer/expert at Project Management center is to support on rehabilitaion and reconstruction works in earthquake affected working districts of PAF.
The main scope of the workincludes:
- Coordinate the review of the old technical designs and costings for new infrastrutures with regards to their design appropriateness in the post-earthquake environment and technical adjustments.
- Coordinate reconstruction of totally damaged infrastructures and the rehabilitation/repair of partially damaged ones.
- Monitoring and supervison of the work progress of reconstruction of totally damaged infrastructures and the rehabilitation/repair of partially damaged ones.
The Expert shall be the principal person to undertake and manage overall reconstruction and rehabilitation Infrastructure works of PAF. And he will be back supported by two enginers ,who will be responsible for ovorall coordiantion of the rehabilition and reconstruction of infrastructure works inall districts under specific cluster.He will report to The teaqm leader.The detail resposibilities of the engineer will be as mentioned below:
- Coordinate detail assessment of all the affected and damaged infrastructures in all districts.
- Coordinate review of old technical designs and costings for new infrastrutures with regards to their design appropriateness in the post-earthquake environment and technical adjustments in close consultation with engineers at cluster office and district based engineer.
- Compilation and coordiantion for the repararation of the the quantity and cost estimates of all those infrastructures to be reconstructed and rehabilitated.
- Guide ,orient the cluster office based and district based engineers in earth quake resist construction technology.
- Prepare necessary action plans to support cluster office for smooth implementation all the construction works identifying the skilled manpower and workersworking jointly with community organizations.
- Capacitate the technical staffs working under own supervision.
- Ensure Planning and designing, supervision, quality control and reporting of all infrastructure projects
- Regular monitoring of the project
- Frequent field visit
- Prepare the quarterly progress reports.
- Support Team leader in reporting and smooth implementation of the Projects.
- Overall contribution on the organisational missions and goals.
The consultant will be based onrespective district office.
The consultant shall reports of all the work progress with detailed facts, figures and photographs along with his/her recommendations to cluster Engineer in respective cluster office , in quarterly basis and as per the requirement when needed. In addition, the consultant will submit to PAF a set of products by agreed date (see Annex 2).
5. Qualificationand Requirement:
- Master degree in civil engineering Environment Engineeringwith at least7years experience in construction field . Out of this at least 3 years in managerial position .
- Have sound knowledge in design of community infrastructures like water supply, irrigation, micro hydro, road, buildings and culverts.
- Committed to work in earthquake affected areas and live with the local community
- Good communication skills, highly committed, dependable, strong ability to work independently and take initiatives, good interpersonal skills
- Adequate computer skills
- Good command in written and writing English
- Able to work in team
- Having worked at community level will be an asset.
- Knowledge on disaster risk reduction will be an asset.
The payment will be provided in monthly basis. Refer Annex1.
The consultant for the above stated assignment will be selected using the method under “SELECTION OF INDIVIDUAL CONSULTANTS”- comparing the relevant capacity of at least three qualified candidates as mentioned in the World Bank Procurement guidelines "Selection and Employment of Consultants by World Bank Borrowers".
Annex -2 An example of Expected Results- for the consultancy service-Civil Engineer
SN / Results / Targets / Verifiable indicator / Time / Remarks1 / Prepare compiled report of detail assessment of all the affected and damaged infrastructures of all program implemented districts. / Based on the situation. / Compiled assessment report of the cluster / 35 working days
2 / Prepare the compiled report of quantity and cost estimates of all those infrastructures to be reconstructed and rehabilitated. / Based on assessment data. / Design estimate book for each infrastructure in the cluster is produced. / 30 working days
3 / Support in skilled and unskilled labor identification and coordinate on training activities for those. / Name list of all the identified labor. / 3 days x 10 events=30 working days.
4 / Capacity building of technical staffs of Pos in all seven districts of specific cluster / Events organized and report of that event. / 30 days
5 / Monitoring and supervision of Construction and rehabiliattion works of all the identified schemes. / Frequent field visits, field visit reports and quarterly reports along with necessary photographs. / 6 months
6 / Reporting to team leader / Trimester basis / 10*3=30
6 / Coordination meeting with district stakeholders and other developmment partner working in earth quake affected areas. / Participation in different meeting / Regular basis