Archdiocese of Boston
Bulletin Announcement
Day of Prayer for Pastoral Visitors

The Pastoral Visitor Project and the Office of Worship and Spiritual Life invite all pastoral visitors and Eucharistic Ministers to the sick and homebound to attend a Day of Prayer “Ministry in Christ’s Love” to be held in the South Region: Saturday, March 23, 2013 from 10:00 a.m. to 12 noon at Holy Family in Duxbury. There is no fee for the Day. For more information or to register, call the Office of Worship and Spiritual Life at 617-779-3648.

An Opportunity for Men to Deepen their Faith: Men’s Cursillo

The Archdiocesan Cursillo Movement is offering a Men’s Cursillo from Thursday evening, April 25 through Sunday afternoon, April 28, 2013 at The Campion Renewal Center in Weston MA. Cursillo is a short coursein Christianity, which offers the participants a vibrant experience of the Christian Life and a method for living as an active member of the Church. For information and registration, please check the Archdiocesan Cursillo Website: or call the Office of Worship and Spiritual Life at 617-779-3640 or email us at .

Marriage Ministries

Washington DC March For Marriage, March 26: Several organizations have come together to sponsor a March for Marriage on March 26, 2013 in Washington, D.C. This event is being planned strategically for the first day when the U. S. Supreme Court will be hearing oral arguments on the cases that could determine the future of marriage, as the union of one man and one woman, in our nation. For more information visit: ; .

25th and 50th Wedding Anniversary Mass:Seán Cardinal O’Malley, O.F.M. Cap. invites all couples celebrating their 25th or 50th wedding anniversary in 2013 to the Wedding Anniversary Mass at the Cathedral of the Holy Cross, Sunday, June 2nd at 11:30am. Mass will include a renewal of vows. Please register online: .

US Bishop’s Call to Prayer for Life, Marriage and Religious Liberty:. In this Year of Faith, the Catholic Bishops of the United States have called for a nationwide effort to advance a movement for Life, Marriage, and Religious Liberty through prayer, penance, and sacrifice. Catholics across the nation are being encouraged to pray for rebuilding a culture favorable to life and marriage and for increased protections of religious liberty. Pledge to fast on Fridays at

Are you Getting Married or Know Someone Who Is? Transformed in Love programs are offered regularly throughout the archdiocese. A previous participant commented: “A must have. Fantastic. I would strongly recommend to all couples getting married.” Another participant said, “It was fabulous! We truly enjoyed [the program] and really grew as a couple.” For more information visit .

Natural Family Planning (NFP) –Effective, Natural and Moral: Couples use modern NFP not only for its effectiveness but also for its marriage building qualities. It is never too late to learn and practice Natural Family Planning. Access more information at (617) 746-5803 or .

What have you done for your marriage today? Looking for some good tips on nurturing your marriage today? Visit the U.S. Bishops marriage website at and . Help us promote the cause. Email the website address to family and friends.

Marriage Ministries (continued)

Rediscover a loving marriage with a Retrouvaille (pronounced re-tro-vy) weekend. If your marriage is tearing the two of you apart, if there is little or no meaningful communication, if you are considering separation or divorce, we believe Retrouvaille can help you. To register for the weekend or for more information, visit or call 1-800-470-2230.

Marriage Encounter “And Two Shall Become One…” Discover God’s desire for your marriage on a Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekend! Marriage Encounter is 44 hours where married couples can get away from jobs, kids, chores, and phones—and focus only on each other. For more information call 1-800-710-WWME or visit our webpage at .

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