St Alban’s Surgery

Notes of the Meeting: 11 July 2012


Denis Norton (DN) Chair, Judith Pottinger (JP), Janet Balcomb (JB), Tony Page (TP),

Connie Page (CP), Stephanie Leitch (SL), Nicholas Roberts (NR) Christine Cookson (CC)

Apologies were received from Sonia Singham (SS), Marian Robertson (MR)

DN welcomed everyone to the meeting.

1 Prior to the formal start of the meeting, and in light of circulated information, there was an informal discussion about the purpose of the Patient Participation Group and importance of liaison with the practice.

2 Outstanding actions (from 17 May meeting):

1.  Message board / information (DN)

The Practice was now managing the information boards, which were more subject related and easier to read. The display and numbering of the various rooms was noted as being particularly helpful.

2.  Removal of old website (MR action)

DN would check that action had been taken to remove the old website.

3.  Buddy system (NR)

NR reported he would be meeting with the Vicar of St Andrew’s Ham Common to discuss the idea of the church community being involved in a buddy system for members of the practice who would benefit from such support. There were matters to explore which included the practice catchment area; support/supervision; CRB clearance.

4.  Suggestion box /comments via website (MR)

DN to pursue.

5.  Patient Participation Directed Enhanced Service (DES) publication

DN had circulated extracts covering the Key Objectives (Part1) Practice Responsibilities (Part 2) and PRG & Practice responsibilities (Part 3). An e.version of this whole document is available (please advise DN accordingly). Additionally DN had circulated the Practice Action Plan.

6.  Action plan

DN to extract monthly objectives to be achieved so that progress can be reviewed at future meetings

7.  Counselling Services provided by the Practice (MR to advise)

Information was awaited.

3 Discussion points:

1.  PRG to PPG

A name change was agreed from PRG to PPG (Patient Participation Group).

2.  Demographic data

This had been shared with group members.

3.  Virtual PPG

There had been no known e-mail (or other) response from patients wishing to join the PPG. DN to check with MR

4.  Register of interested patients (virtual group)

It was agreed this would be useful but the apparent lack of interest is concerning.

5.  Action plan additions e.g. Suggestion box/ website submissions / patient input forms via appointments

DN to follow these up with MR. Also raised was the apparent lack of the complaints procedure on the website. The group was interested to see that copies of the practice brochure were available and this included a map of the catchment area (see above) and details of the complaints procedure.

6.  Survey and Suggestion forms

DN is drafting revised forms for future discussion but raised the necessity of asking for personal details such as age and ethnicity.

7.  NHS Choices – Practice rating

DN had explored NHS Choices on the NHS website and was disappointed to find it was a lengthy procedure to find St Albans on the list of local practices meeting various selectable criteria. His exploration for a surgery meeting his theoretical requirements consistently referred him to a surgery in Mitcham. There was surprise at this and discussion followed on what action could be taken to ensure that a similar search would rate St Albans as the good practice it was. It was noted that the search identified the practice as ‘Norris & Partners’. (DN will be looking for a volunteer to research the matter further).

4 Funding

DN referred to information obtained from the National Association for Patient Participation (NAPP) which had been circulated. Membership required a joining fee and an annual subscription. However, there was no mention of finance being available to the PPG to facilitate meeting the 21 suggested objectives set out by NAPP (these being discussed and in the main considered unachievable).It was agreed that it would be helpful to network with other PPGs in the area and resolutely require participation from the surgery to make the group effective.

It was further agreed that DN would draw up a list of achievable objectives (for circulation and discussion) and JP would explore the idea of meeting with members of other PPGs.

5 Foundation Trusts

There was general discussion about NHS funding and concerns voiced about the possible impact of hospital trusts being in debt. Kingston Hospital was seeking Trust members prior to applying for foundation trust status. JP reported that she was a member of the Kingston Hospital Trust and received the newsletter INSIGHT which was interesting to read. The group appreciated the care they received through Kingston Hospital and other local health care services. Further information was available from WWW.kingstonhospital.nhs.uk; e-mail to or telephone 0870 707 1479.

6 Date of Next Meeting:

Wednesday 8 August 2012 at 12 noon for 12.15 at St Albans Surgery