Morning Announcement
Monday, January 12, 2015
2015 Basketball Homecoming
Friday, January 16, 2015
**Be sure and pick up your information sheet
From the front office! Turn in to Mrs. Charlotte by MONDAY!
Pictures TODAY at 8:50am in the administration building for
court and class representatives!
6th Grade Representatives
Lizzie Rhea
Spencer Rudd
7th Grade Representatives
Macy Middleton
Isaac Armour
8th Grade Representatives
Katie Antonopolus
Walt Bullwinkle
Freshman Class Representatives
Sarah Layne Ellis
Luke Watkins
Sophomore Class Representatives
Sarah Grace Todd
Thomas Brown
Junior Class Representatives
Meredith Dowdle
Sam Bostre
Octavion Gibson
Senior Class Repesentatives
Anna Elrod
Austin Elrod
Austin Taylor
Brixton Bishop
Rebecca Fletcher
Will Howell
Rebekah Moffatt
Graham Smith
Tillman White
Basketball Homecoming Spirit Days:
Monday – Camo Day
Tuesday – Duo, Trio, Group Day
Wednesday – Zoo Day
Thursday – Opposite Day
Friday – Viking Spirit Day
10TH AND 11TH GRADERS: You can start scheduling appointments with Mrs. Rosa Tutor to go over your PSAT scores. Sign-up sheet is located outside her door.
Colorguard: Students interested in trying out for Colorguard should come to dance practices on MONDAYS after school until 6:00pm in the band hall. Practices are free and open to anyone in grades
6-11 that are interested. First practice is TODAY. Practices will continue for the rest of the school year. If you miss the first practice, you may come to the next one.
Thursday, January 15: Winter Sports Pictures
Friday, January 16: BB Homecoming
Saturday, January 17: All-West Honor Band, Arlington HS
Monday, January 19: SCHOOL HOLIDAY
Thursday, January 22-23: UT Honor Band
Friday, January 23: MS Winter Formal 7:00-10:00 in Garner Gym
Saturday, January 24: Knights of Columbus Free Throw Shooting Contest 8:00am-11:00am - Viking Center
HS Winter Formal 8:00-11:00 in Garner Gym
Sunday, January 25: Community Open House 3pm – Viking Center
Knights of Columbus Free Throw Contest
January 24, 2015
9-14 Boys and Girls ages 9-14
Viking Center 8:30-10:30
Monday: NHS will meet today at lunch in Mrs. Vandykes’s room
Tuesday : Ecology Club will meet at lunch in the Biology Lab
Wednesday: Prom committee will meet at lunch in Mrs. Demmons’ room VERY IMPORTANT MEETING!!
Thursday: MS FCA will meet at lunch in the Viking Center
HS FCA will meet at lunch in Mrs. Demmons’ room
Friday: NO Spanish Club meeting at lunch in Mrs. McAfee’s room
Boys’ soccer meeting TODAY at 3:30 in Chris Shelton’s room
Monday 1-12-15
Boys Soccer Meeting 3:30 – Coach Shelton’s room
5/6 Basketball vs. Tipton Rosemark (A) 6:30/7:30
7/8 Basketball vs. Tipton Rosemark (A) 4:30/5:30
Tuesday 1-13-15
7/8 Basketball vs. Woodland (H) 4:30/5:30
Gate worker: ML Tomlin – 3:45
5/6 Basketball Boys vs. Woodland (H) B6:30
Gate worker: K. Perkins – 5:45
Varsity Basketball vs. Tipton Rosemark (H) JVB4:30/VG6:00/VB7:30
Gate worker: L. Walker – 3:30
Gate worker: LG Douglas – 5:30
Wednesday 1-14-15
Thursday 1-15-15
5/6 Basketball vs. St. George’s (A) 6:30/7:30
7/8 Basketball vs. St. George’s (A) 4:30/5:30
Varsity Basketball vs. Westminster (H) JVB5:00/VG6:30/VB7:45
Gate worker: W. Glenn – 4:00/J. Armour 6:30
Friday 1-16-15
Varsity Basketball vs. St. George’s (H) VB6:30/ VG8:00
**JV games cancelled**
Gate worker needed Hal Montague/7:00