Regular Meeting of the New Town City Council
Wednesday March 19, 2014
6:00 p.m.
Members Present: Mayor Dan Uran, Council Members Darrell Salter, Jay Standish, Terry Mathson and Bill Oliver
Others Present: Eileen Zaun, Becki Lyson, Steve Ike, Joe Dubal, Alan Estvold, Deon Stockert, Daryl Lyson, Wilbert LaDue, James Irey, Ryan Dahl, Glenn Boyeff, Reed Anderson, Art Walgren, Jerry Kram,
Meeting was called to order at 6:PM
Motion by Standish second by Oliver to approve the regular minutes of February 19, 2014 as presented.
Motion by Oliver Second by Mathson to get all the Oil & Gas County money in the same fund account.
Motion by Standish Second by Oliver to approve the financials and February bills as follows:
031676 Terry Mathson $46.17, 031677 William Oliver $46.17, 031678 Darrell Salter $92.35, 031679 Dan Uran $183.45, 031929 AE2S $109,014.76, 031930 AE2S Construction, LLC $3601.34, 0311931 AFLAC $157.92, 031932 Eugenia Anton $43.32, 031933 Balco Uniform Co $1451.97, 031934 DJ Consulting $139.00, 031935 G & P Commercial Sales $77.65, 031936 Hawkins $4538.35, 031937 Wilbert LaDue $43.32, 031938 MWEC $ 9278.65, 031939 New Town Ambulance $271.05, 031940 PKG Contracting, INC $168,450.00, 031941 Larry Rogers $900.00, 031942 Staples Credit Plan $145.64, TAT DSCE $100.00, 031944 Dan Uran $342.00, 031945 Verizon Wireless $624.08, 031946 Waste Management $3256.62, 031947 William Woods Jr, 1350.00, 031948 William Oliver $184.70, 031949 Darrell Salter $230.87, 031950 Jay Standish $183.45, 031951 Dan Uran $224.62, 031980 Tim Holm Plumbing $650.00, 031982 3 D Specialties $370.43, 031983 Ackerman-Estvold Engineer $158,404.06, 031984 AFLAC $157.92, 031985 Aire-Master of ND $157.92, 031986 ALCO $83.98, 031987 All American Publishing $685.00, 031988 Ameripride $859.91, 031989 Balco Uniform Co $644.67, 031990 Banyon Data Systems $295.00, 031991 BHG INC $607.54, 031992 Blue Cross Blue Shield of ND $7594.30, 031993 North Dakota Insurance $90.00, 031994 Border States Electric $75.54, 031995 Kayla Burnette $375.00, 031996 Colonial Research $7428.95, 031997 Culligan Water $61.25, 031998 Dakota Prairie Vet $52.12, 031999 Degroot Electric $1939.50, 032000 Ecolab Pest Elimination $142.52, 032001 Elding Electric Inc $1050.75, 032002 Estvold Oilfield Services $3974.00, 032003 Dakota Supply Group $9647.99, 032004 First District Health Unit $120.00, 032005 Furuseth Law Firm $900.00, 032006 Gaffaneys of Minot $874.84, 032007 Graymont Western Canada $6329.70, 032008 Hach Company $267.68, 032009 Information Technology $146.25, 032010 Jackie Oliver $8.00, 032011 Keepers, Inc $160.99, 032012 Kennbecks Jack and Jill $16.29, 032013 Kohler Communications $347.00, Wilbert Ladue $249.15, 032015 Law Enforcement Systems $327.00, 032016 Rebecca Lyson $150.00, 032017 Minot regional Child Support $139.20, 032018 Mountrail County $2.25, 032019 NAPA $127.38, 032020 ND Safety Council $250.00, 032021 NDPERS $6824.61, 032022 New Town Airport Authority $9376.23, 032023 New Town Volunteer Fire department $16,407.50, 032024 Workers Compensation $21191.56, 032025 Office of State Tax Commission $79.59, 032026 One Call Concepts $14.30, 032027 Pat Beechie $125.00, 032028 Personnel Concepts $995.95, 032029 Petty Cash – Municipal Court $69.29, 032030 Petty Cash – Police $47.67, 032031 Pitney Bowes $290.38, 032032 Praxair Distribution $28.03, 032033 Purchase Power $300.00, 032034 RTC $1009.63, 032035 Sanitation Products, Inc $161.18, 032036 Satermo Hardware $31.13, 032037 Schock’s Safe and Lock Service $555.00, 032038 Smith Bakke Porsborg $577.00, 032039 Sundre Sand & Gravel Inc $3096.92, 032040 Taser International $381.00, 032041 `Tat Social Services $250.00, 032042 Tiffany Johnson $250.00, 032043 Trinity Medical Group $85.00, 032044 United Prairie Coop $14,139.88, 032045 Verizon Wireless $265.79, 032046 Viking Screen Prints $257.50, 032047 Visa $1107.28, 032048 Waste Management $3815.28, 032049 Zeltinger Geotechnical $8483.50, 032050 North Dakota Post $45.00.
Voting Aye: Standish, Oliver, Mathson
Voting Nay: None
Open public Hearing:vacate street Reed Anderson
Closed Public Hearing:
Motion by Salter and second by Mathson to vacate 5 feet a certain portion of the right of way to Reed Anderson, (Sunset Motel).
Voting Aye: Salter, Mathson, Oliver, Standish
Voting Nay: None
Brett Erdmann’s re-plat was tabled until April meeting.
Motion by Oliver Second by Mathson to approve Diamond Resources Plat of 5 acres
Motion by Salter Second by Oliver to approve the Civic Center reportDaryl with get a quote fromDegroot Electric for LED lights in the whole building
Deon Stockert gave an update on New Town Water Plant.
Motion by Salter second by Oliver to send a letter to the Tribe concerning switching to chlorine to Chloraminiation in the water, they will have to do different testing.
Voting Aye: Mathson, Standish, Oliver, Salter
Voting Nay: None
Motion by Salter second by Mathson, to approve Deon’ application for the Chloraminiation on approval from the North Dakota Health Department.
Voting Aye: Salter, Mathson, Oliver, Standish
Voting Nay: none
Motion by Mathson Second by Standish to give Wilbert LaDue a $2.00 raise since he passed Test #1.
Voting Aye: Mathson, Oliver, Salter, Standish
Voting Nay: None
City Coordinator gave update. Landfill was burnt on Sunday March 16, 2014 and landfill is closed for the week. Lagoons are good, Need a few more hands. Lots for frozen sewer lines, will get a Jetter out of Watford to clean lines out.
Motion by Mathson Second by Salter to approve the Permanent full time hire of John Attwood and give him a $1.00 raise.
Voting Aye: Salter, Standish, Mathson, Oliver
Voting Nay: None
Motion by Standish Second by Mathson to approve Oppidan building permit extended from last year.
Voting Aye: Standish, Salter, Oliver, Mathson
Voting Nay: None
Motion by Oliver Second by Standish to approve Robert Shriner’s building permit.
Voting Aye: Standish, Salter, Mathson, Oliver
Voting Nay: None
Motion by Oliver Second by Standish to approve Richard Benton’s building permit.
Voting Aye: Standish, Salter, Mathson, Oliver
Voting Nay: None
Motion by Mathson Second by Salter to approve John Reese’s build permit.
Voting Aye: Standish, Oliver, Mathson, Salter
Voting Nay: None
Motion by Salter Second by Oliver to approve Fort Berthold Housing Authority’s building permit.
Voting Aye: Standish, Oliver, Salter, Mathson
Voting Nay: None
Motion by Oliver Second by Standish to approve Christian Wolf’s building permit.
Voting Aye: Standish, Oliver, Salter, Mathson
Voting Nay: None
Motion by Salter Second by Standish to approve David Clouse’s building permit.
Voting Aye: Standish, Salter, Mathson, Oliver
Voting Nay: None
Motion by Salter Second by Oliver to approve Verizon Wireless’s building permit.
Voting Aye: Standish, Salter, Mathson, Oliver
Voting Nay: None
Motion by Salter second by Standish to accept Art Walgren resignation.
Voting Aye: Salter, Mathson, Oliver, Standish
Voting Nay: None
Notice of appication for appropriation of water from Dennis Lynon, was discussed. Sending a letter back to the State will do no good. End of discussion.
Engineer Update:
Will meet with Craig Reynolds this week on purchasing land south of the existing ponds.
Moving forward with Topographic Survey of the proposed route for the sanitary sewer trunk main. OndracekBertsch population study was completed, existing population in 2014 now is 3021. Will be a strong population growth next.
Motion by Salter second by Mathson to approve all lighting with DOT as follows: 2014 street lighting – ND 1804 – ND 23 to 7th Street/ Street lighting – ND 23 East Ave. to ND 23B/ Street Lighting – College Drive Intersection/ 2015 Main Street Reconstruction Lighting - ND 1804 to East Avenue, also 2015Main Street Reconstruction storm sewer/ 2015 Main Street Reconstruction Sanitary Sewer/ 2014 ND 1804 Sewer and Water Relocation.
Voting Aye: Standish, Salter, Oliver, Mathson
Voting Nay: None
Police Report: Chief Walgren gave reports on K-9 arrests, calls out and arrests. Said they have had lots of computer problems, so can’t get paper work done. Have two new hires. Mark Wallevand and Tyler Rintamaki. Tyler Fauver has 4 weeks left at the academy. Walgrenhad a quote from Apla Card, to make ID’s but council can’t see spending that much on that system, Council told them that the Tribe has an ID System, may cost something, so they are to check that out. Walgren also got a quote from LETG for dispatching systems, says the Tribe won’t work with the city, and maybe can work something out with Stanley. Council will talk with County.
Motion by Oliver second by Standish to accept the hiring of the two new Police Officers
At $20.00 Per. Hour.
Voting Aye: Standish, Oliver, Mathson, Salter
Voting Nay: None
Motion by Oliver second by Standish to approve a$ 5.00 raise for Mark Wallevand, while he is the acting Chief of Police.
Voting Aye: Salter, Oliver, Mathson, Standish
Voting Nay: None
Motion by Mathson second by Oliver to give Mackenzie Spack a $1.00 raise.
Voting Aye: Mathson, Salter, Standish, Oliver
Voting Nay: None
Council Concerns:
Yvonne V. Chase, to have real property accepted into “Turst”. ( SE1/4NE1/4 of Section 18, Township 152 North, Range 92 West, Fifth Principal Meridian, Mountrail County, North Dakota, containing 0.23 acres more or less
City Attorney William Woods will send a letter to Ellen White Body, had numerous complaints on this property, yard is a mess.
Police ChiefWalgren sent a letter to the Council concerning tagged vehicles, the Police Department did not tag, Walgren will not have anything to do with them. As vehicles were not getting tagged, the City asked the Foreman to help tag vehicles.
Motion by Mathson second by Standish to eliminate the Dog Catchers position, as we need updating on the Animal Cruelty Laws.
Voting Aye: Salter, Mathson, Standish, Oliver
Voting Nay: None
Mayor Daniel UranAuditor Eileen Zaun