Review of previous meeting minutes and action points
/ Previous meeting minutes were accepted
No remaining action points
2015 CHF first allocation Update / CHF 2015 standard allocation process kicked off early February, guidance notes were sent to the CHF technical units and focal points. Partners will be notified on when to start writing their concept notes. The CHF envelope funding is smaller this year and the criteria are much tighter than last year. SL advised partners to try and piggy-back ES/NFI distributions with other basic activities such as food distribution/ protection etc. to be able to cover costs. / Projects that scored top or high priority during the HRP project sheet peer review were invited to submit their concept notes for CHF funding on line during the period 9-16 February.
Inter-sector Coordination / SL encouraged partners to explore the possibly of coordinating with other sectors to provide livelihood/ income generating activities especially in conjunction with transitional shelter projects. Discussions are ongoing with the RRR sector. / Partners were requested to share similar experiences of joint sectorial activities.
Assessments / SL reminded partners of the importance of credible assessments before the distribution, to ensure equitable and fair distribution of NFIs. A proper beneficiary list should be provided for monitoring purposes, PDM and analysis. / ESNFI Partners are advised always to either distribute the ESNFI items on the given day or keep in a secure storage to avoided looting and theft.
Bantiu Site / The new location identified for South Sudanese currently residing in open areas in Khartoum state. The operation is on-going, with assistance from the Sudanese red crescent (SRCS). The Registration of people is still continuing and the RMS is overseeing the relocation include site-planning, shelter and NFI provision. / Although the ES/NFI sector has assisted refugees in small numbers in the past; refugees are not technically among the targeted beneficiary categories. The Refugee multi sector (RMS) has taken the lead in response
Shelter / SL advised that the NFI CP will stock some basic shelter material for the construction of communal shelters that work as protection from elements for newly displaced communities as they wait for registration and response. Where partners are able to provide the supporting material, the NFI CP can provide plastic sheets.
SL clarified the definition of emergency shelter as the plastic sheet that is provided with the rest of the NFI basket.
An improved emergency shelter refers to the provision of sticks and ropes to construct a frame for the plastic sheet.
Transitional shelters are longer term homes built in the traditional way or with more modern technology utilising SSB (stabilized soil bricks) or other models that are more environmentally friendly. SSB machines are an initial expense, but can be borrowed from UNHABITAT, whilst some partners have invested in them for the purpose of training and handing over to the community at the end of the project.
Partner updates and Action Items from this meeting
Partner / Discussion / Key Points / ActionsESNFI Project Sector Lead,
2015 CFH first allocation Update / The 2015 humanitarian response plan (HRP) is still under review by the authorities. It has been cleared by HAC but is now with MOFA for additional comment. Once the HRP is cleared, the CHF process will continue.
The CHF funding envelope is much lower than expected, and the funds will be targeted to the most priority projects. Many partners will not be able to function without the CHF, and the SL advised such partners to seek alternative means of funding such as the US OFDA Rapid Response fund managed by IOM. The sector will support partners seeking RRF funds as relevant.
Following financial closures in April, donors might be able to allocate extra funds to CHF. If additional funding is received during the year, a 2nd CHF allocation will be announced in the second half of the year, and there may even be some ER for partners that have no means to fund assessment and distribution activities in high priority locations.
ESNFI Project Sector Lead,
Emergency Response Framework / SL, OCHA in collaboration with the different sectors is working on establishing a framework to coordinate the humanitarian efforts to enable rapid response to emergencies. This is to ensure a more coordinated and efficient response. The framework will provide a well-organized response mechanism for sector actions. The framework will consider minimum response capacity, minimum operating standards, access issues etc.
ESNFI Project Sector Lead,
Upcoming Missions / SL informed the partners about the cancellation of the Blue Nile Joint Assessment mission due to the elections in April. There are upcoming missions to West Kordofan and Abyei the SL will represent the ESNFI sector and partners are encouraged to participate in such missions, whenever possible
ESNFI Project Sector Lead,
Assessments / SL reminded partners of the need for credible assessments prior to requesting NFIs from the NFI Common Pipeline, to ensure equitable and fair distribution of NFIs. A proper beneficiary list should be provided for monitoring purposes, PDM and analysis.
INTERSOS / Intersos has completed 475 of the 560 DurDur type transitional shelters planned in Habila ,Garsila and Forebaranga at a cost of 840 SDG each. Intersos reported that the shelter cost is increasing due to the exchange rates. Community participation is an important aspect of the project; they have assisted in building the walls and providing the grass mats .Awareness campaigns were held on environment and shelter building techniques. Environmental degradation mitigation is incorporated within the project, with re-forestation activities such as the planting of Neem trees.
ARC / In mid-February, ARC conducted an NFI distribution in south Darfur, Gerida, for the conflict affected population .NFIs were distributed to 545 households. 27 fire affected households were assisted in March .ARC also is working with IOM to distribute shelter material for 890 households and 400 plastic sheets in Kalma camp sector 8 , from IOM’s stock. Community mobilization and training was conducted for 50 beneficiaries in Gerida , and another training conducted for fire victims in Kalma camp for the fire affected .ARC raised an important point related to Kalma camp, which is the easy spreading of fire that causes maximum damage, ARC suggested mitigation methods such as fuel efficient stoves , fire awareness training for children and women, in addition to provision of some firefighting items (shovels, buckets of sand, etc.) .
UMCOR / At the end of last year and early this year, UMCOR provided NFIs assistance to 1000 households in Abu Karinka and Adila from their own pipeline. The Kit composed of 1 plastic sheet, 2 sleeping mats, 2 jerry-cans, 5 soap bars and 1 cooking set is similar to that of the NFI CP .UMCOR is also providing 1600 households with shelters in Abukarinka and Adila. The shelter construction was funded by the RRF. The shelter kit consists of 40 straw bundles, 4 large bamboo sticks and plastic sheeting.
CRS / In west Darfur, 129 fire-affected households in Krinding 1 camp, Geneina locality were assisted with ES/NFI kits. Also 15 households were assisted in Sirba locality from the NFI CP.
UPO / UPO teams were in Umdafog Area, conducted 5 assessments to the affected caseloads of refugees and returnees.
Action: The results to be shared with sector once finalized.
AORD / 50 returnee households from Ethiopia were reported to have arrived in Geissan Locality, in Blue Nile, whilst internal displacement is continuing from Bau to Rosereis locality
Assist / In South Kordofan, partners are assisting the new ly displaced following the recent conflicts in Abu Jebiha, Abbasia and Rashad areas. Assist has distributed 3200 blankets, 1550 plastic sheets and 32 sleeping mats 3200 jerry cans, 1550 kitchen sets and 265 cartons of soap . 650 Hygiene Kits were distributed to women .ASSIST mentioned that the conflict is still continuing in the 3 locations and more displacement is expected. Assist opened an office in Abujebaiha to serve the affected localities with 9 staff on board and many volunteers, currently handling food distribution for WFP, in coordination with WES, HAC and SRCS.
Concern / An Influx is expected in Rashad and Abbasia Localities in South and West Kordofan, Concern WW has 1000 Kits in stock, and distributed 300 NFI kits so far. The IDP count is about 10,000 individuals and WASH and NFI support is being coordinated by Concern.
AOB / n/a
Meeting participants
Name / Organization / E-mail / Phone Number /Nevins Saeed / UNHCR ESNFI Project / / 0912534153
Rami Khalid / UNHCR ESNFI Project / / 0912179692
Khalid El Fathi / UMCOR / / 0914977957
Ahmed El Jundi / SRCS / / 0918076476
Kamal Al Armeen / HAD / / 0927070913
Enas Jafar / Jasmar / / 0912988280
Ashan Abeyrgngi / Helpage / / 0916971320
Fatima El Jack / Assist / Fatimeljaik / 0912459968
Suhair Hassan / Assist / / 0913969679